Picture Show (Oct 1920 - Apr 1921)

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S3 Picture Show, January 22nd, 1921. IF you want to know onyihingr about Films orFilmPWerj THE OBSERVANT EYE. NONE o! us is free from the weakness of making mistakes. It is proof that we are human, though it is a bad policy to make it an excuse for carelessness. The producer of mot'on-pictures, in common with all other folk, is apt to err, and though this fact in justice to him should be borne in mind, it is desirable all the same that the errors for which he is responsible should be pointed out. It has been said that the public of to-day is critical of its film entertainments, and that is a good sign, since it reveals a keen desire to see the art of the photoplay brought as near perfection as is humanly possible. It may forgive the producer for now and then erring in the choice of subjects for filming, because it knows that he has at times to rely on bis own taste and judgment. And if either do not happen to agree with that of the public, then it is obviously the duty of the latter to guide him. But the public, observing closely each film that is shown, detects faults which it knows could have been prevented by a closer attention to detail. Our " Film Faults " competition, which recently closed, was an interesting revelation of this fact. And the public must certainly feel sorely puzzled to know how such errors can escape detection, if not at the time of production then at the private viewing of the whole picture, before it is sent ont to the trade. True, it may be too late in the latter case to remedy such errors. But their discovery even then could be used to prevent a recurrence of similar faults in the future. Clearly, there is great need for somebody in the studio with an observant eye. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as this paper goes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered in the next issue ? A stamped and addressed envelope must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name and address of the writer (not for publication), as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, "Picture Show," Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street. London, E.C.4. " Topsy " and " Dinah " (Kenilworth). —Yon two will have to be more brave about Writing to me in the future. The full cast of " Intolerance " b too Ions to print, but quite recently you will find I pave several of the chief artistes and their parts. In " The (ireat Love," the late Robert Hiirron was Jim Young Henry 15. Walthall (Sir Roger Brighton), Gloria Hoi>e (Jessie Lovcwell), Lillian (Jisli (Susie Broadplains). Maxfleld Stanley (John Broadplnins), George Fawcett (Rev. J. Broadplains), Rosemary Theby (Mdlle. Coriutee). and George Scigmann (Mr. Seymour, Brazil). H. T. N. (Crewe). — I'll oblige you with anything except cash. . '-' J'Accuse " was produced by Put he. as you say. In it were : H. Kcmuald Joubc (John Diaz), M. Desjardfns (Maria Lazaret, M. Severin-Mars (Francis Laurin), Mine. Mancuii (Mrs. Diaz). La Petite Guys (Angelc), and Mile. Marise Dauvray (Edith Laurin). " Winnie " (Doncaster).— William F.irnum is married, and so also is Chrusle White. Gregory Scott, Guy Newall. and Cameron Carr arc all single. About the others, I must confess myself uncertain. M. B. (Halesowen). — I congratulate you on not looking any older than you are. But Why encourage grey hairs by wanting to pursue the hopeless task of trying to get on the films V Don't do it. '• Winnie " (Haverhill).— You arc not. over inquisitive by any means. Queenie Thomas was born on June 18th, 1(100, and Was married last year to George Newman. She was educated at 11 convent in Cardiff, and made her first appearance on the screen in a small part. She has dark brown hair and deep * iolet eyes. "Diana" (Burgess Hillfc— Andre Beaulieu and Isobel Elsom took the leads in " The Way of ah Eagle," nnd Peggy Carlisle and Basrl Gill were in "The Keeper of the Door." Joan Morgan will be fifteen this year. Volume 3 of this paper began with the issue dated May 1st, 1019. and ended with the number for October 23rd, 1920. " Harry " (Last London). So you have corne to the conclusion that I am capable of bearing anything. Well, that sounds a bit ominous. Remember the year is still young, and f would like, if possible, to trv and see it through. Yes, Milton Rosmer is married to Irene Rooke. Peggy Hyland is now settled in Oils country where she is acting for Siunuclson. la it Dallas Cairns you mean ? If so, he is now a producer. "Loyai, READS! " (Plymouth). -Canary-coloured note-paper and lead pencil don't seem to go well together Try ink. "JL'was Wanda Hawley who « 1in "The Heart of a Lion " with William I'armnn. 