Made in Paris (MGM) (1966)

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THIS CITATION IS FOR § YOUR THEATRE: | AIR FRANCE Use It! Just Fill In IS A NATURAL TIE-UP! 4 & Your Theatre Name! Below are listed the offices and District Managers of Air France, in leading cities of America. Since this famed airline links America with Paris, there’s a natural tie-in with MGM’s “MADE IN PARIS” with its beautiful, color backgrounds of the city, intimate shots of Paris bistros, the top Left Bank Discotheque night club, gilded Paris fashion salons, lavish apartments, and many scenes of noted Paris landmarks. Air France headquarters in New York City is alerting its Managers to anticipate calls from MGM Field representatives or theatre managers when the fllm opens in cities with Air France offices. Be sure to invite Air France officials to a screening of the picture, where possible, then discuss the possibilities of window tie-ups with stills and window-card reading, approximately: “You'll want to fly to Paris via AIR FRANCE when you see the new MGM spectacular musical romance ‘MADE IN PARIS’ at the (name) Theatre.” Reach for big things: discuss with local newspaper idea of building up a “SEE PARIS”! page involving Air France, and any stores carrying French products, plus of course, tie-in with the picture. Other ideas may occur in your discussion with Air France local offices. Here they are: <-> Special Citation =< presented by THE MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA to the STATE THEATRE AIR FRANCE, North, Central America & Caribbean Division EASTERN REGION DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. } . . ig . Newark, N. J. 07102—Suite 917, 10 Commerce Court—624-7007...........----.--------nnnnee cece cece cece ec ee cece erence eeeeeees Roger Nordell or ringing their patrons NewYork sNivY.¥10022—-49: Bast 53rd Street—656:6000Mn 8 ae Donald Broadley h 100 h : , Philadelphia, Pa. 19102—1420 Walnut Street—PE 5-9100....................-2---cs:c--c----ceeeecceeeeceeeeecoecceeecececeneeeeceeeee John Walker Boston, Mass., 02116—Room 520, Hotel Statler Office Bldg., 18 Providence Street—HU 2-4890___................Wm. Campbell t e t motion picture Hartford, Conn., 06106—Statler Hilton Hotel, 10 Ford Street—249-6847................---.---.------------eeeneeeeeeceeee ee William Roan ater Buffalo, NY: 14203-——10 Lafayette Square—-8532927 0... .--2<a0-2-2. sacecie ok doen pcan cn ot cnececdeeeen = eeeeeateraeeoees James Cameron produced by I oe Fy asternak Pintslucee, Pu., 15220 Ceteway-Tewers-261-3860,.2. acc George Kosowan M-G-M’s we SOUTHERN REGION By { } \ ” aa DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. ADE | PARIS Washington, D. C. 20036—1120 Connecticut Ave. N.W.—FE 7-871 1 ___...--.-.----------0--------2----eeeeeeeecee ee eee e ee eeeeeenee seen Jack Brown Atlanta, Ga. 30303—Fulton National Bank Bldg.—525-6817...........-.---.-----------------------2-ceeeeenneeeene nee neeeen eens James Carey Dallas, ;Texas-75201-——18021 Main: Street—_RV Val 54. Vee en a ae canoe ere cane ecb creeaec tee etecetee etwas Edgar Pitman Ca) Houston; Texas.77002—1:200) Main Street——CA 5-190 Vso onc oe ca oe ants tara epee eee William Cann New Orleans, La. 70130—Rooms 204-238, International Trade Mart Building—529-4404............2..2222-------Robert Gartrell I ce f i 4 n 4" ii t 4A Caribbean Activities: Mr. Jacques Turner, Caribbean Activities Manager—310 S.E. First Street, Miami 32, Fla.—FR 4-2626 n recognition Of his creative contributions to the Miami, Fla. 33131—First Nat'l. Bank Bldg., 310 S.E. First Street—FR 4 2626 ..0....0.-..0.cceccscceseseeceeeeeeeesueesceeeeneeeneeseeeeeneeenes screen and because he has brought immeasurable San Juans F, BR 0000r—Melel le Rada-—F20-0500. 