Plan for cinema (1936)

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ON THE NATURE OF CINEMA 8l Picture cut to : 2 1 . Medium Shot. Napoleon, musing. He gives a glance in the direction of the telegraph, and presently is joined by Decres. cut to : 22. Medium Close Shot. Napoleon and Decres. The Emperor takes his minister's arm and starts to walk along the eminence. The camera leads them, moving backwards as they walk towards it. They stop walking. Napoleon faces more to Decres. Sound The military band, distant. The military band is heard faintly behind the dialogue. Napoleon : Decres, this action with Sir Robert Calder Three weeks ago, whereof we dimly heard, And clear details of which I have just unsealed, Is on the whole auspicious for our plan. It seems that twenty of our ships and Spain's — None over eighty-gunned, and some far less — Engaged the English off Cape Finisterre With fifteen vessels of a hundred each. We coolly fought and orderly as they,