Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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22 The riclure Show, June 12th, 1920. If vou want to know anyfchincr about Films or Film Playenr COMING CHANGES. It seems a trifle odd nowadays to And the cinema referred to as being " still in its infancy." It was certainly so at one time, when the popularity of the phrase might have been justified by this fact. But those who continue to give it currency now should remember that the growth of the industry has left the infant stage far behind. Yet no one could rightly regard the cinema as old. It is still in its youth, and while it enjoys the distinction of being the youngest of the present-day arts it has before it the prospects of greater developments that do not usually fall to the lot of industries that are old and tried. Already it has accomplished much in some directions, failed somewhat in others (as everything new must do) and displayed at times a certain hesitancy in using to the full the best powers it possessed. But, to-day, those who are behind it are benefiting by the experience of years and by the desire of the public for greater improvement all round. Eminent authors are being called in to assist by original work in making the screen story of higher quality, and with it one may expect to see still better productions in which colour and artistic effects will completely ontdo the present photography. But apart from what we may see on the screen, other changes are being foreshadowed. Better plays must mean longer runs in many more cases than at present, or else their production will not be worth while. It is certain, also, that for the sake of its own reputation, the average picture theatre will find it advisable to drop the existing circus methods of displaying lurid and inartistic posters in the lobby. Publicity instead will be effected in a more dignified yet not less attractive manner. Then, too, comes the news that the problem of showing pictures in a lighted auditorium has been solved, which will do away with any further need of people having to grope their way to their seats in the dark. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next issue ? SPORTS COATS A Jumper or Sports Coat finds a place in every holiday outfit tO' day. It may be in wool or silk, cashmere, artificial silk, or mer cerised cotton, but whatever your choice you will find the Oak Tree" mark the surest guarantee of satisfaction. There are also very charming and moderately priced "Oak Tree" Jerseys and Kilties for Children. ® Seethe "OakTree" Trade Mark on every garment. © The picture shows No. 16 J — a very popular tiwdel in two-colour effects. Illustrations of other styles and your nearest retailer tnay be had front Dept. 18, OAK TREE HOSIERY CO. 25 Dale Street, Manchester. A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, "The Picture Show," Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. N. C. and H. W. A. (London, S.W.). — I shall not forget about Harrison Ford. Opposite Irene Castle, in " The Firing Line," was David Powell. L. M. (Birmingham). — You happen to be ricrht. Eugene O'Brien was the " fine and dashing hero " in " By Bight of Purchase," Thomas Holding in " One Week of Life." S. S. (Brixton). — No, it was not Sessue Hayakawa. Enid Bennett is married to Fred Niblo. " Tableau " (New Maiden). — I do not know which companies pay most for scenarios. " Cecile " (Stamford Hill). — No, you haven't taken my breath away this time, but I shall be prepared for the next hurricane of questions you mean to send me. Herbert Bawlinson was the hero in " Back to the Woods," and in Breed of Men," Scena Owen was W. S. Hart's charming opposite. Wanda Hawley is Mrs. Burton Hawley. L. S. (Huddersfield). — So, having noticed so many other people asking questions you felt, of course, that you must do the same ? Yes, that sort of thing is catching, but not dangerous. Margaret Bannerman was in " Hindle Wakes." Probably she was the artiste you saw. " Bunny " (Glasgow). — Did yon ever have anv doubts about my existence ? Anyway, I note that you are overjoyed to find I am a man because for some unexplained reason you dislike your own sex with the exception of Norma Talmadgc. But surely there are others as good whom you have met in the flesh 1 The " gent " you are " rather quizzy about " is Eugene O'Brien, who was opposite her in " The Safety Curtain." He also acted in " A Perfect Lover," " Her Only Way," " Scaled Hearts," and A Broken Melody." Filmland contains some very human folk. A. K. (Plymouth).— Alma Hanlon married Louis Wyll over a year ago. He Is a stage actor. I am afraid it will be no use, as Harold Lock wood died in October, 1918, throuah Spanish Influenza. . I believe he was thirty at the time of his death, and had acted in " Tesa of the Storm " with Mary Pickford, " Hearts Adrift," " The River of Romance,'1* and others. Jack Sherrill's wife is Lillian Forbes. T. F. (Birmingham). — How could I let you have an answer in "about a week's time " ? If still puzzled, read very carefully the small paragraph at the head of these replies. Very few readers seem to haw read it at all. Was it Mary Carr you were thinking of ? She was in " Sirs. Wiges of the Cabbage Patch." THE LTD. • Ginger" and " Sadie " (Court street).