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“The Flying Missile” should be given an all-out radio campaign; television, too, if there is TV in your community. Here are a number of ideas to get you started:
‘FLYING The “flying missile" mat illus
, trated on page 3 might be an MISSILE: invaluable radio or television promotion item, if you can arrange a worthwhile "deal" with a local station or a sponsor to give your picture and playdate plenty of air time.
RADIO _$!n addition to using the radio
transcription and suggested BREAKS: spot i aka (see below), work with radio station personnel in obtaining station breaks and picture plugs on all sustaining and commercial programs emanating from that station.
RADIO "The Flying Missile’ offers
the perfect opportunity for FORUMS: radio and TV stations to invite local leading personalities to discuss, at round table forums, the problems of war and peace.
MISSILE Bring sound effects of "The
Flying Missile" zooming through SOUND: the air by playing this recording over your p.a. system and in conjunction with your radio and TV promotions. The price of the disc is $2.35, including the cost of mailing. Ask for Recording No. 5165 when you send your check or money order, in advance of shipment, direct to: Pressbook Department, Columbia Pictures Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York 19, N.Y.
TELEVISION _ The television trailers, described at the right NEWSCASTS: on this page, can be put to excellent use on local television newscasts, in connection with discussions of our new weapons and training methods. In addition, the trailers can be well used in television round table discussions on these subjects. Be sure, in all cases, to get full credits for your engagement of "The Flying Missile."
RADIO Place these specially prepared SPOTS: announcements where they'll do
* the most good, immediately before and after action and adventure programs.
15 SECONDS: !t's true! There are fly
ing missiles! See them ‘for yourself in Columbia Pictures’ amazing new film, "The Flying Missile.” It's America's most fabulous secret weapon. See Glenn Ford and Viveca Lindfors in "The Flying Missile,"" at the State Friday!
30 SECONDS: The lid's off America's
most fabulous secret weapon! "The Flying Missile" is out where you can see it in Columbia Pictures’ amazing new film, ''The Flying Missile." See it at the State Theatre Friday! For your protection, the Department of Defense has permitted no films of "The Flying Missile''—the bomb that stalks its prey—until now! "The Flying Missile'’ costars Glenn Ford and Viveca Lindfors at the State Theatre starting Friday. Don't miss "The Flying Missile!"
Page 4
1) Cut out and mount ‘’flying missiles’ and title letters from 6and 24-sheets for marquee, overhead board, lobby walls, etc.
2) With local radio shop, devise from spare parts-—tubes, dials and a panel board, etc.— a “flying missile’ director elaborate enough to capture patron attention. Accompanying sign might read: “Does this control the bomb that stalks its prey? See ‘The Flying Missile,’ etc.””
3) Make effective use of lighting effects, including red ‘’flicker’” flashes from the tail cf the flying missile, spotlights, etc.
4) Blow up Still No. Art 3 (used above), to 40” x 60” size for a spectacular out front display. Paint the whole explosion effect in red and brown, add star stills and full credits.
Still No. Art 3, used above, is just one of eight attention-getting art stills which can be used in making displays, theatre fronts, etc., Order the complete set from National Screen Service.
STREET STENCI » A local artist can contrive a stencil silhou
ette of ''the flying missile,’ (see page 3).
Use stencil on streets, fences, etc., if local regulations permit.
‘HOT NEWS”: Get news clippings dealing with guided missiles. | "Mount in lobby with copy: "Hot News About
the Bomb That Stalks Its Prey . . . 'The Flying Missile’."" Add stills.
e One 1-Minute TV Trailer e One 20-Second TV Trailer
Service Exchange.
radio military analyst,
your theatre and playdate credits.
Columbia Pictures Exchange.
TV TR AILERS » There’s sock showmanship in
this pair of television trailers, which use the most exciting sequences in the picture.
Order Your TV Trailers From Your National Screen
TRANSCRIPTION . Featuring the voice of the
noted newspaper and
In addition to one 10-second, one 23-second and one 50-second radio spot recorded by Mr. Eliot, this 16” transcription also includes two 10-second, two 23second and one 50-second regular spot. All spots are open end for your local station announcer to add
The Radio Transcription Is Available Through Your
Although the film concerns itself with a superweapon and the supermen behind it, there is a strong element of romance. Don’t overlook these angles:
MARRY A This is a problem
faced by the actress SERVICEMAN? in the film, and it is a problem faced by a great number of girls today. Letters to the editor, radio forums, a letter-writing contest and other showmanship elements might be brought into play on the question: "Should a girl marry a man in the armed forces?”
Miss Lindfors demonstrates, in "The Flying Missile,’ her own for
mula for fending off wolves: She kisses ‘em first, and then says "'no!"' This approach offers an almost surefire bet for a newspaper contest or a women's page column.
SECRET Can a woman keep a secret?
The question is asked, and anSTUFF: swered, in "The Flying Missile,"
in which Miss Lindfors has a highly-responsible job handling "top secret" information. Love causes her to reveal a military secret, inadvertently, to Glenn Ford. Go after opinions on the question: "can a woman keep a secret?" Tie it in with your picture and playdate.
SERVICE . COUPLES: a number of servicemen and
their wives in appreciation of the cooperation of the Department of Defense in the filming of "The Flying Missile.”
STORY: * storvinec
" tures (stills and
Invite to your opening night
captions) is available for newspaper reproduction. If your paper will cooperate, write Publicity Dept., Room 901, Columbia Pictures Corp., 729 7th Ave., N. Y. 19. The material will be mailed to the paper and your theatre will be mentioned.
STILLS , Available from
National Screen: 1) set of 25 flat stills; 2) set of 25 uprights; 3) art set of 8 (key art from the ads
and posters); 4) publicity
exploitation set (stills used
in scenes and exploitation).
TRAILER: Order this
show-seller from National Screen.