Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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Picture Stow, October 9th, 1920. If you want to know anything about Films or Film PJavenr TO SCREEN ASPIRANTS. THE following is an extract from a letter I have received from Mr. George L. Cox in California, who is directing the All-Star American Special?. The moral it conveys should prove of equal value to those who foolishly imagine that the film profession in this country is also open to receive anybody who cares to apply. " My foreign mail of late — and that coming from England in particular — is burdened by an alarming influx of foolish epistles, written by apparently inexperienced individuals, who have suddenly become obsessed with the idea that America offers a haven of comfort and wealth to all those desirous of entering th9 picture arena, irrespective of their personal Qualifications or fitness. I would most earnestly advise all those who have been kind enough to ask my advice to calmly consider the outlook before casting their lot haphazardly. " Briefly speaking, the distance between England and New York City is a mere trifle of some three thousand miles. New York, we might say, is the first ' leg ' of your journey, as Los Angeles, California, is the real hub of the cinema world, and is removed from the former city somewhere in the neighbourhood of thirty-five hundred miles. Foj the sake of argument, we will say that you have covered the trip safely, that your finances are still unimpaired, and your hopes high. What then P For appearance' sake, if no other, you become established at some moderately expensive hotel. This involves a daily expenditure somewhere between ten and fifteen dollars per day, cot including incidental expenses. Finally, you get your bearings, and wend your way to the various studios, where you learn that few may enter unless especially privileged. At last you are directed to the employment bureau, where a very matter-of-fact and perfectly unsympathetic individual greets you indifferently. He listens to your story and smiles, then he hands you a neatly printed slip, resembling a laundry list, and you commence to write your historical data from date of birth up to the present hoar You give the colour of your hair and eyes, the condition of your teeth, nationality, age, weight and height, and other pertinent information tco lengthy to enumerate. You are asked to leave photographs of yourself, either ' straight ' or in ' costume,' and last, but by no means least, the all-important Question must be answered : HAVE YOU HAD EXPERIENCE? With what companies have you worked, when and where ? You will find they are very particular about the latter. If you are looking for a ' part,' they >vill wish to know the last picture you worked in, and by whom directed, and where it can be seen, in order that they may iudge how you screen. Then you are dismissed with the brief and unsatisfactory information that if they need you they will send for yon, and the little man at the employment window indicates that you are through, and not to tike up any more of his time. Then you wander, a Lit crestfallen, to the next studio, where the same routine is followed, until the day is done. And so it n-c; from day to day, until the tragedy of the thing creeps into your soul, and freezes the marrow in your bones. " This is the cold, flat truth, unvarnished and unpleasant to those in far away lands who would try their luck elsewhere. And it is better that you know the facts in advance, rather than wait and Jearn them later at a greater cost to your pride, your vanity, and your pocket-book." THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next issue f A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address cf the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communication can be answered. Address : The Editor, "Picture Show," Room G, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. *4. " RlATA " (Glasgow). — Helen Gibson lias appeared in the following films : " The Dynamite Special." "The End of the Run," "Fighting Mad," and " Under False Pretences." She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 27, 1894, and has brown hair and hazel eyes. "Joyce" (Bexhill-on-Sea).