The Plunderers (Allied Artists) (1960)

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Plunderers* Star Is Happiest Playing Ist They'll tell you Jeff Chandler would trade all Hollywood for first base. But then the 15 x 15-inch canvas bag stuffed with horsehair would have to be that particular one held down at present by Orlando Cepeda of the Giants. Six-foot-four “Big Gray,” as his friends call him, starring with John Saxon and Dolores Hart in “The Plunderers” at the . Theatre, is in fact a sort of unofficial, nonparticipating member of the San Francisco ball club, and in the spring may usually be found working out with it in Phoenix, Ariz. “You want to know how baseball crazy Jeff is?” says producer-director Joseph Pevney. “We shot ‘The Plunderers’ between innings.” Which is another way of saying that between camera setups on the Allied Artists release, Chandler had a ball game going between mixed teams of actors and crewman. Yep, he played first base. But for all the kidding he takes about his absorption with baseball, Chandler is no frustrated Cepeda. He grew up wanting to become an actor, and worked as a commercial artist in New York until he won a scholarship to a dramatic school. He came to pictures by way of summer stock and radio. And now he heads his picture company, August Productions, which he organized to film the Bob Barbash script of ‘““The Plunderers,”’ in which Marsha Hunt, Ray Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen and James Westerfield are co-starred. Roger Torrey, Dee Pollock, Joseph Hamilton, Harvey Stephens and Vaughn Taylor are also in the cast. As for punctuating scenes with innings, he argues, “Beats gin rummy, doesn’t it?” Gin rummy being, of course, what most actors play between setups. His film was produced and directed by Joseph Pevney with eee eee Ray Stricklyn Catching Up It took a little while, but Ray Stricklyn, who’s been’ winning critical acclaim for his portrayal of a suddenly disintegrating personality at the climax of “The Plunderers,” now at the .......... Theatre, seems to be fulfilling the promise of the Theatre World Award he won for his Broadway stage performance in Truman Capote’s “The Grass Harp.” With Paul Newman, who was in “Picnic,” and John Kerr, in “Tea and Sympathy,” Stricklyn was chosen for the prize as one of the three most promising actors of the year. An August Production released by Allied Artists, “The Plunderers” stars Jeff Chandler, John Saxon, and Dolores Hart, with Marsha Hunt, Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen, and James Westerfield billed as co-stars. It was produced and directed by Joseph Pevney. ELDER Roger Torrey, 23, the new sixfoot-five-inch screen discovery featured with Jeff Chandler, John Saxon, and Dolores Hart in August Productions’ “The Plunderers,” an Allied Artists release now at the .. Theatre, is an elder of the Mormon Church. Bid leyocis \8).ei a “THE PLUNDERERS” Scott R. Dunlap as the executive producer and Jess Rand as the associate producer. “THE PLUNDERERS’” Jeff Chandler is starred in “The No. 4 Plunderers” opening .......... at the? 2. asin s os Theatre. Co-starring are Dolores Hart and John Saxon with a strong supporting cast including Marsha Hunt, Jay C. Flippen and Ray Stricklyn. The picture, produced by August Productions, is an Allied Artists release. A Hollywood Introduction “What I can’t get used to about this business,” blond Dolores Hart said, “is the — what shall we say? Well, I’ve only known Mr. Saxon about an hour. Now watch.” For her, John Saxon, and Jeff Chandler it was the first day of work on August Productions’ “The Plunderers,” the Allied Artists release now at the ......... Theatre. She and Saxon were being called into their first rehearsal by director Joseph Pevney. She took her place on the set. Saxon stood in front of her. Somebody bellowed “Quiet!” and the actor, playing a vaquero, began the Don Juan bit with honeyed words, moving closer. Suddenly he grabbed the all-but-total stranger with both arms and planted his lips on hers. She struggled, broke his hold, and—wham !—staggered him with a left to the kisser. The rehearsal over, she returned to the interviewer. “See what I mean?” she said. SEVENTH “The Plunderers,’ now at the .. Theatre, is the seventh picture Jeff Chandler has done under the direction of Joseph Pevney. The August Production, released by Allied Artists, co-stars Chandler with John Saxon and Dolores Hart. No. 24 From left to right—John Saxon, Roger Torrey. Ray Stricklyn and Dee Pollock are cast as young cowboys in search of trouble as they terrorize Saw Saxon In Crystal Ball No one in the film industry can take credit for discovering the motion picture potential of the star teamed with Jeff Chandler and Dolores Hart in “The Plunderers,’ now at the Theatre. That distinction goes to the 1952 senior-class “prophet” of New Utrecht High School, New York. “Hollywood will get Ricky d’Orrico,” he wrote under the yearbook photograph of the boy now known as John Saxon. In “The Plunderers” Saxon plays a Mexican vaquero who with three other young cowboys tries to take over a Texas town. The August Production, released by Allied Artists, was produced and directed by Joseph Pevney. Co-Stars Pose For Each Other Jeff Chandler, an ex-commercial artist, and Dolores Hart, who derives part of her income from cartooning, made character sketches of each other, and their co-star, John Saxon, during production of “The Plunderers,’” now at the SR aoe eae Theater. Before turning actor, Chandler earned $18 a week as layout artist for a New York mail order house, and later worked as instructor in an art school. Miss Hart does all the cartoons for the greeting-card company she maintains as a business sideline. Marsha Hunt, Ray Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen, and James Westerfield are co-starred in “The Plunderers,” a Chandler (August Productions) independent produced and directed by Joseph Pevney and released by Allied Artists. Scott R. Dunlap was the executive producer and Jess Rand the associate producer of the film. He Sort: Of Grew Into It Because the script of “The Plunderers,” now at the .......:.. Theatre, called for “a giant with a baby