Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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4 The Picture Show, June 19th, 1920. " PICTURE SHOW" CHAT. {Continued from page 3.) " Oli, wouldna' yo 1 " the other scoffed. " There's better than, ye doos it. Mary Pickford does it. See ! " She had seen " Daddy Long Legs." — — To Play the Part. CORRINE GRIFFITH believes that the screen should be helpful to young girls. In a coming picture, in which we shall see her as a typist, she lived and clothed herself on the average salary of the working girl. She says she was surprised to learn how many luxuries girls with a small salary can have if they would use their money carefully. The first thing Miss Griffith did was to make out a lL-:t allocating so much for hoard, so much for dress, etc. — — • Should Women Propose ? VIOLA DANA was recently asked the same old question that crops up every four years : Should women propose ? "I've thought it all out," said Miss Dana, " and I really believe that a woman should have as much right to propose as a man has. The reason that she doesn't is that she's more subtle as a rule. You know yourself that it's far nicer to be asked than to ask. And a man seldom asks unless he's pretty sure that the woman is in love with him. If they're both in love, I can't sco that it makes much difference who ' pops the question.' " — >-♦ — Dining With (Not By) Himself. ADMIRERS of Carlyle Blackwell will like him in " None But the Brave," a coming picture, in which ho plays the double role of the smart young business man and a ne'er-do? well cousin, who temporarily change identities. In one or the other character, Blackwell is on the screen throughout almost the entire length of the film, and is frequently seen in both parts at the same time. One particularly difficult scene to photograph was where the handsome young picture star appeared simultaneously in two different parts, and shook hands with himself. In another scene Blackwell is shown, not only talking and smoking, but dining With himself. — — A Message for You. DEAR Mr. Picture Show," writes Qneenie Thomas, " you published my address in your charming little paper, and the result has been an extraordinary proof of how very widely it must be read, as I have been simply overwhelmed by letters from all parts of the country, most of them, of course, asking for my photograph. " My Producer, Mr. Bertram Phillips, has just asked me if I have any idea of the amount this has cost him in postage, and although I shrieked with laughter at the poor man's reply, I must admit I was surprised, as it would have been sufficient to pay for two or threo very nice and quite expensive new frocks. This morning I had only 127 letters, so perhaps the rush is dying down. Can You Supply ? I DO hope you will publish this, as most of the letters I receive are very charming, but it is quite impossible for mo to answer them personally, as so many of their writers desire, so I havo chosen this way of thanking them all for their congratulations and good wishes. " As you know, I am passionately fond of animals, and am collecting quite a little menagerie here, so if any of your readers want to find a good home in beautiful surroundings for any quaint or pretty animals (tame preferred) I shall be delighted to hear from them." — ♦-» — A Message from James Knight. ANOTHER message comes from James Knight. , Ho writes : " I should be greatly obliged if, through themeliumof your paper, you would inform those of your readers who havo written to mo recently, that owing to the vastness of my correspondence (emanating as it docs from abroad as well as England), it is impossible for each individual lettor to be answered promptly. This delay, however, will be, I trust, of short duration,*and in due course eacli communication will receive my personal attention. " I greatly appreciate the receipt of these numerous letters conveying as they do, the interest of so many in films and my connection therewith, and to such readers I send my greetings until I am able to writo them personally." Do You Know ? — That Frank Keenan, after a most successful stage and screen career, is taking up producing, MARGUERITE MARSH, LI LIE LESLIE playing sister of Mae, who we villainess roles with shall see in the coming Shirley Mason, Made photo-play, "Wits v. laine Traverse, and other Wits." screen stars. LYDIA KYASHT. the world-famous dancer, and RONALD COLMAN in the coming B. and C. photoplay " The Black Spider." EDYTHE CHAPMAN, who takes the