To Sir, With Love (Columbia Pictures) (1967)

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A STORYAS FRESH AS THE-GIRLSANAHEIBRAMINIS AS COOL AS THEIR TEACHER rine (OBE! os These kids f are as In as Carnaby Street... The role as hard as youve been the streets | waiting for of London... tt Lilies as touching of the Field’ and 1A Patch of Blue’: as atirst | love : affair! COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents SI D N EY IN JAMES CLAVELL'S PRODUCTION OF | | POITIER “TO SIR, WITH LOVE” JUDY GEESON CHRISTIAN ROBERTS SUZY KENDALL THE “MINDBENDERS” nc iccascie LULU” "sy susie” + JOFN'R. SLOAN Written for the Screen, Produced and Directed by JAMES CLAVELL * TECHNICOLOR® 5 A © HEAR LULU SING “TO SIR, WITH LOVE” AND “STEALING ‘It's lay “Off and Running” and VE"! And the MINDBENDERS p) ee All the Time.” Original Soundtrack on Fontana Records orion Picrune associrion Ad No. 305—315 Lines—3 Cols. x 7!/, Inches COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents SIDNEY POITIER Seti aes cctens CLAVELL’S proouction oF ‘onder TO SIR, turned-on teens to cool it and call him ‘‘Sir’’! WITH LOVE’ TECHNICoLoR® | |G Ad No. 102—30 Lines | COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents | Col. x 2'/g Inches SIDNEY POITIER in JAMES CLAVELUL'S production of “TO SIR, WITH LOVE’ JUDY GEESON CHRISTIAN ROBERTS » SUZY KENDALL: THE “MINDBENDERS”,.23¢.<°LULU” “ew as to 5 Executive Written for the Screen, z-=7:5 Producer JOHN R. SLOAN * Produced and Directed by JAMES CLAVELL « * TECHNICOLOR® GQ COLUMBIA PICTURES Sl D N aed re? POITIER in JAMES CLAVELL'S PRODUCTION OF “TO SIR, WITH LOVE” . recunicotor’ |) Ad No. 10!—15 Lines Ad No. 302—249 Lines—3 Cols. x 5%/ Inches ce | Col. x 1 Inch Page 4