Those Calloways (Disney) (1964)

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They dared to dream the impossible! A motion picture you'll remember forever! WALT DISNEY presents a family yow’ll 4 starring BRIAN VERA BRANDON WALTER KEITH MILES: deWILDEBRENNAN: WYNN eho ABBOTT Screenplay by LOUIS PELLETTIER Based on the book “Swiftwater” by PAUL ANNIXTER TEC NICOLO R® kg Co-producer WINSTON HIBLER : Directed by NORMAN TOKAR Released by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO., INC. © 1964 Walt Disney Productions T foe Oe: eee R E TECHNICOLOR® itm ) RA BRANDON _WALTER 7 eee Mata 9aeiinss 3 coll REE KEITH-MILESdeWILDE-BRENNAN: WYNN EIS. fh Screenplay by LOUIS PELLETTIER Based on the book “Swiftwater” by PAUL ANNIXTER Co-producer WINSTON HIBLER Directed by NORMAN TOKAR Released by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO., INC. * © 1964 Walt Disney Productions ~ A FAMILY YOU’LL NEVER FORGET! WALT DISNEY presents ER ME a ey) Look to the name WALT DISNEY for the finest in family entertainment! ge: Sail Mat 201 250 lines 2 cols. x 125 (18 inches) TECHNICOLOR® Released by BUENA VISTA Distribution Co., Inc. » ©1964 Walt Disney Productions Mat 306 90 lines 3 cols. x 30 (6 inches) f wast DsNEV's Those Calloways TECHNICOLOR® Wr. Showman: Announce your engageNEXT C ’ ment of UTHaeeCaliwaye" ATTRACTION WALT DISNEY's Those alloways TECHNICOLOR where your patrons are sure to see it early—right aoe aera —_ at the x ag! of each ad ATTRACTION DISNEY’S Those Calloways m idtndie Walt Disney's Those Calloways you run for your previous attraction! These slugs are prepared especially for ————_——— that purpose. They are all ming! TECHNICOLOR® available on Mat CAL-3X. Co Those Calloways NEXT— Walt Disney’s Those Calloways