Barabbas (Columbia Pictures) (1961)

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SOAP SCULPTORS: Invite art and sculpture schools, or arrange through TV or newspapers, for soap sculptors to do head of Anthony Quinn as Barabbas or action scene from film. Exhibit in lobby or department store window with accompanying scene stills. Board of art teachers might select winners. a DRIVE CAREFULLY: Arrange with parking lots and garages to use a placard reading: “Drive Care fully On Your Way To See ‘Barabbas’ at the ........ ? —_———— ae TELEPHONE BOOTH TEASER: This is a spectacular, although simple and inexpensive, method of selling your show in formerly untried situations about town. Choose locations that have a battery of public telephone booths. Arrange to placard the doors with display mention of “Barabbas.” The placards, for best effect, to read: DON’T DISTURB I'm calling up the ....... Theatre to find out what time “Barabbas” goes on. These placards will be visible when the doors are closed by the party talking. _—— eee SPECIAL TRAENS: Make certain suburban rail and bus lines run “Specials” into the city for club and church theatre groups coming to see “Barabbas.” aaa FIND A BARABBAS?: Arrange with your local newspaper to box this question: “Is Your Name Barabbas? If It Is, Bring Identification To The......... Theatre Box Office And Receive Free Admission To See Anthony Quinn as Your Namesake On The Screen In The Columbia Picture ‘Barabbas.’ Give local ‘Barabbas’ the VIP treatment. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: To add importance to the release of “Barabbas,” a ‘personal’ pitch from the theatre manager from the stage before screening the trailer can be an effective ‘stopper’. LOBBY CLOCK: Put up a clock in the outer lobby with card reading: “You'll Want To See ‘Barabbas’ From The Beginning!” Underneath clock have time schedule of when “Barabbas” goes on. ———EE VARIETY STORES: Arrange with local variety store managers for window displays of Roman toys; chariots, Roman soldiers, etc. An assortment of stills from the picture should add to the display. JAVELIN CONTEST: Still No. 645 is a dramatic shot of Anhony Quinn as a gladiator in the Roman arena, in the act of throwing the javelin at Jack Palance. work with police athletic leagues, high school and college athletic coaches, ete. for javelin-throwing contests. Girls, too! SSS ROMAN STYLES: A striking window display can be created by a collection of womens’ accessories from ancient, and modern, Rome. Accompanied by stills and credits from the picture, this can be a sure-fire ‘Come-on’ for the window shopper. ROMAN HOLIDAY: Arrange with department stores to use the following copy in their local newspaper ads: “Make It A Roman Holiday At ........... Store! A full week of spectacular sales to welcome the Roman holiday in “Barabbas,” etc.” LUCKY SALES NUMBER: In connection with the Roman Holiday Week, arrange with cooperating department store that the lucky number on a sales slip will entitle bearer to a pair of seats for “Barabbas.” “HOW MANY WORDS: Arrange with local newspaper, radio or TV on a contest with question: “How Many Words—Four Letters or More—Can You Make From the Letters in Anthony Quinn’s Name?” Page 12 [Bh |] 9] I Dy 3] TI I I I I II EdD Bed Fed bead bd Ped bed bzabsd el SEGA 9=4 PEdib=dbzd bed dba babs bsd xd bx dibed fd Ped dbs a4 B= ab=d Bea P= db= aed brah db=¢ =U bea Saba Sana p54 P5d(zd Fsd Bralbed zd fa) bed Bed Psd babs bed FE 40E4 B54 fd Bed bd bd bd bd YOUR ‘BARABBAS’ RELIGIOUS CAMPAIGN While the "religious" approach to local selling of "Barabbas" is a virtual must, care must be taken to keep the "religious angle" material available within the religious community only. As a masterpiece of screen entertainment, ''Barabbas' has much to recommend it to other audiences... . BOOK MAILING and SCREENING The mailing of the novel itself, to religious leaders, is your first step in arousing interest. An advance screening should follow for all ministers and religious leaders, etc. PUBLICITY Plant feature material and art with local religious publications. Photographs of the Barabbas paintings can also be used effectively for these outlets. RADIO & TV Stations which devote time to religious programming will be interested in the special disc containing part of the soundtrack from the film — a dramatic scene between Barabbas and Peter. As written by Christopher Fry, the scene is a beautiful statement on Christianity. A transcript of it appears here and can also be used as a publicity release for religious publications, along with Still No. Spec. 21. GROUP CONTACTS AND SALES Certain religious groups have shown great interest in the film — for example, the Knights of Columbus whose leaders saw "Barabbas" in August at their Supreme Convention in Boston. To capitalize on this interest, contact the Deputy of your local chapter and suggest an all-Knights' showing. Work out a deal so they can buy out the theatre and sell tickets to support one of their charities. Similar contacts and arrangements might also be made with the Holy Name Society, Ladies of Charity, United Church Men and Women, etc. Special morning or afternoon showings could be set up for parochial high schools and perhaps an a.m. showing for Sunday School groups. These performances can be handled with bulletins mailed to school principals and to ministers of the various churches. Adapt bulletin at right. Live Introduction and the COMMENTATOR: In the motion picture, BARABBAS, in which Anthony Quinn portrays the thief who was set free when Christ was condemned to the Cross, there are moments of poetic and spiritual beauty contained in the sceen adaption by British poet-playwright Christopher Fry. One such scene, as