Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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Tht Picture Show, J«nc 26th, 1920. IF vou want to know anything about Films or Film Playeru ARE SUB-TITLES NECESSARY? It is probably the secret ambition of many a producer to be able, one day, to produce films that shall depict every incident in a story by means of pictures alone. If this elimination of the sub-title can be achieved successfully, without the substitution of any spoken sounds, then the art of the motion-picture may be said to have reached its perfection, other things in it, of course, being equal. The fact that we have still to rely upon the sub-title In order to obtain an intelligible conception of the screen play might seem to be one of the few weak spots that have not yet been removed in its progress. Yet the problem of being able to dispense entirely with any explanations between scenes is a very difficult ore. It will call for a much higher form of acting from the artistes and even greater abilities on the part of the producer. For the latter will have to resist the temptation of padding the story with scenes that may I e either repetitions or detrimental to its interest. In the circumstances, it is not to be wondered at that sub-titles will continue to be necessary until the superartistes and the super-producer can be found to give us the perfect story without words. But it ought to be possible, meanwhile, to effect a vast amount of improvement in the sub-titling of all screen plays. Many sub-titles even now appear so unnecessary that they could easily be cut out without injuring the story in any sense. Others, again, are lengthy dissertations that would not be so wearisome to remember if they were boiled down. The ideal subtitle should be brief and to the point, one that can te quickly read and easily understood. A picturetheatre audience does not like it when good acting is sometimes chopped up at dramatic moments in the play in order that the caption writer may have several seconds' worth of reading matter on the screen. Let us have it when essential, and if served up occasionally with a touch of humour it will go down well. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next is^ue, A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, " The Picture Show," Room 85, The rleetway House, Farringdon Street, London,E.C.4. R. J. C. (London, N.).—" Stolen Hours" was produced by the World Film Co. •' Arbutus " (raisley). — You've pot the acting craze badly, but as Paisley folk are reputed to be cautious, I take it you won't be in too great a hurry to part with your fees, and you will be wise In not ,|..u. • i-o. That is the best advice I can give. Particulars of one of your favonrites wrre given recently, but I l.now it's some little time since I Rave details about William Farnum and Marguerite (.'lark. The former was born on July 4th, 1878, in Boston, Mass. His colouring is brown hair and blue eyes, and his wife's name is Olive White, a non-professional. Marguerite ( lark was thirtr-threc on February 22ml last, and she 18 no more than 4ft. lOins. in height. Drown hair and hazel eyes, and married to II . I'almcrson Williams. T. W. (Southampton). — liasil (illl is married Be was bom on March 10th, 1877, in Birkenhead. Marie l'oiini was the maiden name of Owen Wares' wife, isobel Elsom was bom in Cambridge. Alice Joyce, formerly Mrs. Torn Moore, is now married to James Regan, a non-professional. Cheerio, thou merry soul E. J. (Newport). Why should 1 be offended with you because you have written for the first time ? You have got to make a start some time, and I exact no penalties from first comers. Warner Oland was born in 1880 in Vmca, Sweden. Pretty cold lip there, I should imagine. Percy Marmont was born in London, but he denies that he has changed the colour of his hair since you last saw him with Alice Brady. Charles Ray does not tell me what you want to know, but I'll try and find out somehow. Now you can go forth and tell your friends that you did nave the" pluck to write to me in answer to their challenge. P. F. <Govan). — No bothcrat all, but. as it happens, you ami your friends are both wrong. Neither Ella Hall nor Lucille Love was in " The Black Box." The leads in this film were Ann Little and Herbert Rawlinson. It