Around the World Under the Sea (MGM) (1966)

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STARTS TOMORROW "METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Sara eats LLOYD BRIDGES AN WAN TORS 7 aOR SHIRLEY EATON « BRIAN KELLY nen SEp DAVID MoCALLUM Eyer fENAN WN AARSHAL HOSE All the incredible undersea GARY MERRILL inventions of tomorrow Produced and Directed by In PANAVISION® are on the screen today! ARTHUR ‘WEISS and ART ARTHUR ANDREW MARTON / And METROCOLOR Ad No. 50|—A—535 Lines (5 Cols. x 107 Lines) Above ad also available without multiple run as Ad No. 407—468 Lines (4 Cols. x 117 Lines) we _ NOTHING ON EARTH CAN MATCH THIS ADVENTURE! LLOYD BRIDGES in his biggest HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR THE BIGGEST METRO-GOLDWYNey METRO stanng LLOYD BRIDGES AN IVAN TORS a SHIRLEY EATON « BRIAN KELLY PRODUCTION DAVID McCALLUM underwater role! KELLY Star of Fiipper’’! Anoun Sta 9 rn KEENAN WYNN * MARSHALL THOMPSON DAVID McCALLUM ne ou SLT A BRIAN KELLY Sp GARY MERRILL vote UNCLES DAVID McCALLUM enon of fonorow mh Pade and Dreted by ANDREW MARTON nA KEENAN WN MARSHALL THOMPSON GARY MERRILL di isaa EA in PANAVISION TRH pea Se RSE Ta: geek Me Ce ee and METROCOLOR Ad No. 207—100 Lines (2 Cols. x 50 Lines) Ad No. 31 1—200 Lines (3 Cols. x 66 Lines)