Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines -or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours and 11 Minutes (20th Century Fox) (1965)

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MAGNIFICENT BOOK PROMOTION : THE MOVIE THE Book spendy Ss a 20th LERTURY-FOX published by POCKET Fi soous, we. x tetion picture PAPERBACK CEILING DEVICE "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines’ has not one, but two book tie-ins going for it. The Hardcover Edition is published by W. W. Norton & Co.,‘Inc., and features those delightful drawings by Ronald Searle which 20th Century-Fox commissioned for the film. The text by Bill Richardson and Allen Andrews is a whimsical recount of the early history of flight. The paperback version of the film's story is published in paperback form by Pocket Books, Inc., and is being promoted by a unique Ceiling Device, 17'' x 14", which is constructed to be suspended by a string; an 8" x 9"' Sticker; a Rack Card and a huge 37" x 34" Poster. To effect a tie-in at the local level, you can arrange to show your playdate credits on this paperback promotional material, and arrange to place some posters and stills from the movie in the hardcover outlets. HARDCOVER MORE WAYS TO SELL"THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN" 1. ANTIQUE CARS — Are there any in your area? If you can obtain the use of some, use them to carry local prominent people to your theatre on Opening Night. Prior to your Opening Night, fill one with people in 1910 costumes and send it around town with poster that reads: WE'RE OFF TO SEE “THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES” AT THE ............ THEATRE! 2. FASHION TIE-IN — In the set of stills you will order from National Screen, there are several excellent stills of Sarah Miles and Irina Demick wearing 1910 fashions. Make these stills available to ladies’ apparel shops and department stores as part of a display showing the contrast between old and new styles. 3. CALL OUT THE AIR FORCE — If there is an Air Force installation in your area, contact the Public Relations Officer about obtaining a band for Opening Night. If you’re not near an installation, invite your local recruiting people. Also, you may permit the Air Force to display a recruiting poster in your lobby alongside your own “Magnificent Men” posters. 4. LOCAL TV PROMOTION — In the National Screen set of stills, there are numerous shots of old airplanes, plus a selection of Ronald Searle drawings. Make these available to a local TV personality, preferably one who has a children’s show. By showing these stills on TV, and providing his own commentary (which can be butressed with facts from the hardcover book discussed above), a glib TV SYNOPSIS In the Merrie Englande of 1910, young Patricia Rawnsley (Sarah Miles), convinces her father, Lord Rawnsley (Robert Morley), a wealthy and influential newspaper publisher, to sponsor a great London to Paris Air Race and invite flyers from all over the world to compete for the 50,000-pound prize. The first entrant is Lieutenant Richard Mays (James Fox) of the Royal Navy, whom Rawnsley hopes will prove that Britannia rules the air as well as the sea. Soon Brookley Airdrome near London is swamped by daredevils from all over the world. Competing for fame and fortune are: Orvil Newton (Stuart Whitman), a flambouyant American barnstormer; Colonel Manfred von Holstein (Gert Frobe), a German Cavalry officer intent on bringing glory to the fatherland; Pierre Dubiois (Jean-Pierre Cassell), the famous French daredevil; Italy's fearless Count Emilio Ponticelli (Alberto Sordi); the incredible Yamamoto (Yojiro Ishihara), Japan's dauntless birdman; and Britain's own Sir Percy Ware-Armitage (Terry Thomas), who plots to secure victory by sabotaging his rival's flying machines. At Brookley Airdrome the contestants ready themselves for the race and indulge in an intense rivalry over national honor. Orvil and Richard compete for the attention of lovely Patricia, while the amorous Pierre Dubois is bedeviled by several girls (Irina Demick) who all look alike. On the appointed day the fantastic race begins. The assembly of pilots and aircraft fly off to high adventure, humorous mishaps, and numerous airborne shenanigans until the final landing in Paris. To Lord Rawnsley's glee, Richard manages to win the race. But to Richard's dismay, Orvil has succeeded in winning the fair Patricia. COVENT BE OB sec tecsie ras Se lh gorse ces. rode Leppigrece Os Stuart Whitman Pairs awiey..... 