— Yon both forgot, evidently, to put the name of your town George Alan Larkin was born in 1890 and is married to Ollie Kirkby. If you two believe in reading The Picture Show and " Boys' Cinema " at all meals, your parents must save a lot in food. " Max " (Wimbledon). — Barney Fueray was Lewis Craven, and Chet Ryan appeared as Peaky Flynn iu " The Iron Test," that fine and thrilling serial. " Devoted Header (Taunton). — Henry Edwards. I am sure, deserves the bunch of nice adjectives you have gathered for him. In " The Marriage of William A«he," Henry Ainley was William Ashe, and Stewart Borne was Geoffrey Cliffe. Jane Novak is the wife of Frank Newburgh. .Some of your other questions you will find were answered just after you wrote. Other information required is being diligently sought. A. N. (Leaminzton Spa). — Do ycu think AKce Brady and Marserv Wilson resemble each otlier 1 The former was born in 1897. Isn't it Mary Merch you are thinking of in " The Rainbow Trail " '( The otlier named artiste was not in it. '! Kidlet " (Eltham). — So you are very small, but I expect very good. Your strong man of the screen is silent on the matrimonial question, but I'll coax him to tell me. Always coax someone who is bigzer tharr vourself. It's the' safest way. Lucille Love, otherwise Grace Cunard, was Lucille Gray in " Elmo the Mightv." " Quinnev's " featured : Henry Ainley as Quinnev, Isobel Elsom (Posv).-Eric Harrison (James >, Tom Reynolds (Sam Tomlin), Marie Wright <Mrs. Quinnev), Constance Backner (Mabel Dredge, the secretary), and Roland Pcrtivee (Cyrus Huusaker). " Fifteen " (Burton-on-Trent). —You are as welcome as the rest, so make yourself comfortable right awav. Mahlon Hamilton is American, but the other two, Basil Gill and Wyndham Standing, are both Englishmen. Basil Gill's birthday is on March 10th. Splendid idea of yours to substitute the words " Picture Show " for the usual T.S., when adding something more In your letters to friends. F. J. H. H. (Tottenham). — I am glad to hear you keep a reference book of artistes. It is certainly a useful thing if vou want to know anything quickly. Olga Pctrova was in " The Black Butterfly," and Matt Moore and Hazel Daly were the leads in " A Wild Goose Chase." Lillian Walker has fair hair and blue eves. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1888, and is 5ft. 7Jins. in height. Originally a photozrapher's model, she began her film career with Vitagraph. Can you let me know what are the art plates vou have had damaged ? I know your sympathy for the " Answers Man " is genuine, and vour compliments are enough to make one blush, but come along again, for Worry and 1 are not even on speaking terms. „ . ■ " Inky " (Shepherds Bush).— So you liked Maurice Costello in " The Cambric Mask " ? I dare say you will see him oftener in time. Yes, he is married, but Mae Tresham, his wife, is a non-professional. Irving Cummings was In " The Diamond from the Sky." He is married to Buth Sinclair. Yes, Harrison Font has certainly missed the joys of dancing. " Zam Buk " (Moseley).— Although you rub it in for English films, there arc American pictures as well which have not been quite accurate in regard to detail. However, let's hope the future will sec an improvement all round. I am glad, all the same, vou have favonrttes on cither side of the Atlantic. Harrison Ford is twenty-eight, and married. The reader who sent a small packet to this office to be forwarded to Flora Revalles, the Goldwyn artiste, Is asked to note that the request has not been complied with for reasons which need not be explained. _ , " Joseph " (Birmingham). — Arnold Daly wai born in Brooklyn. New York, on October 4th, 18".r>. Anita Stewart," who comes from tbe same place, was born on February 17th, 1896, while Earle Williams was born in Sacremento, California, on February 28th, 1880. The last-named married Florence Walz, a non-prof cssional. (Afore answers next week.) BIND YOUR PICTURE SnOWS. — Blue Cloth binding cases made to hold the first and second sets of 26 Issues of The Picture Show can be obtained, price 2s. 6d.. bv post 3s., from the Publishers. The Picture Suow, 7-9, Pilgrim Street, Ludgato Hill, E.C. 4. WHEK communicalin with Advertisers, please mention THE PICTURE SHOW. WHY BE TOO FAT Refrain Vour Health A Baauty and reduce youf weight qnlokJy be commencing tbe never • failing Antlpon treatment NOW. Itbn» rears' reputation, and la tbe only aate, anre. and pleaaant remedy for ovcr-atoutneaa. No ch&ngc of diet, but a reduction of Sosa. toSlba. la • elngl? day and night. Sold by Root* andChemlats and Storea the world over. Price S ■'• and BS onn plain wrapper from io< ANTTPON CO. (Desk in. ST. Storw St.. London, W.C.I 3 A 5 From Boots Cash Chemist*. Taylor's and all ( hi uii-u.