— There is nothing at all fierce about me, Joyce. The fifteen episodes of " The Iron Test " arc as follows : The Ring of Fire The Van of Disaster, Blade of Hate, The Noose, Tide of Death, Fiery Fate, The Whirling Trap, The Man-Eater, Pit of Lost Hope, In the Coils, Red Mask's Prey, Span of Terror, Hanging Peril, Desperate Odds, and Riding with Death. This is what Edith Johnson is like. She has light hair, brown eyes, and is 5 ft. 4 In. in height. Pleaso seo instructions in thPersonal Column. M. H. (Birmingham). — You do want to know a lot, but since you say you cannot help it, I will try to squeeze in all 1 can without crowding out other readers. Yes, Nazimova is really forty-one, and she does not miud admitting it, for she does not look it. A previous answer to someone else gave more about her. Thomas Meighan is married to Francis King, He has black hair, brown eyes, and his heiglrt is exactly 0 ft. " The Mysterious Miss Terry," and " Arms and the Girl " are two of his pictures. Neither of the Gish girls is married at the moment of writing. In " Everywomau " there appeared Violet Hemming, Mary Mclvor, Wanda Hawley, Kathleen Kerrigan, Bebe Daniels, Theodore Roberts, Monte Blue, Irving Curamings, James Neil, and Raymond Hatton. Many thanks for those ten new readers. You're a brick. " Biddy " (Bedford). — So you imagine, " dear, untried friend," that I am " a girl of about seventeen or eighteen." You are so far out that I cannot even measure the distance. Alan Forrest was opposite Mary Miles Minter in " Rosemary Climbs the Heights." True, she is old enough to get married, but she is willing to wait. Blue are her eyes and golden her hair. John Bowers was with Mabel Normand in " Sis Hopkins." Jack Holt in " A Midnight Romance " was the hero. I shall await, vour next in patience. D. T. (Blaina) and " Gwennfms " (Catford).— Herbert Rawlinson and Ann Little were the leads in " The Black Box." Sorry, the other information you want is not traceable, but don't let that keep you from writing again. "RUTH" (Walthamstow). — Nay, I am not a marvel, but quite ordinary. Violet Hopson, as a matter of fact, is taller by five inches than Mary Pickford, who is only five feet. "Picturite" (Wigan). — In "The Wishing Ring Man," the only two names given in the synopsis are Bessie Love as Joy Havenith and J. Frank Glendon as John Hewitt. Edward Burns in " Under the (ireenwood Tree." John Gllnden in " The Sands of Time," was Kenneth Wayne. Rod La Rocque in " Hidden Fires," and Matt Moore in " The Unpardonable Sin." " HAZEL " (Sydenham). — Charlie Chaplin's leading lady for some time has been Edna Pnrvian.ee, but the names of all those who generally support him are not given. With Mabel Norniaud in " When Doctors Disagree " were Alec Francis and George Nieholls. In *' The Devil .Stone," Geraldine Farrar and Wallace Reid were supported by Hobart Boswoith. Tully Marshall, James Neill, Ernest Joy, and Mabel van Buren. " Kitty " (Bradford). — What a list of favourites you have ! I can't think who you can have left out. In " Less Than the Dust," Mary Pickford had David Powell for her leading man. The cast of " Under Suspicion " is as follows : Hilda Bayley (Countess Vassiioff), Jack Jannan (Xcdia's brother), Cameron Carr (Count Vassiioff), Horace Hunter (Major Paul Holt), Henry Latimer (General Noivard), Arthur Walcott (Peter Kharloff), Dorothy Warren (Marie Petrovsky). The ages you want are : Douglas Fairbanks, thirty-seven ; Bessie Barriseale, twentynine' ; and Charlie Chaplin, thirty-one. The other artiste does not state her age. " Movie Mad " (Walthamstow). — filad you have written at last, but I expect you have come across on this page the information about Nazimova in answer to someone else. Olive White is the wife of burly Bill Farnum. Yes, I was thinking of " The Winchester Woman." featuring Alice Joyce, whereas in " The Woman Thou Gayest Me," the star was Katherinc MacDonald. " Vera " (Watford). — Your typed effort was quite creditable. Bert Lytell, husband of Evelyn Yauglian, was born in 1888. One authority states'that George Walsh has dark eyes, and another that they are brown. And as you like the latter we shall not worry about the dilference in shade. " All Favourites * (Mile End).