Baby the Rain Must Fall (Columbia Pictures) (1965)

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2 HER NOW? Somehow , he always makes trouble... f somehow she’s | always there/ WHAT IS HE GOING COLUM BIA PICTURES presents STEVE M eee LEE REMICK — DON MURRAY PAKULAMULLIGAN'S | PRODUCTION a “Love With The e Proper Stranger” and To Kil A Mockingbird” Screenplay by HORTON FOOTE. Based on his play,’ The Traveling Lady” Music by ELMER BERNSTEIN Produced by ALAN J. PAKULA Directed by ROBERT MULLIGAN Hear original Soundtrack on Ava Recor Ad No. 504—630 Lines—5 Cols. x 9 Inches DON’T CALL HIM NO-DAMN-GOOD... NOT IN FRONT OF HER! COLUMBIA PICTURES STEVE LEE presents MQUEEN REMICK Ad No. 30!1—294 Lines {including imprint space) DON: 3 Cols. x 7 Inches i MURRAY COLUMBIA | PICTURES presents D0 MURRAY , re PAKULAMULLIGANS & ‘the rath: My _ fall’ 7 Produced by ALAN J. PAKULA birected by ROBERT MULLIGAN Ad No. 103—77 Lines | Col. x 51/2 Inches » PAKULAMULLIGAN'S PRODUCTION OF ‘therain ‘aa Tall : From the makers of “Love With The Proper Stranger” and To Kil A Mockingbird” Screenplay by Produced by Directed by Hear original Soundtrack HORTON FOOTE-Based on his play, The Traveling Lady” « are Get Ely ALAN J. PAKULA ROBERT MULLIGAN Page 5