1 hope that's the name you want. It's very difficult to try and trace a film from a description only, for without a title to guide me I am in the dark. "Inquisitive " (Henley -in-Arden). — You are sorry you cannot thiuk of his name, but you know for certain that he was taken off to a lunatic asylum in the end. Poor beggar I Was he an Answers Man by any chance ? No, I don't think I could trace him. I'd rather not. Alice Brady plaved a dual role in "His Bridal Night," the parts being Tiny Playfair and Vi Playfair. " Viviense " (Calcutta). — Oh. yes. I remember you. I am always glad when old inquirers drop in again just to show they love me still. So Chaplin merely -makes you smile, while Larry Scmon throws you into convulsions. Larry doesn't give his age. His leading lady, you know, is Lucille Carlisle, and she, too, doesn't reveal the informations you want. I may know later. " Ambitious " (Hereford). — So you are looking forward to the time when you will be a film star 1 Well, there is no harm in that. It is better to look forward to a future full of hopes, than to look back on a past teeming with regrets. Many who thought the> were born to shine before the camera, are sadder now. Taylor Holmes, who was born in Newark. New Jersey, is still playing. Evelyn Nesbit was bom iu Tarentum, P;u. and Russell Thaw is her son. " ROB Roy " (Glasgow).— The only" Russian film artiste of whom 1 have any particulars at present is Nazimova. Charles Ray was born in 1801 in Jacksonville, Illinois. "Lauretta" (Sheffield).— Gwynne Herbert was born in Sussex, nnd she may or may not be the one you refer to. Anyway, you can write to her by following the instructions below the heading Picture Show Personal. "The Immortal Quintet" (Southport).— Mv respects to you all. Sorry to disappoint you at our first meeting, but Helen Dubors hasn't obliged us with even the littlest detail about herself. Try again. M. O. (Arbroath). — Let there be peace, child, between your sister and you. Of course, you w ere easily right, for it was Ethel Clayton who took the title role in " Maggie .Pepper." Peggy Hyland was not in it. " La Tosca " (Blackburn).— If your favourite hasn't left the screen, she certainly hasn't left, word as to what she is doing. Edwin Stanley was opposite Norma Talmadge in " The Law of Compensation " and Winifred Kingston was the heroine in The Spy." " BTXt si.iker " (Saintficld).— You tell me you have read this paper for years and years ! Why that's wonderful, for It hasn't completed its second year of publication as yet. But I am glad you have followed the example of your little grey-eyed sister by writing. Yes, Shannon Day is quite a stunning little actress, as yon say. but she does not reveal her height. Alma Reubens is just 5 ft. 7 in., no taller than you, so take comfort. M.W. (East London). — My heart goes ont in sympathy to you and the thirteen others for whom you write, but 11s mentioned before on this page, space simply cannot be spared for favourites who have passed away. Besides, several photos of the late Olive Thomas have been published in this puper. Your other request I gladly note. Alex. Onslow was tho hero In "P'ootlights and Shadows." Marshall Neilau was in " Madame Butterfly." Eugene O'Brien in " Poor Little Peppina " and David Powell in " Less Than the Dust." M. P. (BrixtonV — So you were solemnly warned that it would be no use your writing to me for you would not l>e answered. How horrible ! No wonder it required all that effort on your part to risk it. Sessue llayakawa will be thirty-two on June 10th, and he was born in Tokyo, Japan. He was for some t ime on the Japanese stage, then went to America, where he studied English, and eventually— I am unable to say exactly when took to film acting. He has black hair nnd eyes, and his wife is Tsurii Aokl, Now. 1 am not so bad, urn I '•' Miss Anderson one of our readers in her " Picture Show " fancy dress " Posy." — Glad you decided to be brave, an 1 write to me, but what happened to your