face,” Roger Torrey, stunt double for TV’s Jim Arness, got one of the most spectacular breaks of the Hollywood year. In his first acting assignment, he plays the 82-page role of Mule, the chief menace in this Allied Artists release, an August production starring Jeff Chandler, John Saxon, and Dolores Hart, and has been hailed as a stellar prospect himself. Torrey is 22, stands six-five-anda-half, weighs 240 pounds, and has a 52-inch chest. Six months before being tested for “The Plunderers’’ by producer-director Joseph Pevney, he had sold his horse in Pocatello, Idaho, to pay his fare to Los Angeles, where his first job was sorting lumber in a sash-and-door yard. Jeff Grounds Young Jumper Dee Pollock, featured in “The Plunderers,” starring Jeff Chandler, John Saxon and Dolores Hart and now at the .......... Theatre, gave Chandler the biggest jolt of his career as an independent producer when the picture was halfway through its shooting schedule. The 23-year-old announced that on the day before, a Sunday, he had stepped out of an airplane at 3000 feet and made his first free fall to win membership in the Skydivers, a parachute jumping club. Chandler promptly forbade him to jump again until the Allied Artists release was finished. Filmed by Chandler’s August Productions, “The Plunderers” was produced and directed by Joseph Pevney. Marsha Hunt, Ray Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen, and James Westerfield are co-starred. LENGTHY To please her grandmother, Dolores Hart let her hair grow long enough to sit on. It came in handy for her role as a Texas belle of 1868 in August Productions’ “The Plunderers,” the Allied Artists release in which she’s currently starring with Jeff Chandler and John Saxon at the ........7. Theatre. “THE PLUNDERERS” Jeff Chandler and Dolores Hart are pictured in this scene from “The Plunderers” in which they are starred with John Saxon. The film, produced by August Productions for Allied Artists, opens the Se. 6 9, 2.0 oleye ceadeune Rare es at Theatre. Co-starred ars Marsha Hunt, Jay C. Flippen, James Westerfield and Ray Stricklyn. He Had A Million Of Em But Saxon Wanted To Act When John Saxon, dreamboat of the bobby sox trade, announced he was chucking all that to go in for serious acting, one columnist accused him of “jilting a million girls,” and Hollywood called it folly. But when he appeared briefly as a halfbreed Indian in “The Unforgiven,” only to be cut out midway through the film (because the strength of his characterization would have distracted from the main story line), a howl of protest went up from critics and customers alike. That howl got him one of the meatiest roles of the year in COSGNESS Ac at ees theatre and now movie town is predicting a new career for him. “The Plunderers,” which costars him with Jeff Chandler and Dolores Hart, is the thought-provoking story of four young cowpokes who, made bold by appeasement, try to take over a town. Saxon plays a romantic Mexican vaquero, most worldly-wise of the four, and the only one who realizes where their arrogance is leading them. He goes along, not because he wants power, but because of the attraction exerted upon him by the girl (Miss Hart). And let’s just put it that with her he meets his “moment of truth,” because to be more specific would be almost as great a crime in Hollywood’s eyes as coming in late for a Hitchcock thriller. “It’s the kind of part I’ve been hungry for ever since I started acting,” says Saxon. “And it’s parts like this different, of course, but with this kind of authenticity, depth, and strength that I want from now on.” Marsha Hunt, Ray Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen, and James Westerfield are co-starred in “The Plunderers,” with Roger Torrey, Dee Pol Saxon Favors The Hard Way John Saxon, starred with Jeff Chandler and Dolores Hart in “The Plunderers” at the.......... Theater, is what is known in Hollywood as “a hard study.” As the young vaquero in this August production he didn’t have to speak a word of Spanish. But he bought an album of recorded lessons and engaged a MexicanAmerican to coach him in the accent. A still photographer handed him a cigar for a “prop” in a publicity picture. Saxon handed it back. “This story’s laid in 1868. Let’s get an authentic old cigarro from the prop man and do this right.” He reads philosophy and psychology for background in his portrayals. He maintains a muscular physique by calesthenics and weight-lifting. And that’s what Hollywood means by “a hard study.” Marsha Hunt, Ray Stricklyn, Jay C. Flippen, and James Westerfield co-star in “The Plunderers,” an Allied Artists release produced and directed by Joseph Pevney with Scott R. Dunlap as the executive producer, lock, Joseph Hamilton, Harvey Stephens, and Vaughn Taylor featured in the cast. The independent August Productions film was produced and directed by Joseph Pevney and released by Allied Artists. Scott R. Dunlap was the executive producer. He Was Just Born To Write Bob Barbash,, whom Hollywood columnists are nominating for an Academy Award for the story and script of August Productions’ “The Plunderers,” the Allied Artists release at the Theatre, with Jeff Chandler, John Saxon, and Dolores Hart starred, is the marvel of his fellow writers. Barbash has never received a rejection slip. In six months he rose from a bellboy to manager of the swank Surfcomber Hotelin Miami, Fla. He borrowed a TV script from a hotel guest to see what one looked like, then wrote two originals, sold the first to Playhouse 90, the second to Studio One, and has been a rousing success ever since. FX-SECRETARY Ray Stricklyn, co-starred with Jeff Chandler, John Saxon, and Dolores Hart in August Productions’ “The Plunderers,” an Allied Artists release at the Theatre, has worked as secretary to two of America’s top playwrights, Tennessee Williams and William Inge. eee reser ees eee ee ee wne THE PLUNDERERS” No. 5 John Saxon turns his back on the usual handsome-hero roles in “The Plunderers,” the August Production for Allied Artists, now at the Theatre. Saxon is co-starred with Jeff Chandler and Dolores Hart. Co-starred are Marsha Hunt, Jay C. Flippen, James Westerfield and Ray Stricklyn. eee re ewes