seems to me you two will have to start another argument. "Ellen" (Dover). — Norma Talmadge is dark. Will Rogers is also keeping dark the information you want. What do you want to " fade away " for f YOn arc not an old soldier ? ■ P. W. (WUmslOW). — Yes, it's a stroke of ill-luck to fall in love with Robert Warwick, because he is already married to Josephine Whittell. He was christened Bien and he has been and done a lot -it the year 1881, when he made his very first appearance in Sacremento, California. Of course, Olive Thomas is awfully sweet. You ask Jack Pfckford. "Pip" (Reading). — Do you get it often? No, Ralph Graves is an American artiste. " The chap with the monocle," as you call him. must have been Harrison Ford opposite Constance Talmadge in " A Pair of Silk Stockings." Alan Forrest was the hero in " The Eyes of Julia Deep." M. M. (Birmingham). — Your name ought, to have been Daniel, though the Hon of the. editorial den is not so fierce. You will have seen, ere this, the address of Lillian Glsh. Born in 181W5 on October 14th, she did not begin her screen career til! 1012, and two of her latest films are " The Great Love " and " Broken Blossoms." J. McC. (Soutlisea). — Here's the published cast of " The Woman in the Web." Does it Include tlie names you want ? Hedda Nova <Prineess Olga Mirrntoff), J. Frank Glendon (Jack Lawford). R. Bradburv (Baron Kovsky), Otto Ledercr (Colonel Borusk),"Chet Ryan (Ivan the Cossack), Hoot Gil>son (Yassily, Ivan's brother), and Patricia Palmer (Countess Irsky). Maggie (Codham). — So yon wished you lived nearer to me so that you could always ask me about film stars. I expect you would want to keep me rather busy. Who is Florence Dj^ ? William Duncan says she is the lady he married. You have doubtless seen something about Edith Jolinson since you wrote to me. " Beliind the Lines," " The .Scarlet Car," and " In the Talons of an Eagle " are three of her films. " Pauline's Admirer " (Gloucester) and H. D. (Islington). — As I am writing some weeks in advance, I am sorry I cannot tell you when you will be aide to sec in your localit y the Alius you mention. The dailypapers will doubtless advertise them. " Constant Header " (Banbury). — All that has been printed about Pearl White in previous issues is correct. But as regards what you have heard about her now, I have no conflrmatiou. L. M. (East Ham). — Some people will not disclose their ages. Do you blame them t I don't, nelcn Gibson is twenty-six, Tom Mix is thirty-nine, and Edith Johnson is twenty-five. Yes, Francis Ford is married. I shall luive to ask him. " Laiuh&YLLA " (Redruth).--Jack Sherril was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He has brown -hair, blue, eyes, nnd is married to Lillian Forbes. 1 His height is r> ft. 10 in., and on April 14th he reached his twentysecond birthday. Quite a young man, as you will tee. More about him later. Piivi.MS (Hereford). — Let us consider that the handshaking has been done, and, since we can't chat, you may write. So Henry Edwards disappointed you T Of course, he may have been very busy. Ho GIVEN FREE 1 250 BOXES of "Playmate " BISCUITS Delicious, tasty, sugar coated biscuits that everv boy and girl simply loves. 250 boxes are given every week! If your children don't alreadv know " PLAYTIME," this is the time to buy it for them. Order a copy to-dav. Ask for was born In Weston-super-Mare, has brown hair grey eyes, and is an inch less 6 ft, in height: He was fifteen years on the stage, and is actor, playwright, and producer. He is not married. Molly (Millom).— Page Warren in "The Bar Sinister " was Victor Sutherland. He has also played in " Daredevil Kate," " The Barrier," 4nd " The Sign Invisible." He was born in Paducah thirty-one years ago. A. H. (Cork). — So you mean to make this the beginning of a lasting correspondence ? Let it be so. I will remember your request, but even if vou do not see the particular addresses you want don't forget you can still write to any artiste by sending your letter to this office, from whence it will be forwarded. n Toxl ,. (London S.K.). — Thanks for your nice photograph, which I have added to my ever-growing collection. It would be an interesting thing if the Charles Hart you mention, who was reported to be a descendant of William Shakespeare, was also a relation of