Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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Picture Show, Jufy 17M, 1920. 23 Answers to Correspondents ^'"^ from page 22.\ C. H. (Wallsend-on-TyncL— Your favourites happen to be those who aro deluged with hundreds of litters each day, hut you may tret a surprise yet. 151uo-eyed Katherine Agnew Mac Donald (let us give her her full name) was horn in Pittsburg. U.S.A. It. M. W. (Exniouth).— Indeed, yours is a sluppiug order and you evidently mean to astouisb. your friends and relations with your fund of knowledge. Several of your favourites do not diselose the precise information required, but how will this do tor your collection of agea? Alice Brady (1897). Irene Castle (18931 Mildred Harris Chaplin (1901), Ivy Close (1891), Elsie Ferguson (Aug. U)th. 1883), LUIiau tiisli (Oct. Uth, latK Henry Osell (1889), Creighton Hale (IS'.rJ), Wanda HawUjv (1897), Louise Lovely (189B). Doiothv Phillips ( 1892).. Herbert Rawrinsou (1885), Ruth Koland (1896)., and Jackie Saunders (1892). Let me liave the balance another time. " Alfred " (Morristou). — W'by be so sorry ? I am here to be troubled. Jean Benton in " A Fight for Millions" was out old favourite, Edith Johnson. I understand that Helen and Elsie Ferguson arc not sisters. Frauccsca Bertini is Italian. Hilda Bayley was the licroiue in " Under Suspicion." You ought to try and see Mary Miles Miuter before you grow much older. " Blaxco " (Chelmsford), and others.— 'fake note, all ye anxious ones, Violet Hopsou does not state who she is married to. Alma Taylor is in her twenties and is single. Henry Edwards and Stewart Rome are two famous bachelors of the screen. •' Paddy " ( Lewtshain). — Glad you find so much to interest you one way and another not forgetting, of course, dear Bobby Harron whom 1 kept bobbing up against all through your epistle^ So he has captivated yon, Quite. But you have given him three years too much — I mean iu age. He is only twenty-four, and liis birthday is on April Uttti Vou wilt therefore, be in time next year, unless some other favourite supplants him meanwhile in your heart. E. A. (Forest Gate}. — -Yes Juauita Hansen was the heroine in " The Bras.' Bullet." Two recent films of Nell hhipmau's are : " Ban e Sou el Karzan," and " A Gentleman's Agreement." •" Sheila 6 (Dublin). — Yes, artistes don't reply very fiuickly and one cannot blame t hem really when they have so much to do and receive several hundreds of letters each day. It was Gertrude Robinson who took the part of Nina in " A Woman of Impulse." Itill-i Ehodes is tu~. uty-two. and 1 ma ( aval-tit was born m Rome in 1884. L. E. (Dublin). — Pauline Vredei ick married Willard Mack, whose real ruuur is Charles McLaughlin. Enid Mjirkey and Elmo Lincoln do not give the inforniation desired. " CKCBJI " (Paris). — Your English was excellent. Yes, Charlie Chaplin did visit your country as a member of Fred K.u in\ Mumming Birtls. though I am sorry I have no details. "J 'Accuse" is now being shown in London. Yon can write to your favourite through this ollice, if you like. (Azore onsuers next week,' {"picture ► ► SHOW PERSONAL. « 4 4 YV/HERE TO WRITE TO YOUR FAVOURITE " FILM STAR. — You are kindly requested not to ask for any addresses by post, owing to the large number of other queries that have to be answered. If you wish to commuuicate at once with any artiste not named below, write your letter, putting the name of the star ou the envelope, and enclose it with a loose 2d. stamp to the Editor, The PK.-rt R8 Show, Room 35, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London. E.C. 4. and it will be forwarded by the next mail. If the letter weighs more than 1 oz. it wiH require an additional Id. stamp for each extra cuace. Sueh letters cannot be specially acknowledged by the Editor. Remember always, when writing to artistes, to give your full name anil address including the name of ycur count; and country, and mention The Pictirb Show to ensure the safety of a reply. It must he understood, however, that we cannot guarantee that such letters will be replied to. Please keep these addresses for reference. MALV1NA LONGFELLOW, care of Phillips' Film Co., Motograph House. Upper St. Martin's Lane, \V.l\ i. RALPH GRAVES rare of D. W. Griffith studios. Ortenta Point. Mamaroneck. New York. I'.s.A. AGNES AY RES, MADLAINE TRA VERS B, are of Fox Studios, 1401, North Western Avenue, Los Aiureh"*. California, U.S.A. CORINNK GRIFFITH, care of Yitagraph Studios, Hollywood. California. (More addresses next week.) DIND YOCR PICTURE SHOWS. — Blue cloth *-* binding cases made to hold the first and second seta of 26 issues of the Picture Show can be obtained, price 2s. 6d., by post 3s., from tl»c Publishers, the Pictujus Show. 7-9 Pilgrim Street. Ludgate Hill. E.C. t. "Oh ! how lovely— BIRD'S Custard again!" BIRD'S is the Golden Dainty for the Golden Days. It goes with sunny hours and brings sunny smiles — because BIRD'S is above all the happy food. The children's frowns and tears vanish at the sight of this creamy Custard so soon to be enjoyed. Bird's Custard is like liquid sunbeams in the mouth. Its lovely flavor and rich creaminess give that delicious thrill which signifies satisfaction and content. Bird's Nutritious Custard is as wholesome and nourishing as it is sweet and delightful. Scientists tell us that it adds 25% to the food value of the milk with which it is prepared. Remember that you actually save on your sugar by using it in Bird's. Bird's Custard so reinforces the sweetening power of sugar that you may safely omit it in puddings and stewed fruit, provided that Bird's Custard is always served with them. 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