5.5 es ee Philippe Leguichard f l h 1 Port-Au-Prince, Haiti—Rue Dantes Destouches Boite Postale 1161—3478_._......--.--2------------------------nnn nnn nn ncn cen eee cece cece eee eeeeee enjoyment to people everywhere — we salute Senta Damage, R On coereneiert erst ee Pedro Ripoll Havana, Cuba—Edificio J. A. Mella—Manzana de Gomez, Local No. 224, Zulueta 307 JOE PASTERNAK RESIDENT SALES REPRESENTATIVES: (Southern Region) San Antonio, Texas——606Booth Drive——_Di 4-39 73225. -cos ccccns onc te cee oe te ese neces Miao wee ee Joseph Bryan at this milestone in his distinguished career. &# Tampo.3, Fia.—6001 Cresthill Deive—755-7 235 x -ocenctmneevar ieee bree ence denen Earl Wiley a Memphis, Tennessee—Skyline Apts., 1270 Popular Avenue, Apt. 706.............-..--.----------------2--------2e0-eeeeeoe Bob McKendrew Io, ] se Charlotte; N;\C.328209——P. (@Box 137-3 3-8 on eave seeeest ome sce sont ebcta scasteis wees sen eaoe eee c acta Vaughn Moore Ralph Hetzel, stom luisa Oklahoma——515.West.lothisineet=——LUe 4-024 Vi ea aaa ace daoca rato eterno Toin Dulaney Acting President, Fey E MPAA Ate MIDWESTERN REGION Se DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. Chicago, Ill. 60403—22 So. Michigan: Avenue—ST 2-618 1 o-oo. = ooo no sacse esate encnen cancer eccens cntenuscenannensoesneeoe= William Yold Milwaukee, Wis. 53202—Room 1122, 735 No. Water Street—272-0182........-.20.-222222222--2---20--20---eeeeeeeeeee James Malison AVAILABLE GRATIS! ASK YOUR MGM FIELD REPRESENTATIVE! Kansas City, Mo. 64106—Suite 810, Traders Nat'l. Bank Bldg., 1125 Grand Avenue—HA 1-4744.__.._........ Donald Miller : : ' St. Louis, Mo. 63101—Room 1418, Ambassador Bldg., 411 North Seventh Street—CE 1-9017................ Gene Middleton Take advantage of the lucky circumstances that ‘‘Made In Paris’’ is the Detroit, Mich. 48226—1243 Washington Blvd.—WO 1-1755....-.2--------0---c2ee-ceeeesceeeenneeeeneeeeneeenneescnneeeneeeenneeenneeeene John Isom . : ’ Cleveland, Ohio 44415—Suite 707, Bulkley Bldg.—771-5600_...........-----.-222222222--222--2-ce-222eeeeece cone cence neces Don Phillips 100th picture from famed producer Joe Pasternak, and that the industry's Cincinnati, Ohio 45202—Room 1434, Fifth Third Bank Bldg.—621-4025 noe ee Bob Foreman Motion Picture Association of America has issued a Special Citation to a Minneapolis, Minn. 55402—Suite 1512, First National Bank Bldg.—FE 5-215] ee William Klema : ? ae ks 2 “Hag honor him on this occasion. Use it in publicity, (press release is below) a WESTERN REGION and arrange for some local ‘‘name’”’ to present the actual Citation (shown DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. above) to the Manager on stage or in the lobby. There’s good publicity mileLos Angeles 14, Calif—518 West Sixth St—MA 5-7171.....--sccco--cccccesseccnsnseeccenseseeeenntescnnneescennueseescnsteecsonness John Keane : : : San. Francisco: s; Galit:——-260) Stockton. olreel——YU) 2-710) = 22...) ee ee ed Kostas Boudouris age in this, with small effort. San Diego, Calif. 92101—Electronics Capital Bldg., 110 West C Street, Suite 811—233-8146....... Tack Hedge Denver, Col. 80202—Suite 2022, Security Life Bldg., 1616 Glenarm Place—623-4359_._.....202222222222222--2n--Jack Stevens * Seattle 1, Wash.—Room 338, White Henry Stuart Bldg.—MU 2-2763...........2.---22-2-2---2--0000-eeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Chas. Cowdery Anchorage, Alaska—P. O. Box 6-125, International Airport—BR 7-825] ............----.----.----2-0-2e0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Pierre Duclert CANADIAN REPRESENTATION DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. Montreal 2, QuUébec—1020 Rue Ste. Catherine Ouest—UN 1-9001 Vancouver, B. C._—1018 West Georgia Street Ottawa, Ontario—35 O'Connor St., Room 301/3rd floor—CE 6-0601 MEXICO REPRESENTATION DISTRICTS DISTRICT SALES MGR. Mr. Alfred de Cabrol, Regional Manager—Paseo de la Reforma No. 76, Mexico City 6, D. F.