Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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22 Picture Show, September llth, 1920. BROADWEST CLOSE-UPS" Although "Snow in the Desert" was a tremendous success, th: reception given to the BROADWEST film, entitled "Her Son," which has just been released by the W/alturdaw Company, has exceeded all expectations. ' I told you quite a lot about this production when it was being directed in the studio by Mr. Walter West. Now you can see it for yourselves, and without a doubt you will agree that it is a British film of the very highest standard. Violet Hopsori, Stewart Rome, Mercy Hatton, and Mary Masters are responsible for the leading roles, whilst Nicholas, Violet Hopson's ten year old son, plays hisfirst big part in this production. "Her Son" is a beautiful story from the pen of H. A. Vachell, and the film is one which will appeal to all. Both "Trent's Last Case," in which Gregory Scott stars, and "The Great Gay Road," with Stewart Rome in the leading part are now completed, and the BROADWEST Studios are busy with two more productions. "The Case of Lady Camber," which was personally directed by Mr. Walter West, is another first class BROADWEST film which the Walturdaw Company will release in November. Violet Hopson, Stewart Rome, Gregory Scott, C. M. Hallard, Mercy Hatton, and Pollie Emery are the leading players, so you may rest assured that the acting leaves nothing to be desired. On the 23rd of this month, " A Dead Certainty" will be released through the Walturdaw Company. Gregory Scott is seen as the heroof this racing film, with Cameron Carr as the villain, and Poppy Wyndham as the heroine. The racing scenes are of the best, and no one can wa'ch them without experiencing all the excitement of a real race meeting. B.B. BROADWEST FILMS LTD., (Head Office), 175 Wardou St., London. W.I. ('Phone: Gerrard 240.) CHARLEY'S SECRET FREE SEND NO MONEY Violet Vanbrugh and leading Stan use and recommend Fragrant 1 Cinema" beauty aids. YOUR teeth can be as white as Charley's it you use "Cinema" dentifrice. Fred Barnes writes: "It is a wonderful preparation, which does actually whiten the teeth without injury. " ' Cinema " Soap wilt make yonr face a pictnre. * Cinetna" Crushed Boer Pace Powder at $<■ a large box is a revelation. A 30 > w . ,<' trial of " Cinema" Dentifrice sent to nil applicant* who enclose Three stamps. Send at ones. THE CINEMA SOAP 00., LTD., (Dept.S), 22, FinsburyPark Rd„ London. 30DAYS FREE TRIAL 1 Even Mrs. Grundy Powders now. Formerly she objected said she thought it ' wasn't nice,' but meant she thought \>V it might be dcvi. tectcd. Now that she has discovered light FACE POWDER cannot be seen and improves the appearance so milch, her views— and complexion -have softened. Swan Down protects from sun and wind. It takes away the 'greasy' appearance after exertion. Sold in Five Tints at 1/3 Per Boi. White, Cream. Flesh. Pink and Brunette. by all Stores, Chemists and Perfumers. HEN R V C QUVf.CH & Co.. Ltd., <0«i>i 8.a.) 4 and J, 1 udgate Square, Lon Ion, B C.|, If you want to know anything about Films or Film PJayem UNPLEASANT PUBLICITY. THE deep admiration, almost amounting in some cases to worship, with which many picturegoefs regard their screen favourites, must sorely suffer a shock at times when it is revealed that their idols have, after all, feet of clay. For sometimes the obvious fact is forgotten that those in filmland are very human folk with very human failings. They are indeed no different to the rest of us. It is certain, too, that their feelings are quite as sensitive as those of other people and their desire for privacy in certain matters quite as great. Yet, because by reason of their abilities they occupy a high place in our affections, it is apparently deemed sufficient justification to flash abroad to all the world particulars of the squabbles which happen to occur between husband and wife. This, however, is not where the evil ends, i Artistes frequently find themselves charged in the daily press with acts which reflect unpleasantly on them, though the law of libel is skilfully evaded. It may. of