Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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22 Picture Show, August ZUf, 1920. IF you want to know anythincr about Films or Film Playenr ADVERTISE THE CAST. THERE are many ways in wbich the cinema has outstripped the speaking stage, yet that is no reason why those responsible for the former should not adopt some of the useful points which are characteristic of the older profession. One of these is the advertising of casts, to which reference here has already been made. Every theatre of the " legitimate " kind has long made it a practice of billing the names of all its principal players and their parts, outside its doors. To the management it matters nothing that many of the artistes' names may not be widely known. The fact that they are helping in the success of the piece, in much the same way as the " leads " is considered, quite rightly, sufficient justification to give them the publicity they deserve. The public appreciates this method, because it knows then who it may expect to see. But when we turn to the picture theatre, what do we find ? A stupid kind of secrecy for which there can be no reason at all. The exhibitor does not, apparently, realise that the screen favourites of large numbers of people are not stars, but often leading men and women and minor artistes. On the contrary, he is content to use the posters, which the renter sells him, bearing in the majority of cases only one artiste's name, sometimes two, but rarely, very rarely, more. The result is that many a passer-by, who might be drawn into a theatre, goes on. because the name that he or she might be looking for cannot be seen. It should be quite possible for an exhibitor to advertise the casts of bis chief pictures outside his theatres. It is there, and not inside on the screen only, that the public would like to sec them. One theatre in South London issues a programme for the week, containing a full cast of each drama, followed by a synopsis. This is a good idea, if such programmes are given away in the lobby or at the entrance. -But where this cannot be afforded, there is the simpler method of displaying the casts in a neat frame, where they can be seen by '.he public. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next issue ? A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, " Picture Show," Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C 4. " Molly " (Melrose). — Glad you had the chance of meeting Cameron Car personally. No doubt you iound him possessed of plenty of good points despite his screen villainy. Yes ; he was born in Kingstonon-Thamcs in 1870. He was featured in the Broadwest picture " In the Gloaming," recentlv released. "Dorothy" (Crowe). G. \V. (Llancllv), L. G. (Llansamlett), W. A. D. (Birmingham), H. ti. (Uighon-Sea), K. H. H. (Canterbury), K. I. B. (Coventry).— Here are the little tit-bits of information you have come to ask me for. Marie Walcamp was born ou July 27th. Gareth Hushes was born in I.laiiclly. Aurcle Sydney. Manors 'J'hew and Charles Rock — 1 lie first, and third, alas! no more — in " UltOS." Sessue Hayakawa played a dual role in " Bonds of Honour." In " Liberty." starring Eddy Polo, the hero was Jack Holt. Bessie Barriscale is twentynine. Ethel Clayton is that artiste's real name as far as I am aware at present. Harrison Ford was the hero in " A Lady's Name." " OVIE " (Forest Hall). — It. depends, of course, on the place. Permission from the authorities lo film scenes in a public place are often necessary. The concerns you mention may be genuine, but I have no information respecting them. " Mayee " (Rochdale).