Plan for cinema (1936)

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88 PLAN FOR CINEMA Godoy : True, my dear — Yet I do passably keep troth with you, And fond you with fair regularity; — A week beside you, and a week away. Such is not schemed without some risk and strain — And you agreed Josefa should be mine, And, too, Thereza, without jealousy ! [A noise is heard without. Ah, what means that? He jumps up from her side and crosses the room to a window, where he lifts the curtain cautiously. The Queen follows him with a scared look. Queen : A riot can it be? Godoy : Let me put these out ere they notice them ; They think me at the royal palace yonder. He hastily extinguishes the candles except one taper, which he places in a recess, so that the room is in shade. He then draws back the curtains, and she joins him at the window, where, enclosing her with his arm, he and she look out together. The scene dissolves into the view seen by Godoy and the Queen. In the immediate foreground, across the entire proscenium, are black lines representing the window frame. Godoy and the Queen are not seen. We hear their voices. They see, and the audience sees with them. ^ Queen : In front of the house a Lingering, we 've risked too guard of hussars is stationed, long our chance of flight, beyond them spreading the The Paris Terror will repeat Plaza or square. On the it here.