Change of Mind (Cinerama Releasing) (1969)

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| The world's first brain saa iene The world’s first brain p | ae” il | A change of living. A change of loving... [R] in COLOR cc CINERAMA FROM RELEASING CORPORATION 2 col x 28 = 56 lines mat 203 CINERAMA FROM RELEASING ® CORPORATION in COLOR in COLOR CINERAMA FROM RELEASING © CORPORATION iy [R] <> 2 col x 49 = 98 lines mat 202 2 col x 14 = 28 lines mat 204 The world S first brain The world’s first brain transplant transplant! af [R] <> COLOR ¢ ix 14 -= 14: lines mat 104 CINERAMA FROM RELEASING [R] inCOLOR ® CORPORATION TA ''CHANGE OF MIND!! The world’s first brain transplant Clutching his wife (SUSAN OLIVER), David wey i = (RAYMOND ST. JACQUES) turns away from ix eo > 28 lines Nees? Elizabeth JANET MacLACHLAN), in a tense mat 103 scene from ''CHANGE OF MIND'' which opens..... Bete pe ea OUTING ee sie ah eww ee eee Ee eter: A change of living. A change of loving... The world’s first brain transplant Wie ‘C CINERAMA ~, FROM RELEASING é E> CORPORATION in COLOR CINERAMA RELEASING CORPORATION presents ASAGITTARIUS Film in COLOR [R] > CINERAMA Asciul palace ae 2A ''CHANGE OF MIND!! Margaret (SUSAN OLIVER) finds it difficult 1 x99 = 99 lines [© accept her husband David (RAYMOND ST. nae 101 JACQUES) after the brain transplant opera1 x 50 = 50 lines tion which saved his life. ''CHANGE OF MIND!! mat 102 OP ONS ix anintetilnates eee PAG Aki le ou ls £e CONeRLEr : SPECIAL AD MAT NO. 1—Order from NSS This advertising material has been approved under the MPAA Advertising Code, a self-requlatory procedure of the Motion Picture Association of Americo