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Picture Show (Oct 1920 - Apr 1921)

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If you want to know anything about Films or Kim Playerj RUSHING THE FILM. THERE are times when the failure to enjoy a film entertainment may not be due to the quality of the pictures screened or the manner in which the programme has teen arranged. For even a good picture can be spoilt, and a poor one made seemingly worse, by rushing it through on the screen at a speed which renders any appreciation of either utterly impossible. It is one of those old grievances of which the public still has cause to complain, though there should be no reason fcr its existence at the present day. A recent instance is that mentioned by a corresporfdent who visited a West End of London picture theatre the other night during the last showing of the programme. It struck him, he states, as though the operator's main desire was to rush through each picture as quickly as he could and get home. Scenes were flashed on and off the screen so quickly that they merged into one another before there was time for the audience to grasp the connection between them. Several of the sub-titles were treated in the same way. One picture, " The Canyon Hold-Up," a Western drama, depicted towards the close of the story the chase of the villain up a steep and rugged incline. But the speed at which both pursuers and pursued were shown clambering up its surface would have been humanly impossible in actual life. Another correspondent from Salisbury touches on the same point. " Who is to blame," he asks, " for pictures being shown too fast ? The other day I saw an otter hunt in which the people were shown as walking at least ten miles an hour ; while an old man of about seventy, who was following, was tearing along as if he were seventeen. In fact, the whole programme was shown too fast." It's a pity these things should happen. Apart from the fact that the enjoyment of the audience is spoilt, the attempt to make the incidents in a picture real is destroyed by introducing an absurd rapidity of action when screening them. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters canno t be answered in the next issue ? A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, " Picture Show," Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4. D. B. (Hastings).— Clara Weith was the star in the film " Scaled Lips." bill 1 cannot find any other nami mentioned in the cast. In " Think It. Over," Catherine Calvert was Alice, and Uncle Henry whom -lie in irried in the picture was Richard Tucker. " Cei ll.OY " (Wynberg). — " Oh. That Kiss " featured Suzanne Grandais. In "Trey o' Hearts," Cleo Madison and George WatMns were the leads, while in " The Lone Wolf " Hie chief parts were taken l>3 Berl Lytetl and Hazel Dawn. Of the ladies you mention, there is only one who tells us her birthday, namely, Gladys Cooper, on December 18th. Hi K. (Heudon). Vou apologise for asking only two questions. Why. there are some folk who ,-i-k about twenty-two, and then seem filled with regret that they cannot thhfk of any more. But. I. live through it, somehow. Helen Ware, who appeared in the film version of " The' Garden of Allah," was bom in San Francisco. Jack Dean, husband of Fanny Ward, was born in Washington in 1880. !'. S. (Royton). -The part of Mary Dawson in " Jilaekie's Redemption " was taken by Alice Lane. ('. S. H. (Stroml Green). — Write to your favourites. You may have some luck in that. way. Eileen Sedgwick is the wife of .T. H. McCloskey, and Eddy Polo is married to Pearl Grant. P. A. M. (Great Grimsby); — Yes, Eileen Dennes is English, and was hi musical comedy for some time before starting her career on the films. ■ The part of 1 iid Kill in " The Better 'Ole " m* tak.-n by the late Charles Roek. " British Film LOVRS " (Carlisle).— So you don't think that Gregory Scott, with such delightful dimples as he has, ought to take a villain's part. I hope he will think that over for the .sake of his.dimples.. . He was Reiit Gordon in "Tho Great Coup,", and tinonly other names in my printed east are those of Pobpy Wyndbarrj as Kate Hampton^ Cameron Carr (Richard Floxton), and Stewart Rome (Squire Hampton). Yes, Doris Stay was formerly Doris Lcc, and at a much earlier period in her life she was known to friends and relations as Helen Garrett. This young lady is now eighteen, and is the possessor of brown eyes and golden hair. Gladys (Croydon).