Gunning for Vengeance (Columbia Pictures) (1946)

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i ~ VENGEANCE CNG : ~ wa Marjoan Neville an The Trailsmen GTARRETT Sly Barer ye oles rH ORANGO RE IE WESTS WO Cony ONE SHEET THREE SHEET _ » ais Lk OA “ : : TWICE THE WESTERN ACTION! q RL i XW > | SON AND MELODY? ie rwo TOP WESTERN STARS IN THE THRILLER ruar Tops EM All! ii DURANGO AND BURWETTE! Order in quantities to cover all future playdates. Imprint title and theatre credits for each new "Durango Kid" film starring Starrett and Burnette. Order Starrett-Burnette stock window card from your National Screen Office. SLIDE (Same Design) LOBBIES es . ri ele EIGHT ll x 14's veh we cae hess PRINTED IN U.S.A.