The Flying Missile (Columbia Pictures) (1950)

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“COLUMBIA. PRESS BOOK CAST Commander Bill Talbot....Glenn Ford Karin Hansen Viveca Lindfors Admiral Scott Henry O'Neill Carl Benton Reid “Fuss” Payne Joe Sawyer Lars Hansen John Qualen Admiral Bradley Anthony Ross Vice-Admiral Williams Harry Shannon Ross Ford Zachary A. Charles Andy Mason Jerry Paris Pete McEvoy ..........Kenneth Tobey General Benton . Paul Harvey Captain Whitaket...Crandon Rhodes Lieutenant Jackson James Seay Myers Bill Donnelly Hank Weber Richard Quine Chief Of Naval Operations Charles Evans CREDITS Screen play by Richard English and James Gunn; Story by Harvey S. Haislip and N. Richard Nash; Directed by Henry Levin; Assistant Director, Paul Donnelly; Director of Photography, William Snyder, A.S.C.; Art Director, George Brooks; Film Editor, Viola Lawrence; Set Decorator, Louis Diage; Sound Engineer, George Cooper; Miss Lindfors’ Gowns by Jean Louis; Technical Advisor, Rear Admiral Thomas M. Dykers, U.S.N. (RET.); Musical Director, Morris Stoloff; Musical Score by George Duning. Produced by Jerry Bresler. A Columbia Picture. STORY (Not for Publication) Submarine commander Bill Talbot (Glenn Ford) is assigned to Point Mugu, California, for special train_ ing with guided missiles. Reporting _ to Admiral Scott (Henry O'Neill) , he meets and falls in love with the Admiral’s secretary, Karin Hansen (Viveca Lindfors). Impatient to have their sub equipped with flying _ missiles in time for the next war _ games, Talbot and his crew raid a Navy warehouse and an Army ord nance depot. The sub finally is ready, _ but a flying missile explodes prematurely, killing crew member Fuss (Joe Sawyer), and demoralizes Tal__ bot. A Navy doctor (Carl Benton Reid) tries in vain to cure him. At last, Karin shames Talbot back to _ his sub. Talbot wins the war games for the submarine fleet with The Flying Missite.” : (Running Time: @ Minutes) | 609-Line ‘Ad Mat No. 305 2 _ Cols. x oe Li 5). This ad also The rv +) ..THE. BOMB THAT STALKS ITS PREY! with For your protection, the Department of Defense has approved no films of this astounding weapon for public viewing — until now! ZB Res ? “(UMM Willa i Starring UND SS \ yy Sens a "FASTER | THAN SOUND B GLENN VIVECA v aa O'NEILL: cant pevron REID: Joe SAWYER Sereen Play by Richard English and James Gunn Produced by JERRY BRESLER birecte by HENRY LEVIN | COLUMBIA PICTURE