Change of Mind (Cinerama Releasing) (1969)

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POSTERS AND ACCESSORIES FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICES Shown below is the ad theme art available in four colors for the following accessories: 24-sheets, 6-Sheets, 3-sheets, l-sheets, 40 x 60, 22 x 28, insert card, and Hi-Rise Standees. Black bodywhite brain! A change of living. A change of loving... CINERAMA RELEASING CORPORATION oresents A SAGITTARIUS Fim RAYMOND ST. JACQUES . “CHANGE OF MIND” SUSAN OLIVER JANET MacLACHLAN DONNELLY RHODES LESLIE NIELSEN os sir Gene weve sduced and Witte ROBERT RT STEVENS SEELEG LESTER» :DICK WESSON wasicv, DUKE cea ca ene INERAMA RELEASING CORTORATION : 69/331 Also Available: Set of (8) color stills, 8 x 10 and 11 x 14 -Set of 8 x 10 B/W stills . Order from your local National Screen Service exchange Printed in U.S.A.