The Flying Missile (Columbia Pictures) (1950)

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For your protection, the Department of Defense has approved no films of this astounding weapon for public viewing ... until now! STALKS ITS PREY” | REVEALED ON THE SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents i i we IRS with HEMRY O'NEILL ~ cane sewtow REID aoe SAWYER tear : Screen Play by Richard English and James Gunn 3 this Produced by JERRY BRESLER Directed ed by HENRY LEVIN i of : astounding —— weaponfor ; =: public 7 starr a et GLENN F _" \\ esa = eas they handle! eae ss , etd ri} iN li AG . ee ~s eS Pe eR ee eee re Sereen a ere by Richard rssh ee io Gunn A COLUMBIA Sahai on eaten emeneeiineamaeinnnetancnninonnninenneeanenieanenanaa anton wth HEAR (NETL + same acron REELD a0 WER. nue ty JERRY BRESLER + bine by HENRY LEVIN picture 230-Line Ad Mat No. 208—2 Cols. x 115 Lines 400-Line Ad Mat No. 303—3 Cols. x 133 Lines A This ad also available as 176-Line Ad QUR MOST FABULOUS SECRET WEAPON | Mat No. 206 (2 Cols. x 88 Lines). HITS THE SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME! For your protection, the Department of Defense has approved no films of this astounding weapon until now! abs Gallia Cig Gin lh Arar eu EVER SEEN A FLYING MISSILE? COLUMBIA PICTURES presents re FLYING MISSILE arrin a as ~ GLENN FORD ‘EA LINDEORS This ad also available in 3Henry O'Neill Carl ee Reid “ison column size (Ad Mat No. produced by JERRY BRESLER + Direct 301--page 9) and 4-column > Z THE BOMB THAT a ee You will size (Ad Mat No. 401-4 a i . we A = = Yj STALKS ITS PREY! ———. — THURSDAYat LOEW'S page 6). LN reste WE ss. = — = Fe | i ae a ee ie es Oe Oe ae ———————__> 100-Line Ad Mat No. 211—2 Cols. x 50 Lines : : 140-Line Ad Mat No. 205—2 Cols. x 70 Lines Page 7