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China Venture (Columbia Pictures) (1953)

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THE BIG STORY BEHIND = '¥ : THE BIG BLASTING OF THE ENEMY! BREN: iy SULLIVAN: en BRAND ane flap by GEORGE gly YATES ang RE pd ao _Pigdzont be ARSON BOND © goad: ; SIE SIX SHEET "WASHINGTON REFUSES — TO CONFIRM THESE FACTS — BUT THEY CAN'T DENY THEM! ONE SHEET ORDER ALL WASHINGTON CANNOT CONFIRM THESE FSCTS.. , ede THEY CANNOT BERY THEME 24 x 82 DISPLAYS FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE BSRE agents ai “SULL NAN: iin WINDOW CARD ACTS — SUT THEY Camnot oewy THEM! Eli. ACCESSORIES, and 30 x 40, 40 x 60, 24 x 60, and ni DOES WASHINGTON REFUSE TO CONFIRM GOL BBRIA PAC TURE CD =O Pri =I CD @ "YU Se THREE SHEET THE G15 STORY BEHIND THE BIG geste NG OF THE PEN TRE STRANGEST YENTURE OF THE WAR? WASHINGTON CANNOT CORFIOM THESE ( HINA ia OREN ULLAN-BINDD &) ~ “VENTURE ¢ : cox os UREN 1183 m SILNAR: eo BRINN ae EIGHT 11x 1 4's INSERT CARD LOBBIES Share the &. cannot cones these facts... & DENY THEM! excitment of one of the great revelations of all time! BEHIND THE BIG srastine OF THE ENEMY! — S25 SEE HOW WE MADE THE DECISION THAT ROCKED THE WORLD! ne The actual account of the “recon” team that invaded the depths of enemy jungles to bring out the secret that changed the face of the world! eS 9 x 12 FOUR-PAGE Pray by GEORGE WORTHING YATES ana RICHARD COLLINS Produces DON SIEGEL HERALD by ANSON BOND « owected oy Printed in U.S.A.