Picture Show (Oct 1920 - Apr 1921)

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20 Picture Show, February 19th, 1921. FAT THAT SHOWS SOON DISAPPEARS Prominent fat that comes and stays where it is not needed is a burden; a hindrance to activity and a curb upon pleasure. Many forms of advice to reduce weight have been advanced, such as starvation dieting, dangerous drugs, excessive exercise, etc., all of which are either unpleasant o; dangerous. The latest, most modern, and pleasant way to tak'e off burdensome fat is to take after each meal and at bedtime an oil of onlene capsule and follow simple healthful rules of living. To get rid of fat at the rate of one, two, or three pounds a week, take these agreeable-tasting little capsules daily, as mentioned, until you weigh what you should. No wrinkles will remain to show where the fat came off. Oil of orilene capsules are for sale by all chemists at 3/ per packet. If you prefer to have them come to you direct, post-free, send the amount to the D. J. Little Co., 37, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I, and bid good-bye to excessive fat. I LADIES & GENTLEMEN OF INDEPENDENT MEANS who are desirous of Prospects of becoming part of the Company. Taking part in forthcoming productions. A pply — THE " SOUTHERN " FILM PRODUCTIONS (BIRMINGHAM), LIMITED, 192, Church Hill Road. Handsworth, Birmingham , """-"""**»«******»***"*** Don't Wear a Truss ! Brooks' Appliance is a new scientific discovery with automatic air cushions that dra»s the broken parts toecther and binds them as you would a broken limb. It absolutely holds firmly and comfortably and never slips Always light «nd cool, and conforms to every movement ol the body without chafing or hurting, vie make it to your measure, and send it to you on a i.t*rict ituarantoe of satis! faction or money refunded, and ! -ve have pui our price so low [that anybody, rich or poor, I can buy it BmhcM, we make tt t) your order— sem' it to you— you wear it— and if it does:/', satisfy you. you send it back to us, and we will refund your money. That is the way we do business —always absolutely on the square— and we have sold to ihousands of people this way for tin. past ten years. Remember we use no salves, no harness, no lies, no fakes. We just give you a straight business deal at a reasonable price. Write at once for our Illustrated BookK-t. BROOKS APPLIANCE CO., LTD., (1795B), 80, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. STAMMERING. Those seeking a genuine and permanent cure for vtammerius and other speech defects should write at once for my free 24-page booklet "Straight Talk to Stammerers," etc. Method endorsed by Education Authorities, Doctors, Clergy, Army Officers and many others. Guaranteed 30 testimonials in one month, WM. N. WAREINQ, " Olendene," Anchorsholme, Nr. Blackpool. BECOME BIG NOW: In business ts In social life, the plurai go to the man whose appearance leaves a favourable impression— that ix. the man who has height, and physique to match it. It is very easy to increase your height and improve your health, figure and carriage by means of the Girvan Scientific Treatment, the reliable method which ha* enjoyed public confidence for nine years, and which carries •x £100 guarantee of genuineness. Students report from 1 jvo to flvo inches increase. Send a postcard for partlcuI. rj 10 Enquiry Dept. C.T.. 17, Stroud Urccn Hold. London. N.4. The Children s News£a£er nannnnnnnnnn Every Friday 2* unungnnnnnnn FILMS OF THE WEEK Tke ' 1 Picture Show s Guide to PiAuregoers Constance Talmadce. " Twp Weeks." ( Walturdaw.) THIS fascinating comedy queen as a chorus girl — and a very hardworking one, too. A rich admirer helps her to become a star, and after her triumph offers her marriage, but as she dislikes him she runs away and takes refuge in a house kept by three bachelors. They take her in, and the way in which she turns the home and opinions topsy-turvy and eventually finds true love, makes most uproarious fun on the screen. The delightful star in her best vein. " The Sleeping Lion." Monroe1 Salisbury. • (Phillips.) THERE is plenty of action in this photo-play and many poignant moments. The hero is an Italian plaster cast seller in New York, who befriends a little waif. The two go to the West, and with his savings the hero buys a. ranch, and in a short time becomes a regular rancher. He makes an enemy on arrival at the saloon, who