— Seven weeks Is a long time to wait for this paper to reach your part of tlio world. Enid Bcnnct, being an Australian also, you admire her, of counte. So somebody you know says ho Is her cousin, and your friend's aunty knows Elslo Ferguson's aunty. Well, that's something. I can give only some of the names in " Intolerance," as there arc too many. Lillian Gish (The Woman Who Roeks the Cradle). Mae Marsh (The Dear One), Robert Ham n (The Boy), Sam de Orassc (Jenkins), Vera Lewis (Mary T. Jenkins), Miriam Cooper (A Friendless One), Ralph Lewis (The Governor), Margery Wilson (Brown Eyes), Bessie Love (The Bride or Cana), Constance Talmudge (The Mountain Girl), Scc.'ia Owen (The Frince*s Beloved), Elmo Llucoln (The .Mighty Man of Valour). K. M. F. (Peterborough). Willi;im Russell was i:i " The Lone Star." Mary Piekford's hair is as natural as my own. " Mrs. Wiggs." (Wolverhampton).— Good morning ! How's the cabbage patch ? This paper, which you put first, has no connection with any Other film -weekly, except " The Boys' Cinema." Some of Bessie Love's old films are : " Nina the Flower Girl," " A Daughter of the Poor," and " The Heiress at Coffee Dan's." Ditto of Mary Miles Minter are : "Beauty and the Rogue," "Melissa of the lii!U." and " Peggy Leads the Way." Qucenie Thoma? and Frank Randall in " Meg o' the Woods." K. Y. (Tiuibridgc Wells). — Personal details about Sessue Hayakawa as follows : Born on June 10th, 1889, in Tokyo, Japan. Has black hair and eyes ; is 5 ft. 7} in. in height, and is married toTsum Aoki. Ho was originally intended by fond parents for the Japanese Navy, but took to the stage instead, and later went to America, where he began his screen career. He and his wife have no children. " Elsie "(Wandsworth). — For your complimentary remarks, I bow my gratitude. Jack Holt is married, but Stewart Rome is not. " Mary " (London, S.W.). — Do you know you have resurrected an old question that used to haunt me quite a lot at one time ? Let me, however, give it one more blow — I hope the final knock-out. Mary Pickford has no children. May that settle it. Yes, Willard Mack (otherwise Charles McLaughlin) has written plays and acted for the stage and screen. He was in the film " The Woman on the Index." "Child of -Nature." — You don't want me to answer you by post, and you don't want me even to print the name of your town ? How awfully mysterious ! " The Way of an Eagle featured Isobel Elsom and Andr£ Bcaulieu. Sorry I cannot enlighten you either, or I would. The other films you name were not serials. Pauline Frederick has no children so far as I know. (More a suers n?xt week.) £ PICTURE SHOW" < ► PERSONAL. 1 Laaaaaaaaaa AjI aaaaaaa^ WHERE TO WRITE TO SOUR FAVOURITE FILM STAR. — You are kindly requested NOT to ask for any addresses by post, owing to the large number of other queries that have to be answered. If you wish to communicate at once with any artiste not named below, write your letter, putting the nau.e of the star on the envelope, and enclose it with a loose 2d. stamp to the Editor, The Picture Show, Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4, and it will be forwarded by the next mail. If the letter weighs more than 1 oz. it will require an additional Id. stamp for each extra ounce. Such letters cannot be specially acknowledged by the Editor. Remember always, when writing to artistes, to give your full name and address, including the name of your county and country, and mention The Picture Show to ensure the safety of a reply. It must be understood, however, that we cannot guarantee that such letters will be replied to. Please keep these addresses for reference. MARY PICKFORD, Mary Pickford Studios, Hollywood, California. U.S.A. BERTIE GORDON, care of African Film Productions, 8, Leicester Street, W.C. 2. POPPY WYNDHAM, care of Stoll Studios, Regency House. Park Road. Surbiton, Surrey. FRANCESCA BERTIXI. care oi London Ind. Film Trading Co., 4, penman Street, Piccadilly Circus, W. 1. (More addresses next week.) For Boys of All Ages! No. 1 Out This Week ! " Sports for Boys " is an absolutely new weekly dealing with every branch of sport. Packed with photos. Star features in No. 1, on sale this Wednesday, include : The boyhood of JACK DEMPSEY. Special Articles by SAM HARDY, GEORGES CARPENTIER, and A. G. HILL, and a grand new serial by R. S. WARREN BELL. Splendid boxing diagram GIVEN FREE! Ask for O MlltWIIIIi I SPORTS milium On Sale Every Weivetday. ADER yotjr jopy to day