A Tornado in the Saddle (Columbia Pictures) (1942)

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SIX a a ONE SHEET—15c POSTERS ‘A HURRICANE OF HAIR-RAISING ACTION! A WHIRLWIND” OF 10 IGKLING. TUNES! a7 DUB TAYLOR: ALMA CARROU .. BOB WILLS HIS TEXAS PLAYBOYS RR OLUMBIB PISTURE 22, x 283—B—40c COBBIES Stock Window Card Sock home the flaming excitement of the Russell Hayden westerns, by wide-spread use of the stock window cards prepared for the Hayden series. Order in sufficient quantities to cover all future playdates. Imprint [ee ag oe nee 5 (Gey Riyt-ering re credits for each new western starring Hayden and featuring Bob Wills. PRICES: covumelh pier URE 22 x 28 —A—40c SLIDE (Same Design)—15c 1 2 foie 5 ie af % 64 Bs i: as 4 i : 3 SS ey : : Sy 2 Bt . : ' Lbs: eS: Oh as Bee a o see se Ginn rin Ob UES thot MRA ceeR Si ine é g te eS esaaoone Dig BA: ge pieakeh ga pose a Each aki .07 ginal ue EIGHT 11 x 14’s PER SET__75c . ne ne PRINTED IN U, S, A,