course, be just another form of " advertising " adopted by some zealous press agent or the work of a reporter on the other side eager to start a new sensation. And, surprising as it may seem to the average individual, a good deal of this kind of unpleasant publicity is as much news to those directly concerned as it is to the general public for whom it is intended. The policy of this paper is not, and never will be, the encouragement of anything unsavoury concerning those in the film profession. This will explain why questions asking for the causes, etc.. in such-and-such a divorce case cannot be answered. There is already too much published concerning the world in general which gives the failings of humanity greater prominence than its virtues. In filmland, therefore, from which we derive so much pleasure, let us concentrate in seeking to discover only the brightness that will dispel the gloom in our own lives and the deeds which will uplift. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next issue ? A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, " Picture Show," Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, EX. 4. Miss G. (Liverpool). — It's awful, you tliink that, though you are only sixteen you have already reached the height of 5 ft. 9 J in. You want me to console you, therefore, by telling you if there are any film actresses taller than you. The following ladies arc each 5 ft. 10 in. in height : Ricca Allen, Charlotte Mlneau, Doro Mills Adams, Evelyn C Carrington, and Winifred Harris. They in turn are beaten by Gale Henry and Jobynn Rowland, each of whom measures 5 ft. 11 in. Ix>uisc Lovely was born in 180o. H. E. K. (Leicester). — They may be related, but I shall not commit myself till I know. Ann Little was with Bryant Washburn in " Something to do." Jewel Carmen was born In Danville, Kentucky, in 1893. You mean W11 Fang, the Chinese character portrayed by Warner Oland in " The Lightning Raider." 1 will let you know about Hazel Dawn. skui.ettk (Luton). — So you would like Cameron Carr to mend his evil ways on the screen because you think he would make a line hero. Let's hope he'll think it over. There is " The Greater Love," ns well as " The Great Love." . The latter is a (iriflith production featuring Robert Harron, Lillian Otsh, Rosemary Theby nnd H. B. Walthall, in " The Greater Love," a Garrick film, the principals were Kna Beaumont, I has. Rock, Arthur Cullen, and Mrs. Hnyden Coffin. No, Seulhtte, the rumours you have heard are false like most of their kind. M.vt'D and KtBVt (Manchester). — Henry Edwards was born In Weston-super-Mare, is 5ft. 11 In. in height, and is thirty-eight. Chrissie White, ft Wynne Herbert, John Mc Andrews, and. James Carew were with him in '• The Kinsman." Jack Mulhall WM in "■ Wild Youth." N'ilcs Welch has fair hair and blue eyes, and measures 5 ft. 11 in. in height. He was born in Hartford, Conn., on July 29th, 1888. Any more ! Daisy (BattenhaH).— Glad you introduced yourself to ine on your lucky day. So far I haven't discovered mine. Little Zoc Rne nnd June Caprice have not left the screen. Gladden James was In " The Third Degree." Of course, you can dare to approarh Douglas Fairbanks for his photograph. 1 can tell you have courage. You are just modest. REGGIE (Brighouse). — You arc a philosopher, ami I "hall not dispute tl.e truth of your remark". Wanda Ha»to\ was Betty Hoyt in " For Better, For Worse." Mi7PAn (Oswestry). — Hullo ! How's business 1 Your sister says Bill Hart acted on the films with Mary Pickford. She must be thinking of Harry Carey. Sure, Francis X. Bushman is American. Some recent films of lus are : " The Yoice of Conscience," " Romeo and Juliet," and " Poor Kicli Man." So you hesitated before about Jack Holt. Well, it's best to find out whether an actor is married before falling in love with him. He has one boy anil one eirl. No date given. Ethel (Q. B.).