Sleeping Beauty (Childhood Pictures) (1965)

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moe from page one IMPORTANT: This picture runs 70 minutes. You are to play it on Saturday at noon, 2 and 4 p.m., and on Sunday at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. You should change your marquee for these shows! It is very important that you get the co-operation of your PTAs and school officials to circularize the children in the lower grades. This will stimulate business and improve the image of your theatre. Get the National Screen Service trailer on your screen for at least 2 weeks in advance. Run it at every show! A little showmanship and effort on your part will insure record grosses. This show is a natural! “SLEEPING BEAUTY’’ IN NEW LIVE, COLOR MOVIE! IIEING FD! is oie. he venns oe Et abeetsveeteseesa. All-Time Children’s Favorite To Play Special Matinees’ The Brothers Grimm, who wrote some of the most fascinating fairy tales to come down to us over the centuries, created for their enchanting tale of “Sleeping Beauty” several delightful and unforgettable characters. These shall live forever in the world of children’s make-believe and now, in this new version of the famous story, they will spring to life on the motion picture screen of the Theatre on These characters would be, of course, the lovely Sleeping Beauty herself, the good King and Queen, the stone frog who comes to life, the wicked witch and her evil spell, the Water Fairies and the handsome Princewho awakens Sleeping Beauty from her hundred years of sleep with a kiss. Added to chese are the hilarious apprentice cooks and housemaids, and the kindly chef and housekeeper of the palace staff. Filmed in thrilling “Storybook Color” with an all-live cast, “Sleeping Beauty” is all-new and being shown for the first time at special children’s matinees here. SCENE MAT #SB-1 The screen awakens to a big wide wonderful world of enchantment! Presented in glowing, glorious CHILDREN 50¢ SCENE MAT # SB 2 CLASSIC MAT # 301 3 Cols x 60 Li (180 Lines) Available From NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE COMING ATTRACTIONS TRAILER 8 x 10 COLOR GLOSS STILLS (10 to set) AD MATS 11 x 14 PHOTOS SCENE MATS 40 x 60 PRESS BOOKS ONE SHEETS STANDEES Available From TOP ADVERTISING CO. 4110 COMMERCIAL AVE. OMAHA, NEBR. PHONE (AREA CODE 402) 453-6160 6} x 124 HERALDS NEW 3 COLOR 84 x 11 HERALDS 14 x 22 WINDOW CARDS 6 x 9 HERALDS (Write for Samples) 7 x 11 COUNTER CARDS DATE STRIPS MERCHANT TICKETS All of the Above are Very Reasonably Priced SCENE MAT #SB-3