Death of a Salesman (Columbia Pictures) (1951)

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\ we See a re ad ee ee Sd See ar eis Bede | It all adds up to “The greatest motion picture of our time!” “It must be e ACCLAIMED!” ‘New York Times ‘ACCLAIMED! N. Y. Times “ELECTRIFYING! | ————L. A. Daily News BREATHTAKING N.Y. Herald-Tribune ‘SENSATIONAL! “One of the year’s most ELECTRIFYING!” Los Angeles Daily News “A major movie event... "HIGHEST RATING!” BREATHTAKING! POWERFUL... among year’s finest!” “GREATEST!” —_———_—N. Y. Daily Mirror I . 1 COLUMBIA PICTURES New York Journal-American d | | presents 66 a Te 1 STANLEY KRAMER’S . | | Potton Acting at its | 1 GREATEST! _— New York Mirror S . nt | | Fredric pues 200-Line id Maaeren o>) 100-Line POR NIGE Dov 21s ot, eae ane pea tomrteemwmewer | Suche tes LOT 2. CORK. x igs rhea tang ney erann a ga | 1 €ok..x 100 Lines 100 Lines | @ @ @ @ PRE-TESTED @ @ @ @ PRE-TESTED Fredric March with Mildred Dunnock + Kevin McCarthy + Cameron Mitchell wD | Howard Smith screen Play by STANLEY ROBERTS + Based upon the Pay by | ARTHUR MILLER as produced on the stage by Kermit Bloomgarden mae and Walter Fried» Directad by LASLO BENEDEK 396-Line CO Sara i meting Miksmula ec Sco oe a a eae et Ad Mat No. 306 | he Ads Above 3 Cols. x | 132 Lines Seba : : ee Stanley Kramer’s film version is a picture of devastating @ @ PRE-TESTED impact. Undoubtedly, it will be a contender for Acad emy Awards. | —HARRISON CARROLL, L./\. Evening Herald and Express EH Lee ae eee gee ; ss ; Sa eas asl aa a A oe As Willy, Fredric March delivers one of the outstanding performances in his long career and one almost certain It is a must see . . . Fredric March starred as Willy A fine example of the camera's ability to enliven and to win him an Academy Award nomination . . . Like Loman in one of the great film performances of the broaden the written word into vivid, moving dramatics Hamlet,” (the Stanley Kramer picture) is timeless. year . ... shattering in its emotional impact... A .. . It is an achievement in screen presentation. —DICK WILLIAMS, L.A. Mirror memorable film experience. —Variety —Daily Variety “Death of a Salesman” is that rarest of films: one that A dramatic masterpiece . . . gripping entertainment Impressively mounted, skillfully and sensitively directed can be called a classic tragedy of highest distinction, _.. Fredric March surely ranks as a leading contender by Laslo Benedek, the picture is a field day of superb truth and compassion. in the awards tournament. —Hollywood Reporter performances, with Fredric March dominating in the —RUTH WATERBURY, Los Angeles Examiner title role. —Boxoffice ; Fredric March’s ‘‘Willy Loman”’ a brilliant rendition .. . : Mase obihe WGek."Imprerye. oe immediately sets him up for consideration in the matter (Fredric March's) portrait of Willy Loman seems desof masculine acting honors and awards. —Film Daily tined to become one of the screen’s all-time acting It overflows with an all-embracing tenderness and symmasterpieces .. . Giving high-calibre support to March pathy. —JESSE ZUNSER, Cue is a cast of performers perfectly suited to their inFredric March turns in a performance of matchless brildividual roles. —lIndependent Film Journal . seeing ‘Death of a Salesman’ should be at the liance. Richly rewarding. —Motion Picture Daily top of the list of things to do in ‘52. Stanley Kramer’s first production for Columbia is a —REGINALD CLOUGH, Editor, Tide Magazine March delivers a brilliant performance in a role defaithful adaptation of the superb stage play, ‘‘Death manding a player of the highest dramatic prowess... of a Salesman.”’ It is a credit to Mr. Kramer and to As it was on the stage, the film version is a revealing unquestionably will be a strong contender for the topColumbia. . . . Off the beaten path, realistic, intensely and deeply affecting study . . . and, like March, the ranking actor of the year .. . ‘‘Death of a Salesman” dramatic and stirring, ‘‘Death of a Salesman" is an supporting players are near-perfect in their roles. is a distinguished job of picture-making. outstanding contribution to the trend toward more —Newsweek —Motion Picture Herald adult films... . —Film Bulletin p BRBGPUBGEBPUP LILI SOD