Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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The Picture Shou; June 2bth, 1920. "PICTURE SHOW" CHAT. {Continued from page 3.) ho is wearing a dark suit it will not appear wrinkled when thrown on the screen. A light suit may appear a bit crumpled, but it lakes a " eloso up of a dark suit to reveal the creases. A' problem arose during the filming of one of the scenes of the latest Universal serial in which Eddy Polo stars. In tho hard, white light of the studio, the players have to put on a great deal of make-up, for if they did not, they would look like negroes. Strange as it may seem, the scribbled notes we see on tho screen are not written with ordinary black pencil we see the writer using, but with red crayon, as red photographs black*. JACK HOLT, a favourite screen villain, now appearing in " The Woman Thou Gavest Me." Though Jack Holt is ideal as a screen " bad " man, he is equally successful as a hero. BERT DARLEY, a rising young British screen star who played heavy lead in the episodes of the screen serial Eddy Polo recently filmed over here. Eddy Swallowed the Insult. EDDY. POLO was telling some friends about a luscious bit of Spanish pastry sent to him recently by an admiring senorita from a little Mexican town near tho Arizona border. The cake was liberally sprinkled with little candy hearts, and was accompanied by a note in Spanish, which being deciphered, read : " Next to my pony, I love you best." " Did you consider it an insult ? " asked a friend. " I certainly did," replied the Universal star, " and I promptly swallowod it." — — What Louise Fazenda Found Out. LOUISE FAZENDA says she thinks it is better to be homely in front of the camera than to bo pretty. " Beauty is not always an asset," sho says. " I found that out several years ago when 1 made my first bow in front of a camera. I don"t know how it happened, but I slipped and fell. It happened on a sido hill out on location, but before I could stop myself I had bumped tho ^motion picture camera and knocked it over. My comical plight caused an amazing laugh. Even tho camera man laughed. That settled it with mo. Any girl who can make a camera man laugh has no business being pretty. 1 have been doing clumsy stunts ami awkward tumbles over since, though I admit 1 somotimos yearn for a chance to bo pretty, like Cinderella, if even for no longer than an hour." Douglas Has a Kind Heart. THERE is a now town in Arizona, named Fairbanks. It is tho location of tho camp' recently occupied by Douglas and his company of 75 people when they woro filming scenes in his coming picture " Tho Mollycoddle." Douglas has a kind heart. When he was h aving Arizona ho was riding post haste, for ho bad broken his finger, and was out to find adoctor at tho earliest possiblo moment. . . Hut as they rushed along they wore attracted by the agonising screams of a suffering animal. Douglas leaped from his horse, toro across tho desert, and arrived a few minutes later to where a wild horse had got entangled in a wire fenco and was unable to freo itself. Douglas released i bo horse, and watched it cantor away before ho resumed his rido in search of a doctor. A Speed Record. IT is said that Nazimova has established a speed record for her new picture, " The Heart of a Child." It was accomplished in forty working days, in spite of the fact that she was ill with a cold for three 'days during the making of it ; this as the result of working all night on location in extremely cold weather. As you know, the Russian star is enacting the role of Sally Snape the Limehouse gutter snipe. That Did It. BULL MONTANA, the heavy-weight actor, and ex-wrestler, has a quick brain. The other day he was about to leave his bank, when through the door he saw a traffic officer . sounding the horn of his car. Bull realised then that he had left his car in front of a fire hydrant, and that the officer was waiting for the owner to appear, to take him to court and impose the heavy fine or even imprison him; according to the law. of that town. ; . • ' Bull thought quickly, with the result that he went out of the bank by another door, found a telephone, and reported to the'police that his car had been stolen, giving the number and liconce, and also his studio address, and — went to lunch. A few hours later his friend the traffic officer drove up to the studio and turned the car over to its owner. Bull says that the officer's chest expanded with pride as ho related how he traced the stolen car to its lair, • Do You Know ? — That Vivian Martin made her stage debut at the age of four ? * * » — That Tom Mix speaks four Indian languages ? * * * — That Henry King ha> given up acting for directing ? • * * — That Dorothy Kelly has not appeared before tho camera since her marriage ? * » * — That Richard Barthelmcss'" middle name is Semler ? ♦ * *' — That Gloria Swanson has blue eyes, brown hair, and weighs 112 lbs ? • » * — That Monroe Salisbury is thirty 'eight — and married ? Fay Filmer. TWINKLES PERUGINI, who has appeared in many lil m plays, and is now studying ballet dancing under Rinka Ivanova. PETER NICCO-BOY II., appearing in Lasky photo plays. He likes to play dining-room scenes with Wallace Reid and Bryant Washburn best, as they never forget that dogs like juicy steaks and bones. FROM "OVER THERE." Notes and News from Los Angeles. SESSUE HAYAKAWA, to his great disappointment, will not be able to accompany his wife, Tsuru Aoki, after all oft" that long anticipated trip to Japan. According to an announcement he is going to launch out as an independent producer, and preliminary busi-" ness arrangements will keep him so much occupied that he cannot find the time to take a holiday. It will interest his many admirers to learn that his name, literally translated from lh% Japanese, means " lucky fisherman." Japancas \ names always havo a history of their own, and:! one of Mr. Hayakawa's ancestors was noted fqr i his big catches whenever he cast out his net. .J Kathleen's New Car. KATHLEEN KIRKHAM has a ripping new car with all the usual modem conveniences. In addition, sho lies had it fitted up so that it can be used as a dressingroom when she goes on location. It has com, , partments for gowns and make-up, disappearin J I mirrors, a special lighting systom, electri^l curling-tongs, and a folding toa-tablo. In thrtCj near future we shall hear of really up-to-date automobiles for movio queens being equipped | with a marble bath, sleeping porch, and a com J plete wireless installation^ Kewpie the Luck Bringer. WANDA HAWLEY, who is now going to 9 a star in hoi' very 'own right, has jus* moved from her old dressing-room ovk the Lasky lot into a special star .suite at tilCT Realart Studio. The first thing that she t°OQE over with her was a battered old doll, a relic of her post days of big ambitions and their attendant, struggles. " Kewpie has brought mo good luck," sho declares, " and I'm going to keep her? even if I have to throw everything else away." | Doug's Indian Friends. WHILST shooting scenes in tho Arizona desert, one hundred miles away from the nearest railway station, for his new United Artist's picture "The Mollycoddle,"]. Doug Fairbanks made friends with tho Indians of the Hopi reservation. They came to tho camp one night when the company were eating a rather meagre supper, having run short of provisions, and begged to be allowed to buy some food, as some of them were nearly starving? Generously the actors shared their meal with their red brothers and went huugry to bed. On his return to bus Angeles, the genial star sent tho Indians several reels of the motion picture weekly gazettes to show them \fiiat had been going on *in a world from they aro so far removed, also some scene: had shot on his own trip, together a screen, a projecting machin", opir and electric equipment all complete kindly act was done, not only to enliven monotony of their desert existence, but also return for the many courtesies shown to and his company by tho Red Men during! sojourn in their midst. M "' Elsie Codd.1 u