does his utmost Jo injure him, but after many tips and downs the hero gains the day and marries the girl he loves. Should be very popular with the majority of picturegoers. "Fair and Warmer." May Allison. (Jury's.) THE screen version of the play Which was such a great success in London and New York. One of the most laughable stories seen on the screen with dainty May Allison as " Blanny " Wheeks. he turns Prohibitionist, and is asked to stand for Congress. Then comes a great surprise, and the hero has to make a hustling decision. Sparkling entertainment, bubbling over with clean fun. ' The Hundredth Chance." and Dennis Neilson Terry. The Admirable Crichton. Cast. (Paramount Artcraft.) All Star BARBIE'S world-famous plav produced on the screen by Cecil B. De Mille and played by an all-star cast, among whom Thomas Meighan and Gloria Swanson shine in particular. An aristocratic family and servants are thrown on a desert isle, and the one-time butler, Crichton, becomes master of the party, while the daughter of Lord Loam finds herself in love with him. A super-production which should be seen by all. "The Six Best Cellars." Bryant Wash, burn. (ParamountArtcraft.) Mary Glynn e (Stoll.) ■ ETHEL M. DELL'S popular novel as a screenplay. It shows how a man took a bis chance with love and won in the end after much sorrow. The story provides many intense • moments and leads up to a great crisis. Beautful English scenery. A first-class production. "Tin Pan Alley." Albert Ray and Elin4b Fair. (Fox.) THE screen favourites in a delightful story. It tells of a factory lad who became a song-writer through the inspiration of a little shop girl. He, however, gets caught in the whirl of stage life and forgets his little sweetheart until the time comes when he is down and out — then he makes the greatest song-hit of his life. Excellent in every way — a romance that all will enjoy. "The Very Idea." Taylor Holmes. {f. B. 0.) THE successful stage-play with that most resourceful fun-maker, Taylor Holmes, as the husband who thought of -' the very idea." ' Glorious scenes from Palm Beach are introduced. The picture moves rapidly from the first act — there is a laugh in every scene. Excellent. "Riders of Vengeance." Harry Casey. (Butchers). ONE of those Western plays in which Harry. Carey, as " Cheyenne Harry," is so popular. Though this is a strong dramatic play there are many human and light touches m-" separable from this star's work. Seena Owen plays the heroine with much grace and power. A lite-long feud between two families Supplies the plot for this story, which is cleverly worked out to a happy ending. Excellent. " The Black Sheep." Marguerite Hi w he, George Kjsene, Eve Balfour. (Bn/tckers.) ANOTHER novel adapted to the screen, this time by Ruby M. Ayros. This story is full of surprises. It shows the reformation of the black sheep of the family, and how a calculating woman endeavoured to ruin his happiness. Excellent British acting. PATHE SUNBEAMS " * ° PROHIBITION in America treated in a.most amusing manner. Henry Carpenter (Bryant Washburn) and his wife, daintily played by Wanda Hawley, arc members of "a most exclusive suburban set. He gives a dinner party with the promise of some first rate wine, but when he finds his treasured bottles empty, THE WEEK S BEST JOKES By permission cf Messrs. P.the Frerrs darling, kiss my cheek and. make it up. Her Husband (ungraciously): ** I'll kiss it, but I don't think it wrtnts anv more making up." — (The World's Keu-s.) Two doctors rocontly nrrived simultaneously at an accident in which a wealthy landowner was injured. It isn't yot known whether they have decided to halve the bill or double it. — Passing Show. * • • Preaciier : " We will now sing hvmn number 785." Telephone Operator (waking up) : ber engaged.'' — (H innipey Telegram.) Num. He : " Darling, I kissed I he very stamp <n your letter because I knew it had been touchedby your dear lips." *She : " Oh, Jack, I moistened it on dear old Fido's noso." — (Bystander.) » » * Doctor (after the smash) : " Are you married 1 " Victim of Accident : " No, I got those scratches where the tramcar hit me." — (L'Asino, 7'ttrin.) PRETTY COLOURED TRANSFER. Beautifully rcpitiduced in irany colours, this delightful transfer will give just the right finishing touch to your ' Undies,' Blouses, Traycloths, etc. Make sure you get it. It is free inside every copy of rORGETMEAOT Out on Wednesday.