couragt when it came to giving me your address ? Did you think I might come after you ? So our pages of gossip about British players pleases you a lot ? Isobel Elsom has appeared in " Milestones," " The Elder Miss Blossom," " The Edge o' Beyond," " Quinney's," and " A Member of Tattersalls." Poppy Wyndham in " The Great Coup," and " A Gentleman Rider." In " Alf's Button." Alma Taylor and Leslie Henson took the parts of Liz and Alf 'Iggins respectively, while Gerald Ames was Lt. Deuuis Allen, Eileeu Deunes (Isobel Fitz-Petcr), Gwynne Herbert (Ladj Fitz-Peter). John MacAndrews (Bill, Alf's mate), and James Carew (The Genie). Lionelle Howard in " The Forest on the Hill," took the part you mention. T. G. (Pendleton). — Why did you mix up your " Film Faults " with your questions 1 Pauline Frederick is not married now. She was born on August 12th. 1886, and has no children. " Willie " (Thornton Heath).— Herewith the published east Of " The Romany Rye." Jack Holt (Jack Hearne), Seena Owen (Laura). Wallace Beerv (Bos). Pauline Stark (Ruth Heckett). Tullv Marshall (Phillip Royston), and Lewis J. Cody (Joe Heckett), " Peg " (Dublin). — What a tangle, to be sure I Let me straighten it out for you. It was Owen Moore who was first married to Mary Pickford, and Tom Moore was married to Alice Joyce. But both these Moore brothers are now single. Alice Joyce is at present Mrs. James Regan, " Dinah " (Worthing).— Film artistes, indeed, have to do far more amazing things than merely walk or run when they are being filmed. Yes, what you saw in " Hidden Fires " was a dual role played by Mae Marsh. Clever fellow, the camera man ! F. H. S. (Southport).— The part of Tom Norton in " The Lightning Raider " was played by Henry G. Sell. Juanita Hansen lias appeared in The Brass Bullet " and " The Lost City — both serials. George Cheseboro played in the last-named and in " Hands Vp." Your last question is answered elsewhere on this page. "Gwendoline" (Handsworth). — Everything about Pearl White. Well, let's start with her birth. That took place in Springfield on March 4th. 1889. and at the age of six she began her stage career. Later on she joined a circus and first appcand on the screen in Wild West pictures, afterwards starring w ith Pathc in serials. She has auburn hair, blue eyes, is u ft. 6 in. in height, wears a golden wig for protection against water and the strong studio lights, has two brothers, named Fred and George, a sister named Grace, a husband named Wallace McCutcheon, and two nephews. What's this ? You say you a'so want to know everything about Henry O. Sell, Warner (Hand. Henry Edwards, Grace Darling. Charles Hutchison, and thousands of others! (Here. Horace, just keep this young lady enuaged while I slip away !) " Brown Girl (Scvenoaks). —You say you are the first to write to me from your town. Maybe, but I'll put it on record here, anyway. Corene Grant took the part of Mary Kennedy in " The Neglected Wife." Sorry, I haven't the information required in your second question. Milton Sills is the husband of Gladys Wynne. " I.EEDSITE " (Leeds). — So you feel more courageous now since your first letter was answered. Alan Forrest was the hero with Marv Miles Minter in " A Bachelor's Wife." Glad you read this page regularly. "Elsie" (Epsom). — My nnswer to your last question would lie too late now, as the competition for " Film Faults " lias closed. But the address of this paper would have done. Carl Stockdale (I am not quite certain whether that Is. his real name) was born in Worthlngton, Minnesota, in 1874. He played in " Intolerance," " A Night in New York," " Peggy l eads (he Wav," " The Greatest Question." " After Hours," etc. His exact height is 5 ft. 11 in., and he has brown hair and blue eyes. G. S. 8. (Holloway).— Didu l you know that Irene Castle had married a second time ? Her husband now is Robert Treman. 1 hope \oiir loot is all right again. " Anetta " (Ciicrawrle). — Soyour brother makes it a point, evcrv Monday of having the I'htirk snow with his dinner. No need to tell me which he devours most. Anne Luther was born iu 1800 in Newark, New Jersey. Faire Binney was born iu 100 1 in New York, und hrf* brown hair and hazel eyes. Her Klster, Constance, who Is of the same age, has brown hair and blue eyes. In answer to your sisterV question. Margery Wilson nnd Clmrle (iiinn played Die leads in " Mountain Dew . '