Walk a Crooked Mile (Columbia Pictures) (1948)

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Last Times FBI TEAMS UP WITH SCOTLAND YARD TO AVENGE THE True-to-life... Lois HAYWARD a _ wi LOUISE ALBRITTON 5 = fealism! —_ CARLESMOND a An EDWARD “SMALL production Divected by ontuced by Screenplay by George Bruce : : _conoon DOUGLAS GRANT WHYTOCK 300-Line Ad Mat No. 302—3 Cols. x 100 Lines —— over eb ‘ and Bis Week Theatre Heart-in-mouth realism...as FBI teams up with Scotland Yard! couuwala PICTURES presen : MURDER OF AN FBI MAN! SMASH-UP OF A cowaRn SMALL Production COLUMBIA PICTURES speck presents WALKS" A CROOKED MILE LOUIS HAYWARD DEANS OKEEEE with L UISE A CARL ESMOND. Screenplay by GEORGE BRUCE Directed by GORDON DOUGLAS Produced by GRANT WHYTOCK An % Screenplay by George Bruce =: Directed by GORDON DOUGLAS EDWARD 102-Line Ad Mat No. 204—2 Cols. x 51 Lines epee sites Lata Saab Avenging FBI guns Ad Mat No. 103—42 Lines . blast killers of G-Men out of their holes! THEATRE COLUMBIA PICTURES presents WALK A CROOKED MILE Starrin LOUIS “DENNIS HAYWARD O'KEEFE with LOUISE ALLBRITTON CARL ESMOND An EDWARD SMALL Production NOW Screenplay by George Bruce Directed by GORDON DOUGLAS Produced by GRANT WHYTOCK 70-Line Ad Mat No. 203—2 Cols. x 35 Lines Page 12 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents WALK A SC “CROOKED MILE, starring LOUIS. DENNIS AATWARD-UKEE wit LOUISE ALBRITTON CARL ESMOND _4n EDWARD SMAI Se _ Production a Screen) play by George Bruce Directed by GORDON DOUGLAS Produced by GRANT WHYTOCK THESE SIX SPECIAL ADS ARE DESIGNED TO FIT EVERY INDIVIDUAL SITUATION! Ad Mat No. 104—73 Lines