— What awful secrecy you want me to observe regarding the name of your town. In answer to your question I am only' a man. Not* the tone of humility.? Well, don't be nervous. No, it wasn't Eugene O'Brien, but Eugene Strong as the hero in "The Trail of the Shadow." Bert Lytell was the artiste you want in " Empty Pockets." Opposite Norma Talmadae in " The Heart' of Wetona " was Thomas Mcighan. You can address her as Miss when writing to her. It will not offend her even though she is married. Thank you for helping to get other readers. A. P. S. (Cairo). — So one of the theatres in vour locality advertised Marguerite Marsh in "The MasterMystery " as Lillian Gish. Since you were misled into complimenting the latter on her acting, she must be wondering what to reply. The picture theatres in Cairo you say have already billed " Shoulder Arms " on four occasions, each time with a different title In order to set people to come in. That's some stunt I B. M. D. (Edmonton). — Sorry. I have no photos of your favourites to send yon. " What aliout writing to them '! Lloyd Hughes, who is in " Wheelbarrow Webster," was born in Bisbce, Arizona, twenty-one years ago. J. L. (Burnley). — You are always lonaing to be a cinema artiste, and you are only thirteen. You nr.unlucky. Yes, Tom Moore still inhabits this old world of ours. What made you think he was dead t Mary Pickford in " Bags " had Marshall Neilau for her hero. K. ft. (Southampton). — Y'ou can add these names to those you already have. Wheeler Oakman in " The Splendid Sin," Edward O'Connor in " Cecilia of the Pink Roses," nnd Craufurd Kent in " The Ouen of Catherine Bush." ft. M. (Sheffield). — Y'es, time flies, and this Is the time for flies also. Marguerite Marsh was the artiste in " The Eternal Magdaleue." You think it must. , l>e so nice for a wonderful actor like Warren Kerrigan to be loved by everyone. Well, I think it must be rat her embarrassing. Richard Barthelmess was born in 1895. 1 thought Donald Crisp was splendid. Violet (Reading). — You are puzzled because you don't know who took the part of David Garrick in the film of that name. Why, it was James Yonng. and the other lead was played by ('Lira Kimball Young. Couldn't you write to Marguerite Clark through this office ? Eva (Norwich).— George Larkin appears to be a. tremendous favourite with you all. Don't you and your girl friends, however, go laying your littie hearts at his feet. He is already married. William Duncan nnd Edith Johnson are not hnshand and wife. Tl<has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. Just whenhe was born happens to be a mystery. Edith Johnson's hair is light and her eyes brown. Henry Edwards has brown hair nnd grey eyes, Chrissie White, golden liair. James Carew was born in Cioslien, Indiana. Have I satisfied you ? " kni' 11 m 1: Girl " (Edgbaston). — I think I must have anticipated your wish, and I hope the second art plate of Pearl White now adorns your home. Thanks very much for your praise of the Pioturk Show. Pearl's birthday Is on March 4th. Her lite story has been published in book form, but I am not sure whether you can get it in this country. J. A. R. (Hendon). — Y'our friend happens to be right. Marie Doro is married to Elliott Dexter. So you both went crazy over her in "Twelve-Ten." Pearl White has not disappeared. She is just busy workina liard at the Fox studios, and in " The Tiger Cub " you will see her in her tlr.st. livc-reelcr. that is, after her last serial, "The Black Secret" has been released. Nig (Liverpool). — Mary Pickford was the star in " Madame Butterfly," and not. Tsnru Aokl. Irvine Cunimings and Alma Hanlon in "The Whip," and Alice Joyce and Conrad N.iaol in " The Lion and the Mouse." No, the expressions of your favourite have not appeared up to the time of writing. Tinback numbers you want may he obtained. If still 111 stock, from the publisher, the address of this paper B. W. (Easteote). — 1 remember hearing from you l>efore. nnd hone you saw your reply since writing to me ;>g tin. I am unable to say who was l>orn on the same date, as. you. So many artistes, you sec, seem go reluctant to say j»mt when thox were born. Little n'a-y McAllister, who played in " Sadie (iocs to Heaven," is ten this sear. She was liorn is I.os Anuclos, California. No. Marguerite Clark has nn children. She and Richard Bartlielmess wore in " The Seven Swans." (More answers next n e. k 1