Rim of the Canyon (Columbia Pictures) (1949)

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COLUMBIA PICTURES. ese THURSTON LESLEHALL: BEVANS Screen Play by JOHN K. BUTLER Directed by JOHN ENGLSH Pray A SUE SIX SHEET COLUMBIA PICTURES | wesc an THURSTON GLEN _ LESLIE: HALL: BEVANS Serves Pay bp TORRE BEER Bivected: ay sOHN ENGESH ARMAND SCHAEFE AGERE ABTRY PRODICTION ONE SHEET CHAMPION World's Wonder Rarse Nan Leslie Thurston Hall Clem Bevans ‘Srwes Pay by hes Bete j ee se HR EBBRION «ne BAM SEER \\ 3% BORE RUTRY PaRSHC THe % “Se WINDOW CARD PRINTED IN U. S. A. A SY FF =] NM © "0 Ray GENE AND CHAMPION RIDE ROUGHSHOD over ghost town desperadoes! »ceve AUTRY . CAPE Baits Winks Hew nee a GUS sp ARMAND SURAEFTR A HE AIRY PORTER 22x28 A SLIDE (Same Design) LOBBIE |GENE STALKS RILLERS | [ THE WEW ANDTHE OLD WEST | ‘THROUGH A GHOST TOWN..; | CLASH as Gene and Champion j on the eerie tra ride roughshod over yesterdays | of a long-lost } | bad men! treasure hostel! age PICTURES resents st, cen: AUTRY : World's Greatest Cowboy FOUR-PAGE CIRCUS HERALD or and | CHAMPION World's Wonder Horse ORDER ALL ACCESSORIES and 30x40, 40x60, 24x60 and 24x82 DISPLAYS FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE. COLUMBIA PICTURES Worlds Greatest Cowboy and CHAMPION Worlds Wonder Horse ARMAND SCHAEFER A GENE AUTRY tas ae “THREE SHEET GENE’S STALKING KILLERS THROUGH A GHOST TOWN! CENE AuTRY #** =» CHAMPI MPION peeonhags a OF THE CANYON, Sy Nan Leste Thorsten Hall Glam Bavans Sas PRR Ss BRK BS gt ERR once ARE BURT ? 4 RR SeiRe PRR 22x28 B eu AUTRY 8 Warts Greslect Cowhey EIGHT 1 11x 4’s