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CAST Jungle Jim. JOHNNY WEISSMULLER | Barbara Bentley. TRUDY MARSHALL * Nyobi .......SUZANNE DALBERT | Brandt .......ONSLOW STEVENS Kramer ........ROBERT PURCELL Gibbs ...........PIERCE LYDEN Head Ranger ... . NEYLE MORROW Warden Bentley . SELMER JACKSON
Written for the screen by Carroll Young; Based upon the newspaper feature ‘‘Jungle Jim’’ owned and copyrighted by King Features Syndicate, and which appears regularly in Puck, the Comic Weekly; Directed by William Berke; Assistant Director, Paul Donnelly; Director of Photography, Ira H. Morgan, A.S.C.; Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Film Editor, Henry Batista; Set Decorator, George Montgomery; Musical Director, Mischa Bakaleinikoff; Unit Manager, Herbert Leonard; Sound Engineer, Josh Westmoreland; Produced by Sam Katzman. A Columbia Picture.
STORY (Not for Publication)
Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller), while on his way to visit government game warden Frank Bentley (Selmer Jackson), saves a native girl, Nyobi (Suzanne Dalbert), from an attacking gorilla. Nyobi is really a princess of the desert country of Shalikari, trying to locate a fabulous amount of gold, looted from her land by the Nazis during the war. Bentley, who is seriously ill, tells Jim that the gold is believed to be somewhere on the game preserve.
Brandt (Onslow Stevens), a doctor and zoologist taking care of Bentley but actually the leader of a gang of thieves, knows the exact location of the treasure and his men are busy digging it up. As a precaution, some of his men, dressed in gorilla garb, guard the gold location.
Jungle Jim, Nyobi, Barbara Bentley (Trudy Marshall), the game warden’s niece, and several others set out to search for the gold. Jim gains entrance to a cave, where the gold is cached, but is overpowered by the gang. At this point, the Native Rangers, summoned by “ Barbara, arrive and overwhelm the a crooks, The mystery of the ‘‘gorilla
Fen’! is cleared up and Nyobi is _ Trudy Marshall Suzanne Dalbert Onslow Stevens
given an armed guard to escort gee Written for the Screen by Carroll Young + Based upon ot”
her and the stolen gold back to 4 the famous King Features Syndicate newspaper feature Re
Shalikari. Directed by WILLIAM BERKE Produced by SAM KATZMAN
600-Line Ad Mat No. 401—4 Cols. x 150 Lines
_ Copyright 1950 Columbia Pictures Corp. _