Picture Show (Oct 1920 - Apr 1921)

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Pictiu-fi Sliou; Apiil 2nd, 1921. 23 IPvouwatit to know anything about Films or Film Player; PENETRATING THE SURFACE. THE cinema is still young. For some ot us. in the appreciative contemplation o! its past achievements, are apt at times to forget this simple truth. So rapidly has the motion picture progressed since it emerged from the infant stage that its power and position to-day seem really to belong to the older industries. We think there is little else to be done when the problems of the coloured and speaking films have been successfully solved, and then we learn to our astonishment that it has even more surprises for us in store. There is, indeed, much that is magnificent in the possibilities of its youth. Hitherto we have marvelled at the unrivalled entertainment and instruction it has afforded us in various ways. The art of the artiste, the wonders of the universe, and the beauties of Nature, have all been faithfully portrayed. We did not need to worry about the expenses of travel, its petty inconveniences, and its long (and sometimes tedious) journeys to see them all. We grew to laugh at the tourist, for by stepping across the road we saw more in an hour than he might have done in a lifetime. But we were looking all the while at the surface of things. We did not suspect that even their hidden mysteries might one day be revealed upon the screen. For it would appear that there is nothing sacred to the^eye of the motion picture camera. It has improved upon the X-rays, for whereas the latter showed us organs of the body without their movement, the motion picture can depict them as they are. Lately, before the Royal Society of Medicine, a film was shown by which the most minute details of the heart's action were clearly visible to the naked eye. And it was also possible to see the movements of various muscles in athletic exercises. Clearly the day of screen miracles is not past, for there is no knowing what other secrets of man and the universe we may yet see Aimed. THE EDITOR. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will readers kindly remember that as "this paper <?oes to press a considerable time before publication, letters cannot be answered .in the next issue ? A stamped and addressed envelopp must accompany any letter requiring an early reply. Every letter should give the full name arid address of the writer (not for publications as no anonymous communications can be answered. Address : The Editor, "Picture Show,'' Room 85, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4. Will all readers entering our competitions kindly bear in mind that announcements as to results CANNOT BE GIVEN BY POST. As in the case of past competitions, results will be given in the paper as soon as possible. But readers are kindly requested to be patient, as entries for our competitions always number several thousands, and the work of judging them fairly cannot, therefore, be done too quickly. " Phillip " (Humpstc.id). — You want to know where Billic Burke lives, Fanny Ward lives, Uary Pickford lives, Jack 'Pickford lives, and Charlie Chaplin lives ? America, sure. • " Nokbi ryite " (Xorbury).— I believe I have answered others fn m your town by post. Anyway, you may claim the honour of bein<2 the first in print. Mitihtll Lewis in "The Par Minister" and "The Harrier." J. S. (Hampstcad). — Rather a long nom-de-plume, so 1 hope you vjoii't mind your initials instead. Yes, Wyndham Standing deserves admirinji. and you will doubtless feel proud to know that he is an Englishman. Place of birth, London, and date, August 23rd, 1880. A. B. (Brussels).— My good friend. I shall not charge you anything for this except the small price (or its equivalent your side) marked on the outside ot the front cover. Margarita Eisner was born in Missouri Valley, Iowa, twenty-seven years ago. . She began her screen career with Helig, and among her pictures are " Beauty to Let," "The Devil's Assistant," and " Fair Enough." .She has copper coloured jhair and grey eyes. " Spideu " (Farchani). — You will look for a nicelong answer. Who said there were any others '? However, since you like my replies, I must continue to be nice. No, Donald Calthrop has not done very much. Old films are not always easy to trace, and the one you mention is, unfortunately, an instance. Yes, write again any old time. " Lightning " (Maidenhead). — What a striking nom-de-plume. So for all our glorious art plates you return thanks. I am glad you like them, and mind \ou keep up the collection. Here is the cast of " Everywoman." Violet Hemming (title role), Clara Horton (Youth), Wanda Hawley (Beauty), dargarct Loomis (Modesty), Clarence Geldert (Auc:ionecr), Bebe Daniels (Vice), Mildred Rcardon (Conscience), Theodore Roberts (Wealth), Edvth Chapman (Truth), Monte Blue (Love), Charles Ogle (Time), Irving Cumminga (Passion), Lncien Idtttofleld (Lord Witless), .lames N'clll (Nobody). Kred Huntley (Dissipation), Kavmoild Hatton ( h lafti-i \ ). Noali Betry (Bluff), Jay Dwiggins (Stuff), Tiilly Marshall (Pufjf), and Robert Brower (Age). J. P. \V. (Kensington). — Xot a boring letter at all. Mae Murray is a great favourite of yours. She is the wife of Kobert Leonard, and was born in Portsmouth, Virginia. Her age