— You could write t.o your favourite by following the instructions in the Personal Column, even if you do not find the addrss. Mean while, I offer you willingly this little piece of information about him. His name is John Gliddon, and 'twas he who played as Kenneth Wayne in " The Sands of Time." Two other pictures of his are : " The Temptress," and " The Dawn of Truth." His height is 5 ft, 10.V in. HAZEL (Sydenham).— Alec Francis was with Mabel Normand in " When Doctors Disagree." In " The Manxman." Elisabeth Risdon was Kate Creegan, Ted Groves (Pete), and Henry Ainley (Phillip). I don't remember the old film you mention, but 1 will trj and dig it up. RUBY (.Folkestone), Caledonia (Bowness). Gladys (London. S.W.I. G. O. McL. (Wolverhampton), M. R.. (Caithness*, S. V. ft. (Haslemer.-l. " Cakiad " (He reford), E. Y. (Weston-super-Mare),BETTY {Clifton), and " Two MARYS " t'Hojiand).— In answer to all your questions, Frank Wilson was in " Social Briars"; Gareth Hughes and Bliss Milford were the leads in " And the Children Pay ; " Teddy Sampson opposite Tom Mix in " Fighting for 1 iold " : 1 atlierine Calvert in " The Career of Catherine Bush " ; Mary Pickfoid is twenty-seven; Vivian Martin was born in 1898; ' Tom Mix. aged thirty-nine, is married -to 'Victoria Fordo; David Powell opposite Billie 'Burked in " Gloria's Romance " and The Make-Believe Wile ": Henry Edwards does hot state in 1 what part of Weston-super-Mare he was born ; Fliigrath Ms the real name of Viola Dana and Shirley Mason ; Roland Bottomley in " The Neglected Wife." " Pat " (Newmarket).— Are you thinking of " The Secret of the Storm Country " ? If so, Norma Talmadgc was the heroine. Yes. Raymond Bloomer was in " The Woman of Impulse," and other plavs of his are: " Out of a Clear Sky," " The Prodigal Wife." and "The Belle of .New York." He was born in Rochester. New York, is of dark complexion, and is ti ft. in height. Glad to hear your favourites nave replied. • D. S. K. (Billfold). — Your insatiable thirst for film knowledge leaves me gasping. Each -letter of yours seeks information about so many different plays and players that I never. know where to start first. You had better get one of the trade papers if you wish to know all about the new films you men-, tion. 1 am sorry I have no information respecting them at the moment. Some Of Mary Miles Minter's pictures are : " The Eyes of Julia Deep." X Social Briars," " The Ghost of Rosic Taylor," " Wives and Other Wives," and " Rosemary Climbs IJie Heights " J. B. (Lichfield). — You ask me to tell you who. in my opinion, is the more beautiful of the two. Pea ej .White or Knth Roland. That is rather a. delicate ta.-k, so I think 1 will leave Itto' you. The, ca-( of " Dangerous Waters " ( which so appropriately follows your first question) is: William Desmond (Jluimie Moulton 1, Marguerite Do La Motto (Cora Button), Arthur Carcw (Victor De Lara), Beatrice La Planto (Nanette), Ida Lewis (Mr?. Burton).' Walter Berry (DJnny O'MoorO, William P. De Vault (Judson). Chrissic White has golden hair. Sorry I am unable to oblige with the other information or you would be welcome to it. ■ . " Patience " (Birmingham).— If you. good reader, with such a precions virtue will look through your back numbers again, you will tind that Grace Gunard has never been stated in this paper jis "Francis Fordls wife. Grace, in fact, is already Jilarfled to Joe'Moore. Perhaps you were thinking of some film ? Warner ' Gland was the villain in " Patria." Lillian McCarthy was opposite Matheson Lang in " Mr. Wu," but the other part is not njentioncd. " sciittik " (Inverness).— Pleased bo know this page interests you so much. (i. Raymond Nye was the artiste you ask) trie. itbflut in'". Broken Coinmandmeiits." You j\ill liud the corn et ages of the throe Talmadgc Sisters given in their interestiiig life story. < >nce upon a time someone told me a fairy tale— which, alas ! I Relieved^ -that' Natalie was the youngest. Kui tlrAt is really Constance's place, for Natalie comes next to Norma. • " " Ansa Q." (Bournemouth).— Pray seek not my pardon, for, what would 1 do if it were not "for curious folk like you. , Atmu Q. Nilsson is married, but her husband's name has hot been revealed' to me as yet. Her hair is blonde, and her eyes are blue, and her height is 5 ft. Z in. She was born in Ystad, Sweden, and went to America in 1907. " Her screen career was started four'years later. R. G. (Sydenham). — You and your two friends below, from Sydenham, are all welcome. In " Sage Brush Hamlet," the ladv opposite William Desmond was Marguerite De La Motte. The leads in " The Eternal City " were taken by Pauline Frederick, and Thomas Holding. I am afraid your grumble about the other paper does not concern me. There are only two film papers connected with this, the " Boys' Cinema " and the " Girls' Cinema," which, with the Picture Show are the three best that money can buy. . BERYL (Sydenham). — In " Secret Service " the leads were Wanda Hawley and Robert Warwick. The east of the " Purple Dress " is as follows : Agnes Ayres (Maida), Adele De Garde (Grace), Evart Overton (Ramsay )» Richard Wangeman (Bacbmann), Mrs. Beck (Mrs. Bachmaun), and Bernard Siegel (Old -Abrams). J. L. (Swanage).