— In " The Call of the Soul," the chief artistes were Gladys Brockwell, William Scott, and Charles Clary. " Cupid " (Hazel Beach). — Are you really as small as the dear little chap ? If you change the colour of Pearl White's eyes to blue, you will be right. Yes. Elmo Lincoln will not be seen in " The Return of Tarzan." In his place you will see 'Gene Pollar. Why doesn't your sister write to Violet Hopsou w hom she admires so much ? " April Panhassard " (Seacombe). — You say you have heard on good authority that Olga Petrova is a native of Liverpool, that her correct name is Muriel Harding, and that your informant knows her brother intimately. Well, personally, I don't care where an artiste was born, but as it happens all the film authorities agree in stating that Olga Petrova was born in Warsaw, Poland, and her real name is Petrova vitch. She was in this country some years, ago, and it is quite possible she may have visited your renowned city. Constance Talmadge in " Happiness a la Mode." P. D. (Cape Town). — You really shouldn't be afraid to write to your favourite or to me. " The Purple Domino " must have fascinated you a lot to have made you see it so often. Other films of Grace Cunard are : " The Broken Coin," " After the War," " Elmo the Mighty," and " Her Barrier." 1 will seek diligently for the particulars you want and give them here later on. " Joanne " (Ryde). — Yes. I am surrounded by interrogation marks everywhere. Some elude me, I admit, in a tantalising manner, but the others I simply stab with my pen, and lo I the information trickles forth on to this page. Cleo Madison was La Belle Odine in " The Romance of Tarzan." The " very nice hero " opposite Lillian Gish in " Hearts of the World " was Bobby Harron. Thank you, but I will not sample any brain fever just yet.. " Filmy Flossie " (Balham). — You may certainly pop up as many times as you like. " Sapho " is an old picture of Pauline Frederick's. You want to Know something about her relations ? » I am sorry ' have no particulars with which I can satisfy you. No, Jack Richardson was not in " Be a Little Sport." Eileen " (Eccles). — You are a great letter writer. I hope all your favourites will reward you with charming replies. Rene Navarre and M. Davert were in " The Four Shadows." " Wanda " (Peckham). — Your letter was a dandy one, too. So you arc an American, " born right back in good old Indiana," but your parents being English you can claim to ticlong to us as well. Pleased to know you. ' Concerning Joe King, he was born in Texas. Height 0 ft. 2 in. Yes, I'll get liira fixed for more. D. T. (Claphnm). — So you wrote to me in secret for fear of being laughed at. Did you think you wouldn't be answered ? Of the two arguments you have had with your sister, she wins one and yon the other. So you are quits. Mary Pickford did not play in " Merely Mary Ann," as tlie star in this was Anita Stewart. You arc right, however, in saying that. Milton Sills was in " Patria." E. I. (Coatbridge). — Matt Moore was the artiste in " Sahara." I don't mind you asking ine at all. G. D. (Rock Ferjry). — Eugene O'Brien is thirty-six, Harrison Ford is twenty-eight, and George Fisjicr is twenty-eight. The first named Is stnglc, and the second is married. " We Two " (West Southbourne).— No, Billic Rhodes did not marry Cullen Landis. Boor Smiling Bill Parsons whom she wedded died last October. 1 expect your English favourite is married, though she won't saw Eugene O'Brien has appeared in " Sealed Hearts," " Broken Melody," " Her Only Wav," " De Luxe Annie," " The Safety Curtain." " The Perfect Lover." and " Ghosts of Yesterday." Is that list enough ? E. P. iHanley).— Olive White, whom William Farnum married, Is not a film artiste. For your photo, many thanks indeed. It now adorns my collection. " STELLA " (Dalston). — I am glad you admire Owen Nares. But you want me particularly to note that you and all the other girls at the ofti. • greatly disliked the tie he had on in a recent photograph. But how was the poor man to know his tie would have caused all that bother ? Grace " (Merron).— In " For Better, For Worse." the artistes were : Elliott Dexter (Dr. Meade). Gloria Swanson (Sylvia Norcross), Tom Foxman (Richard Button), Jack Holt (the Crusader), and Wanda Hawley (Betty Hoyt). E. W. (Penarth). — I am sorry, E. W.. but some of your questions about Stewart Rome I shall have to pass over. He does not give all the information you require, but if you want to write to him follow the instructions above the addresses in this pai>er. No, he is not marriedT He has brown hair, is thirtvtlme, and is 6ft. ljin., in height. T. H. W. (Peterboro'). — No, there is no such bookpublished as you mention. Lauri de Freece and Joan Legge were in " AH the Sad World Needs," and Mae Marsh was the star in " All Women." "Pips" (Minehead). — The little photographic view of Minehead pasted on your letter was tantali<ingly inviting. In " The Treasure of Heaven," the leads were played by Janet Alexander and A. E. Coleby. Molly Malone has appeared in " The Pullman Mystery," " A Marked Man," and " Back Stage." Did you see her in the last named with Fatty Arbuckle ? "Collier" (Skewen). — You seem to work pretty hard. and no doubt enjoy your time off when you get it. Douglas Fairbanks is thirty-seven. I understand that Marjorie Daw is not married at present. D. T. C. (Hammersmith). — Alas, that some of your queries should have to go unanswered. Not all of the information you want has been made public as yet. Carlyle Blackwell is married to Ruth Hartman. June Elvidge was twenty -seven last June. Eugene O'Brien was born in 1884, and he is no longer Norma Talmadge's leading man. but a star in his own rights. What makes you think that Agnes Aryes and Alice Joyce are related ? They are not as far as 1 know. Evelyn Greeley will be twenty-four on November 3rd. " Jack " (Holloway). — Yes, Donald Crisp was in " Broken Blossoms " as Battling Burrows. " Marigold " (Waterloo).— The chief artistes in " Intolerance " were given in a recent issue, so let me take it you have seen the names ere this. Ralph Graves has appeared In " Sporting Life," Tinsel." " The Scarlet Stain," and The Highest. Bidder." Richard Bartheliness, who is twenty-four, is 5 ft. 7 in., in height. Dark hair and blue eyes is this young man's colouring. " Vioni " (Barrow-in-Furness). — Horace Hunter spent thirty years on the stage before taking up film work. Have you seen him in " The Kinsman as well ? Francis X. Bushman was born ou Januarv 10th. 1883. BeveTlev Bavne is his wife. " Happy-oo-lucky " (Ucswall). — So my answer by post gave yon a pleasant shock. Jack Pickford is twenty-fonr, and Olive Thomas will be twenty-t«o on October 20th. They have no children. Lottie Pickford lias not done verv much film work. " Anxious One " (Paddington). — Poppy Wyndbam was born in Simla, India, but she does not state her age. Claire Adams comes in your next affections, I take it. She was born in Winnipeg, Canada, and received part of her education in this country. Besides " The End of the Road "in which yon s;i w her, she has appeared in " Richard Bennett," " Lord Jim," " The Invisible Bond," and " Desert of Wheat . 1 (More answers next week.) > ''picture show" < ► personal. < UAAAAA A A A A A A A WHKItE TO WRITE TO VOI R FAVOURITE FILM STAR. — You are kindly requested not to ask for any addresses by post, owing to the large number of other queries that have to he answered. If yon wish to communicate at once with any artiste not named below, write your letter, putting the name of the star on the envelope, and enclose it with a loose 2d. stamp to the Editor. The PICTURE SHOW, Koom 85, The Fleetway House. Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4.. and it will Ga forwarded by the next mail. It the letter weighs more than 1 oz., it will require an additional Id. stamp for each extra ounce. Such "letters cannot be specially acknowledged by the Editor. Remember always, when writing to artistes, to give your full name and address, Including the name of your county and country, and mention The Pirn rk Show to ensure the safety of a reply. It must be understood, however, that we cannot guarantee that such letters will be replied to. Please keep these addresses for reference. Marockrite Clark, Jons B vrrymoru, care of Fainous-Lasky Film Co., Laskv Studios, llollx iroo.l, California, U.S.A. Alma Rubens, care of Pathe Exchange. 23, West 43th Street, New York City, U.8.A. Hatford Hohbs, Maso'ra Thew. enre of Wattnrdaw CO.. Ltd.. 4t», Gcrrard Street, W. 1. LlONKf.l.K Howard, care of Samuel<oa Film Co., Woltoit Hall. Isleworth, Middlesex. (More addresses' nc\t week ) j A Knitted I Skirt For : ANY Jumper 5 EASY -TO -WORK. Smart and • "comfy" to wear. Made in one • piece with only plain knitting. At trie top it is attached to a lining which hangs a little below the waist, so the knitted part need only be made high enough to come just underneath your jumper. Full directions given in WEEKLY On Sale Everywhere TO-MOltROW (Tues<lay.)