this year will be twenty-seven. She gives her colouring as blonde hair and blue eyes, and her height as 5 ft. 4 in. "BABES" (Leeds). — In the woods, still? Well, I hope it isn't because of the house shortage. Now of your favourites have really disappeared. They sometimes retire for a brief space only. Theda Bara was' born in 181KJ in Cincinnati, but her birthday is not given. She has dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and is 5 ft. 6 in. in height, (iladys Brockwell was born in 1894 in Brooklyn, New York, and has the same coloured hair, but her eyes are brown. Height, 5 ft. 6 in. also. " t'N (iRisnE Fillet" (Greenwich). — You want me to settle an argument that is always raging between you* mother and you. Trying to settle a domestic squabblr is always a delicate matter. One is sure to please one and offend the other, especially when, as in this case, youth is in the right. " Jacko's Secret " was an Italian production, and Jlalvina Longfellow was not in it. Conway Tearle. is married to Adele Rowland. He is Godfrey's half-brother. " Brownie " (Warwick). — The part of Master Alfred TrnseQtt in " The Call of the Road " was taken by Victor McLaglen. " James " (Dundee). — Yonr wants, young man. are simply staggering. You ask first of all, for a complete list of all the life stories and art plates that have appeared in Nos. 1 to 84. next art plates, to be issued of ' very single artiste in thr. ;;>nntr\ ,nd in America and last of all, replicas of all the art plates. Why, it's like a nightmare. Write to the publisher. 7-0, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London. E.C. 4, and he will give you the cost of those numbers he has in stock. " By the World Forgot " featured Hedda Nova and J. Frank (Jlendon. "JUANITA" (Edinburgh). -Mary Pickford is certainly very pretty. J iiauita Hansen has fair hair and blue eyes. Little Madge Evans will be twelve on July 1st. You other juvenile favourite is not very \<t-ll known. " Bernadf.ttf, " (Gravescnd). — Percy Marmont was born in Gumiersbury. but does not state his age or birthday. " The Climbers " and " Pride " are among his latest. Mary Pickford and Conway Tearle in " Stella Maris," and Rene Create and Mile. Andreyor in " Judex." "BETH" (Lincoln). — You will be reading (his on washing-day again. I expect, (dad to hear the " P. S." cheers you up. No ;ecent news of Mabel TruneUe or what she is doing. " English " (Manchester). —You will see I commented on your letter in a previous issue. Your first British favourite has net come forward with any particulars about himself. Godfrey and Conway Tearle are half-brothers. The former has brown hair and.eyes, and has appeared in " A Sinless Sinner." "Nobody's Child." and " Queen's Evidence." He is the son of the late Osmond Tearle. "Nosy" (Leigh-on-Sea). — Not as bad as that, surely. Your request will be complied with one of those fin: days if enh to jvsid thr brickbat-: you threaten to throw at me. Edward Boxen in " More Deadly Than the Male." • (More ansicers next week.) to " PICTURE SHOW " PERSONAL. WRITING TO ARTISTES. — Please do not ask for any addresses by post, but if you wish to communicate at once with any artiste not named below, write your letter, putting the name of the star on the envelope, and enclose it with a loose 2d. stamp to the Editor, the PlCTOBB Show, Room So, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C .4. and it will be forwarded by the next mail. A letter weighing more than one ounce will require an additional penny stamp for each extra -ounce. Such letters cannot be specially acknowledged by the Editor. When writing to artistes always give yoar full name and address, including the name of your county and country, and mention the PKTBKJ Show to ensure the safety of a reply. We cannot, however, guarantee that such letters will be answered. Please keep these addresses for reference. Ali.A NA7IM0VA, care of Metro Pictures Corpn., Hollywood, California, U.S.A. William F'ahnim. care of Fox Film Co., 130, West 46th Street. New York City, V,S.A. CONWAY Tearle, care of Friars Club, New York City, U.S.A. Roy Stewart, Roy Stewart Feature Films, 641, North Hobart Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. (More addresses next week.) THE NEW PATENT SOUND DISCS completely ofcrcoma DKAFNKSH and HKAI) NOISES, no n..nt<-r of how Iodr :-'.u : • Arc the lan.e 10 the vara a* irlaxxcs are to dm eye*. Invisible, comfortable. Worn month* without removal. Explanatory Pamphlet Free. THE A.J. WALES CO.. Wl . NEW BOND ST.. LONDON. W.l. BEAF DO YOU WISH TO ADD 0 TO YOUR INCOME ? ■ : Ladtes who believe they can sell Wool in ! Colleges, Factories, or amongst friends, are * requested to write for particulars to CIA/I I COM SILVER STREET, • ~ ■ LOUllj WAKEFIELD. STEREMjj* 1/6 Bargain Novelty. Amusing To All. Powerful Lens Stereoscope and Pieiure Holrirr, 21 ins. Ions, and 1O0 Kf .il KiDcsua Film Pictures A' 1 ually Shown at Kh;i> 111a*. All Differrnt. and Suhiects Widely1/6 Po*t Free. Di light or Money Back. Silling in Thousands. Creating a Sensation Wherever Siiavrn. FREE Catalogue. Noveliics. Eli PAIN'S PRESENTS HOUSE. DEPT. 60S. HASTINGS Simple and inexpensive to work — an ideal design for holiday wear by the sea or in the country. Full instructions are given in Tuesday's HANDY STORIES The Complete Price Slory Paper 2d.