— It was William Dyer in " Early to Bed," and he is evidently one of the retiring sort, for I cannot get out of him as yet the information you want. I will have to wake him up. E. J. H. (Exeter). — You have seen seven o£ Jack Holt's pictures so far. You have not done so Glad. I give you these at random, as I do not know which of his films you have seen. " The Woman Michael Married," Treasure Island," " A Sporting Chance," " The Woman Thou Gavest Me," " The Call of the East," " The White's Man's Law," " The Honour of his House," and " The Best of Luck." He was born in Winchester, Va., but docs not state, his age. ; Lillian (Tooting). — So " The Right Element " was partly filmed just outside your own house. 1 am sorry I am unable to tell you just now when it will be released in your locality. Evelyn Nesbit has appeared in the following, among others : " Her Mistake," " Redemption," " The Woman Who Gave," and " I Want to Forget." Nessie (Edinburgh). — What has set you imagining that such articles as " Hints to the Engaged Girl," etc., are likely to appear in this paper '! I am glad you like it, though, and you will tind it will improve with age. Jack Ho.xie is an American, for he was born in Oklahoma, and his age Is twenty-four. Harrison Ford was born in Kansas City, Mo., in 180::. B. R. (Wynberg). — Photos of film artistes who are dead would be of no general interest now. Besides which, there are so many living ones to be considered. Yes, Katherine MacDonald and Mary MacLaren are sisters. MacDonald is the tatter's real name. Cullen Landis was opposite Mabel Normand in " I'pstairs." A. K. (Whipps Cross). — When you see tho artiste-' lips moving on the screen, it means that they have actually spoken during the production of the picture as required. You will notice that it is often possible to tell the words formed by their lips. "Fj.lFFY" (Reading). — You find by reading this page that somebody else always does the thinking for vou by asking the very questions you thought of sending me. Well, that's saved you a lot of postage, hasn't it ? Charles Bryant never told me what made him go to America. His height is 6 ft. 3 in. He has no children, as far as 1 know. " TISH " (Harrogate). — Don't Ik> terrified, " Tish." You appear to have read the rules (there arc only two •■mall lots, one above and one below these answers I all right. The only folk who don't read the rules arc those who impress it on me that they have taken in this paper every week since it first came out : So vou like Milton Sills. " The .Claw " "The Savage Woman," and " The Wild Cat " are three of his pictures; and hi< wife is Gladys Wynne. 1). K. (Wimbledon). Peggy llyland i> now acting for Samuelson's in this country, and her contract ■with Fox wa ended some time ago. She does not disclose her age. G R. iDefhi). -You have, got me a few more readers. I thank vou. and wish you still more luck in the same line. I haven't turned grey-haired yet. IfT do, sonu body's sure to send me samples ot hnirdve whirji 1 don't want. Helen Holmes is twentyseven. G. M. Anderson (Broncho Billy) is now producing. • .„,._. 1 " Wt'FFlE " (York). That second him of yours is very vorv old, but if it is possible to discover it 1 Will lii " The Birth of a Nation" the following, took part ; Mae Marsh. Miriam Cooper, Constance Talmadgc, Henry Walthall. Lillian Gish, Robert Harron. Josephine Crowell, Frank Bennett, Marjone Wilson, Bessie Love, and Seena Owen. (More answers next ueeh.) *> — <f * ' or, A CHINAMAN S REVENGE. ( A dramatic, vivid tale of a beautiful English girl in . the power 1 of a revengeful Chinaman, and her terrible ordeal in the East. I Do not1 miss the opening chapters in TO-DAY S .. j Home Companion 2" j Printed and published every Monday by the Proprietors, THE Amalgamated Pkkks, I.IM Otlices, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, Loudon, E.C. 4. Reaistored as a news Inland and Abroad, la/ per annum ; 0/0 for 6 montln ; single copies, 3d. Sole agents for N • aud New Zealand Messrs. UounoN & Goich. Ltd. ; and