A Patch of Blue (MGM) (1965)

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“TREMENDOUS EMOTIONAL APPEAL! Its triumph is that through four excellent performances, it a holds the attention and touches the heart. The most remarkable performance is that of Patcn Elizabeth Hartman. who makes Salina a strangely haunting innocent, a creature of amazOr Blue ing purity amid the cruelties of her existence. At the peak of his abilities, Sidney Poitier is remarkable. Striking realism and depth of character!” Judith Crist, N.Y. Herald Tribune "de dete FILM TOBE CHERISHED! A poignant love story warmed by the glowing performances of Sidney Poitier and Elizabeth Hartman! A memorable film!” —Kathleen Carroll, N.Y. Daily News OF Blu E “COMPELLING DRAMA! Fine acting and deft handling! Movingly developed with warmth and warmth and gentle humor!” “pcee Paiste nx Solcuar Maia “A PATCH OF BLUE TO LIGHT THE HOLIDAY! One of the more touching and a ingratiating movies to come along in this bountiful holiday film season! With deeply felt fervor, Sidney Poitier and Elizabeth Hartman OF Blur infuse their roles with poetic eloquence!” — —aiton cook, N.Y. Werld-Telegram “THE MOST TOUCHING PICTURE OF THE YEAR! So profoundly moving...so powerfull Gloriously acted! | don’t know if it Is a possible to make the praise of Shelley Winters, Sidney Poitier Patcn nd Elizabeth Hartman strong enough! Director-Screen OF Blur play author Guy Green brought out the performances that can be experienced as such compelling, deeply moving drama!” —Archer Winston, N.Y. Post "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents A PANDRO e BERMAN CIN FY POITIER THE PANDRO S. WANE oa © : ee P| A PATCH OF BLUE i. ELIZABETH HARTMAN SANE _ SULLY SHELLEY WINTERS POTIER ~ WINTERS eeeN ELIZABETH HARTMAN written for the screen and directed by GUY GREEN based on "BE READY WITH BELLS and DRUMS” by ELIZABETH KATA produced by PANDRO S. BERMAN IN PANAVISION® IN PANAVISION® At ctrtiees. RANG late ey en Ad No. | 10O—100 Lines Ad No. 488—500 Lines A man...a girl.. captives in their own worlds... tinding escape in each other... ae et ea a o THE PANDRO S. BERMAN-GUY GREEN PRODUCTION Patcu °F BIVE aaa ( SIDNEY POITIER... SHELLEY WINTERS Be zamena anSlONEY POITIER Pact 290 ELIZABETH HARTMAN tt wv acus ors» 0 sane ote wate BUY GREEN onset PANDRO 8. BERMAN io Panavision, zs zELIABET HARTMAN. SHELLEY WINTERS. vetnater» GUY GREEN. rons PANDRO S. BERMAN: inrpanavisione hdd mn "BE READY WITH BELLS and DRUMS” by ELIZi aceaty Wr kee am DANGee =e, thease eee A al Rn ede) A Ad No. 207—150 Lines (2 Cols. x 75 Lines) ; Ad No. 221—150 Lines