role ol Lady Budgeminster in the photo-play " Tower oi Fury," shortly to be shown. NILES WELCH, a favourite young hero on screen, now appearing in the Paramount Artcraft film " Jane Goes A-Wooing." " The Mastor Man " boing his first starring vohiclo under his own management t • • » — That his favourite flowers are tiger lilies t * « * — That Bebe Daniels is eighteen years old, and is of Scotch apd«.Spanish parentage ? * "". '* * * — That Betty Blytho is a niece of Samuel Blythe, the writer ? Fay Filmer. FROM "OVER THERE." Notes and News from Los Angeles. THE recent announcement of Bryant Washburn that ho is going to enter the field as an independent producer has caused a great sensation amongst the " fan " section of the moving picture community. Mr. Washburn's friends hint that he is tired of the type of stories in which ho has been appearing and has long been considering the possibility of launching out on his own. Quito a number of greater and lesser stars have directorial yearnings — Wallace Reid amongst the number. Mr. Lasky's representations, however, that the withdrawal of tho Reid countenance from the matinee girl's range of vision would undoubtedly result in action against the company for damaged hearts, have so far proved successful. Tom Forman, another popular member oi the Lasky forces, has deserted the silver sheet to wield the megaphone. He recently directed a photo -play from his own pen entitled '.' Tho Round-Up," and with so much success that ho thinks it possible that f6r tho future he'll jn^ t go on giving orders instead of taking them from someono else. It wasn't so long ago either that D. W. Griffith, on leaving New York for a while, entrusted Lillian Gish with the honour of directing her sister Dorothy during his absence. But Lillian says " Never again !" She is still marvelling how any human being with only ono headpiece and one pair of shoulders can manage* to copo year in, year out, with the problems andresponsibilities that directorship entails. Stars and Their Ambitions. OTHER picture stars also have yearnings to shine in other spheres, and, incrediblo though it may seem to Picture Show readers, some of these yearnings have nothing whatovor to do with moving pictures. Jack Pickford would like to be a full-blown oviator, and is qualifying hard for his pilot's certificate. Viola Dana is another picture star who is apparently labouring under the delusion that tho proper place for a picture star is in the clouds. Wanda Hawley owns that she prefers to feci hor feet both solidly established on terra firma, but sho also has a most unfeminine oraze for mechanics and is quite equal to the task of taking her husband's place and selling an automobile. — m — Charlie in the Clouds. CHARLIE CHAPLIN was kidnapped yesterday by a couple of air bandits. Ho had been spending a few days at San Dirg > and Coronado Beach, and there ran up against Jack Pickford and Lieutenant Oriner Locklear, who tried to persuade him to return with them via tho aorial route. Charlie, however, proved obdurate, having a perfectly good car. On a lonely road Charlio's car was stopped by a " traffic cop " — identity still wropt in mystory — who accusod him, quito wrongfully Charlie asserts, of " speeding. ' Anyhow, ho started taking names and addresses, and Kono tho Faithful also started an argument to convince him that ho was entiroly mistaken, whilst Charlie, supremely, bored, got out and took a Stroll to stretch his limbs. Ho gradually became aware of the buzz of an aeroplane, overhead, and before he knew what had happoned the machine had landed close to where he was standing and he was soized by a couple of desperadoes. ■ Tho next minute lie was in mid -air and what Lieutenant Locklear didn't do with that machine of his beforo they eventually landod in Hollywood isn't worth mentioning. Charlie, who wart . attirod in his ordinary street togs was deaf to! tho world when ho got bock to terra firma, but? ho certainly ha.nded Locklear t he surpriso of his^ . life, when he calmly thanked the intrepid air-? ' pilot for a pleasant ride and said how much ho^ I had enjoyod himself. Two Weddings, CLARA WILLIAMS, the noted screen actressi has just been married to Reginald Barker^ one of filmland's most famous directors.-? Theda Bara, whose engagement leaked out IohM week, announces her marriage to Tom Bodkin^ 1 manager of a New York musical comedy, The' ceremony was performed by a Catholic pxiest-i as tho bridegroom is a member of that faith! Miss Bora is a Jewess. 3 El-SIE Codd.