William Shakespeare Hart, thus making the latter a descendant of the great English bard. I do notjthink, however, that tlus is the case. " Petit Moi " (Grimsby), " Mickey " (Rushden). I.IL-(Welling), May (West Ham), FLORRIE (London), James (Dundee), M. L. K. (Dundee), E. C. (Ashtonon-Mersey), "Interested" (Southport), W. II. (Sale), " Curious " (Lowestoft), D. E. K. (Reading), E. B. W. (Glossop), M. S. (Barnton), M. L. (Wavertrce), D. E. M. (Merton). and K. J. (Bath). What has made you all so late ? Somebody else has been here before you with the same questions and got answered, so perhaps you all have seen the information given quite recently. , " Tiie Jockey Girl " (Halsingborg).— So you are passionately fond of horses, and are also longing to come to this country in order to see our scenery } Some day you may, and then you will have piore ' chance of seeing~your favourite Gerald Ames and more British films than are shown at present in Sweden. I am pleased to hear that this paper is so popular among the members of your English club. " Lightning " (Maidenhead). — I expect you must be pretty quick ; greased, in fact. I don't remember your trying to make my acquaintance before, but vou are welcome, anyway. Good old Ralph Graves, about whom you inquire, is an American, sure. He was born in Cleveland. Ohio. " The Master Mystery " cast included Houdini (Quentin Locke), Margaret Marsh (Eva Brent), Ruth Stonehouse (Zita pane1, Edna Britton (De Luxe Dora), Charles Graham (Paul Balcolm), Jack Burncs (Peter Brent), and Flovd Buckley (the Automaton]). The principal parts in "The Sorrows of Satan" were taken by Glad v. Cooper, Owen Narcs, and Cecil Humphreys". " GLADYS " (Romford). — Y'ou seem to be having a strenuous time of it following the exercises of Doris May. E. D. Horkheimer is the husband of Jack;. Saunders. She was horn twenty-eight years ago. and has fair hair and blue eyes. Sorry I cannot lay who were the kiddies in the comedy you saw, as their names are not mentioned. C. M. B. (Tunbridge Wells).— There's going to be heaps more about British artistes in this paper. »> don't miss a single number. Isobel Klsom" and Andre Beaulieu were in "The Way of an Kagle ■" Herewith the cast, of " Comin' Thro' thc__Kvc " : Attn* Taylor (Uelen Adair), Margaret Tilanehc (Sylvia Fleming), Stewart Rome (Paul Vastier). Campbell Gullan (George Tempest), and Lionelle Howard (Dick Fellows). Among the others In It were Violet Hopson and Chrissie White. " PAUL " (Croydon). — I trust I have dulv earned your undying gratitude for the east of " The Magtar Mystery " was published, just after yon wrote to mc. in the Issue for June 5th. Also above. There you will see that it was Charles Graham who took the part of Paul Balcolm. You must have found his acting wonderfully captivating to have made you so cxcitel. " CEORGE " (Abbey Wood). —Daphne Glenne In " The Life of a IxhhIoii Actress," Irene Howley and Frank Currier in " Her father's Keeper." (ieralduu Farrar and Wallace Reid in " The Devil's Stone." and Alice Brady and H. E. Herbert in " The Whirlpool.'' How will this do lor the present ? " Daphne " (Cambcrley). — You may write again. 1 will promise to do nothing dreadful if you do. William Duncan's age remains a mystery, but bis height is 5 ft. 10 in.' Edith Johnson was born in Rochester twenty-five years ago and has light hair and blue eyes. Her height is ,', ft. 4 In. " Dorox " (Streathani) and " Opoposax " (Ebbw Yale). — You are welcome. Wanda Hawh-v wits, Ixirn in 1807 in Seattle, Washington, and \\y Close hi Stockton-on-Tees In 1894. It wan Casern Ferguson in "The Gipsy Trail." No. Ivy Duke and Marjorie Hume are two different persons.' 'Your tan American favourites. " Opoponax," do not give 6 n' months or dates of their birth. " Primrose " (Fulham) — The leads in " ijiuc Women " were taken by Alice Brady and Coihad Nagel. Re the art plates you mention «cc replv to Yivlenc of Brixton in the Issue for May, 22nd. m D. O. (Bristol). — Elsie Ferguson is American, having been born in New York City, but Wvndh.im" Standing, who was opposite her in " The Marri.igc Price," was born in London in 1880. and wits educate. I at St. Paul's College. The others In this play were Lionel Atwlll, Robert Srhnabe, Maud llorsawj Marie Temper, and Cla'riette Anthony. ml ' (More enstrfTt next u •