Mein Kampf (Columbia Pictures) (1960)

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CAAA PAA HTT” OF HITLER BARED! The most appalling events in all the annals of mankind! Every foot of film authentic! Most of it taken from secret Nazi archives! The monstrous deeds of “SHATTERING AND UNFORGETTABLE! Snapped open the eyes and left them glassy oon and aghast!” _...... eit en Sy “ * * HIGHEST RATING! The most shocking exhibition of man’s inhumanity to man ever seen!’’ _NEW YORK NEWS O “A film that froze its packed audience to stiff attention” inc macazne © “Sensational, extraordinary, fas cinating, and absorbing”? —cur mcazne | fs a SS THE TERRIFYING TRUE STORY OF HITLER’S REICH! Narrated by CLAUDE STEPHENSON Written and Edited by ERWIN LEISER Produced by TORE SJOBERG A MINERVA INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE HEAR FROM HITLER'S OWN LIPS...THE RAGING SHOOK THE WORLD! “Shocking...Starkly Revealing!” —NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE MEIN KAMPF THE TERRIFYING TRUE STORY OF HITLER'S REICH! A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE Ad No. 208—306 Lines er reer aren see ate ec ee a Also Available As Ad No. 301 — 450 Lines (Including Imprint Space) <_—::*(?2[=:.???.?}?}.QGQ= Ad No. 404—796 Lines (including imprint space) 4 @Lift Flap for Additional Advertising