2a. eee ee Sarah Miles De is 5 cs teed ieias «yh dies wae James Fox Count emilto PORTCENN 03.50. icsterterseenet Alberto Sordi Sa OMEN feted och sive end covnshinaeas tse nce hens Robert Morley Colonel Manfred Von Holstein cee Gert Frobe PAGER RIG IG. IM cele ars cluscbiss <i shi. onc cwphiedaaspate Jean-Pierre Cassel Courtapyasdi at) ae ae ee Eric Sykes Sir Perby Ware-Armitage ............::.::c0ccccceeeeeee Terry-Thomas Brigitte, Ingrid, Marlene, Francois, Yvette, Betty ... Irina Demick Fite! Otatet Otani 0.002, so edna ah pent oe anes Benny Hill Be 1c) bo ge a Me eee SIRE a ORE RAS ra reas Yujiro Ishihara WE OE 2 OE Oh scp, toed ose RIO Ae Flora Robson Captain Rumpelstrosse .........00..0.0.0..00cceecee. Karl Michael Vogler Me rR Fo cuits, x ciccav ocae ST ae Sam Wanamaker ETA OMIE IMENT oir oh eadis ate Return Red Skelton POGRE eh ORAM iccl css (sce ccsedecosqnsvaorirsdssensonts ic Ae Eric Barker Siig ISS a en a Fred Emney eR NO eS Siva co2c. sds eH Gordon Jackson Jean, Pierre's Chief Mechanic 2000.0... ccc Davy Kaye OR EME eee a eg OO, A SI John Le Mesurier Lhe C MeO Pm ON LS hey SII 2, dig ttis Pins cerarncapeoss Jeremy Lloyd DOPMIA FP OMECOIN ccs. 5, 00.0. bncucsee SOAR. cue Zena Marshall Petes: Poetess 28s ARORA ce. eet see Millicent Martin TAY DYE. sa. ck snc ceel ce RD Eric Pohlman Waitress in Old Mill Cafe Assistant Fire Chief Tremayne Gascoyne jal. NE ace aan Marjorie Rhodes Oe hae ace. Ne Norman Rossington Ss, hes eee a ee William Rushton elcid ls upper nl RED ature ilar seein te CN EDS CO Gd Graham Stark Photographer in Old Mill Cafe 0.0. Jimmy Thompson Niven, Lord Rawnsley's aide ............................. Michael Trubshawe Popperwell) at INVENTOR: « iisc...o.0.k. ccceiea gies Tony Tancock Produced by ............. Stan Margulies Makeup by Associate Producer .......... Jack Davies --.. William Partleton, Stuart Freeborn Directed ‘by 2:..0)iatkika. Ken Annakin Hairdressers ee Barbara Ritchie, Biddy Chrystal personality can get a lot of mileage out of these stills. Just be certain that he mentions your playdate credits a few times during his bit. 5. COSTUME CONTEST — In many attics and cellars in your area, there must be trunks of old, vintage clothing. On opening night, stage a contest where prizes you promote from local merchants will be awarded to the three contestants wearing the best 1910 outfits. 6. GET EDUCATORS ON YOUR SIDE — Educators and clergy frequently lament the lack of good, wholesome, family films. Contact these officials and let them know that “Magnificent Men” is the perfect family film, since it provides great entertainment without even one off-color remark or scene. Ask them to encourage their school children and parishioners to see the film, thereby encouraging production of the wholesome family entertainment that they consider desirable. Screenplay by Ee rae Jack Davies, Ken Annakin Music Composed & Conducted by radiate aaciaeeachhs ener ares Ron Goodwin Production Designed by aii gen ee Tom Morahan Director of Photography rere Christopher Challis, B.S.C. Costumes Designed by irre ee Osbert Lancaster Second Film Unit Director ieee es ORs Pet oe na Don Sharp Film Editor .................. Gordon Stone Sound by iret: John Mitchell, Gordon McCallum Unit Managers Rete Ree Colin Brewer, Pat Clayton Assistant Director .......... Clive Reed Sete Dresses ee Arthur Taksen Special Effects ........ Richard Parker Narration Spoken by See James Robertson-Justice Titles Designed by ........ Ronald Searle Technical Advisor .... Air Commodore Allen H, Wheeler Production Supervisor .... Denis Holt Casting Director ............ Stuart Lyons Camera Operator ........ Dudley Lovell Dubbing Editor .......... Jonathan Bates Second Unit Cameraman rete ty rer errr Skeats Kelly Second Unit Asst. Director saVAaeet ap Se ee Jake Wright Associate Art Director 1 eee ante tte OIMe Morahan Associate Costume Designer Bb NR BMD Gp ane eR Dinah Greet Continuity. by -....:...3.2.... Joy Mercer Photographed in TODD-AO® Color by DeLuxe