Change of Mind (Cinerama Releasing) (1969)

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and recorded the Sound Track score. “Change of Mind” is the powerfully provocative and suspenseful story of the world’s first brain transplant, in this case, the brain of a white man transplanted into the body of a black man. Is he black or white? What happens to his wife, his family, his friends, his career, and his future? Raymond St. Jacques, who starred in ““The Comedians’’, ‘‘If He Hollers, Let Him Go” and “Up Tight”, plays the tour de force role of a dynamic district attorney who, at the prime of his career, begins a new life with the body of a black man. Susan Oliver, Janet MacLachlan, Donnelly Rhodes, and Leslie Nielsen have the starring roles in the film directed by Emmy Award winner Robert Stevens. The score for “Change of Mind’? was composed and conducted by the incomparable Duke Ellington. Starring Raymond St. Jacques, Leslie Nielsen, Susan Oliver and Janet MacLachlan. A Sagittarius Film, Henry S. White, executive producer. Directed by Robert Stevens. Screenplay co-authored and co-produced by Seeleg Lester and Richard Wesson. Distributed by Cinerama Releasing Corporation and GIRO. Ss Raymond St. Jacques as David and Susan Oliver as his wife, in | a scene from "Change of Mind." FROM CINERAMA RELEASING CORPORATION