written by Fry and based on the novel "Barabbas," by Nobel Prize winner Par Lagerkvist, is of special significance. It begins when Barabbas, portrayed by Anthony Quinn, is apprehended by Roman soldiers as he sets the torch to several buildings in the already burning city, a crime for which the Christians are falsely accused. He does this in the belief that this is fulfillment of the prophecy that "the old world will be destroyed and that out of the ashes of the old, a new and better world will emerge." Having been given his freedom when Christ was condemned to the Cross in his stead, Barabbas spent the following years resisting the truth, unwilling or unable to see the light which might have shown him the way to peace or contentment. So little did he understand the Christian principle that he readily believed that the Christians had burned Rome and that this was the affirmation of all that he had scoffed at. He was thrown into jail where he met the Apostle Peter, played by Harry Andrews. This is their second meeting, They had met many years before in the Potter's Yard in Jerusalem, immediately after the Resurrection. Barabbas had refused to believe then, and now, Peter told him, he was no less confused. Nor any farther away. The truth of the matter is he has never The scene of this second meeting, from the Dino De Laurentiis moved from your side, | can tell you this; there has been a b production being released by Columbia Pictures, follows: wrestling in your spirit, back and forth in your life, which in itself as, played by Anthony is knowledge of God .. . by the conflict you have known him; and Quinn and the Apostle Peter, PETER Barabbas. Many years ago we spoke together. Do you remember? You asked me why | was making a net so far from the sea. You were mistaken in us then, as you are again now. This burning city is no work of ours. This isn't how the new Kingdom is going to be made. You were wrong. BARABBAS Why can't God make himself plain? All the things that happened Barabbas Peter Dialogue PEA dPed saad bad bea PS aSaIESaIbSa pA SARS see “RELIGIOUS or didn't happen, what's become of them? All the fine hopes and CAMPAIGN the trumpets, and the angels, and the promises. Every time l've AEDS seen it end up in the same way; with torments and dead bodies, with no good come of it, with nothing. Do you think they persecute us to destroy nothing? Or for that matter, do you think that what was battered on your soul for twenty years has been nothing? It wasn't for nothing that Christ died; mankind isn't nothing. In his eyes each individual man is the whole world. He loves each man as though there was no other. | was the opposite of everything he stood for, wasn't 1? Why did he let himself be killed instead of me? Because being farthest from him, you were the nearest. | am no nearer than | ever was. | can tell you as well, that so it will be with the coming of the Kingdom; a wrestling back and forth, and a labouring of the world's spirit, like a woman in childbirth. We are only the beginning. We won't see the time when the earth is full of the Kingdom. And yet, even now, even here we are also the end; the Kingdom is within us; there is nothing more to fear. Upon us the years will be built; many years, many martyrdoms; the ground of men will look back to us in our day, and wonder, and remember our hope. It is the end of the day. We shall trust ourselves to a little pain and sleep, saying to the world God speed. SPECIAL STUDENT BULLETIN TO: All Sunday School Teachers SUBJECT: Special Student Performances of BARABBAS By special arrangement the ...........0..0cccccceees Theatre has set up a private performance for Sunday School groups at the SPECIAL REDUCED PRICE OF $............ on SUNDAY, NOV. .......... . at 10.00 A.M. The film BARABBAS, starring Anthony Quinn, is the vast portrait of a turbulent and spiritually violent age which counterpoints the moving story of one man's adventurous journey toward understanding of himself and of the world. When Nobel Prize winner Par Lagerkvist took for his subject the story of the roistering thief who was spared when Christ was condemned to take his place on the cross, he wrote his novel in terms of human passions, failings and desires. The results of this effort and dedication to the task of creating this huge canvas of history and faith by the world's leading cinema artists are now to be seen in a memorable motion picture. TICKETS ARE 00c EACH ONE TEACHER ADMITTED FREE WITH 20 STUDENTS (clip and mail) Manager lessees Theatre mots Please send me .............. tickets at 00c each for the special student performance of BARABBAS on .................. Leena ren o'clock Enclosed is our check for ....... vse Please send the tickets to: “Barabbas,” the book by Par Lagerkvist. Described else PETER where in these pages. ———EE——EEE Set of black-white stills, “Barabbas Art.” Described elsewhere in these pages. BARABBAS or Sound track disc for religious radio programming. Order from Exploitation Department, Columbia Pictures Corp., 711 5th Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Se Suill No. Spec. 21, showing the meeting between Barab PETER BARABBAS PETER played by Harry Andrews. Their dialogue is contained on the soundtrack dise described above. Still may be obtained at your Columbia exchange. IPEdFzapsdbeappsabsalb=db=d bed bs alozdbxalpcd xabeaped/bs abd bralzd psd bxdb=d PISA bed bead PEibEad Bead bedibedbsalbxdbs4)bsdbsalbxaalbsalbxdbeaDpsdb=4 psd b=dIbsdlbxdbxabr4 Beale Pasa pealpsdibsdlbed ed bed) EES ESC Ed ESBS Ad od ed dd bd 4 ddd ied Bd PEGS dd Ped dBASE PE dP=d dab dd bxalbed psa pedbsa bed bd bet psdlbea pba beabS a P5a)P54)P=4 bs 4/bs4)Pdibrd b=] ab= 4 Pa 4 yesd EdIEd psa bsdibd i BEVRE Ape PEUIPSU EU xA EUSA Bed Bab