—Tel.: 35-16-05. PLANT THIS PRESS STORY! An Angle That Will Appeal To Editors! PASTERNAK HAILED FOR 100th FILM! When MGM’s “Made in Paris” flashes across the screens of the world, it will be the 100th film to come to audiences from famed producer Joe Pasternak. The occasion is being marked by congratulations from all sectors of the country, including a Special Citation from the Motion Picture Association of America, the central organization of the film business, to which all major companies belong. LIVE RADIO SPOTS 60-SECOND LIVE RADIO SPOT ANNOUNCER: What does a girl do in Paris that she doesn't do at home? She swings .... with a French accent! And nobody swings like Ann-Margret swings in “MADE IN PARIS"! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents .... “MADE IN PARIS,” starring Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan, Richard Crenna, Edie Adams and Chad Everett. ““MADE IN PARIS" is this year’s most delightful message picture — a message that any red-blooded American boy will get... . a message that any blue-blooded Frenchman will get... . and every girl will get the message, too—even if she’s never been to Paris. And what a Paris it is—from dazzling fashions to irresistible songs—the big, beautiful city of love comes alive with a beat—as a beautiful, young American girl learns about life, liberty and the pursuit of everything that's ““MADE IN PARIS." See ‘MADE IN PARIS’'—the loveliest things in the world are made there—in Panavision and MetroColor. It is fitting that this milestone in the career of Joe Pasternak should be signalized by an entertainment of stature. ‘““Made in Paris,” a spectacular musical directed by Boris Sagal, stars Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan, Richard Crenna, Edie Adams, Chad Everett and John McGiver. Pasternak, master of glamor, has gone all out to bedeck an exciting romance of the fashion world, from sophisticated New York locations to gilded Paris salons, with eye-filling beauty in authentic backgrounds of New York and Paris. The cameras have caught intimate shots of Paris bistros, the top Left Bank Discotheque night club, lavish apartments and vistas of the City of Light, all in rich color. The story of an American girl who takes over Paris with frugs, fashions and flirtations, lends itself to jet-speed action that never lets up. 30-SECOND LIVE RADIO SPOT ANNOUNCER: The loveliest things in the world are ‘‘MADE IN PARIS''—and “MADE IN PARIS" is the loveliest message picture of the year for any boy who's interested in any girl who's interested in any boy. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents . . . . “MADE IN PARIS'’—starring Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan, Richard Crenna, Edie Adams and Chad Everett. ““MADE IN PARIS’’—the swinging story of a beautiful American girl who becomes an overnight sensation in Paris! Get the message? Get the picture! In Panavision and MetroColor. ‘‘MADE IN PARIS''—This year's new look in fashion and fun! 20-SECOND LIVE RADIO SPOT ANNOUNCER: What does a girl do in Paris that she doesn't do at home? She swings—with a French accent! And nobody swings like Ann-Margret in “MADE IN PARIS." She's an overnight sensation as she learns about life, liberty and the pursuit of everything! See MGM's ‘‘MADE IN PARIS'’—the loveliest things in the world are made there—in Panavision and MetroColor. Pasternak, who won acclaim for his handling of last year’s Academy Award show, acknowledged the best in recent years, has many high light attractions among the 100 pictures he has produced, for instance 3c such memorable hits as “Hit The Deck,” “The Great Caruso,” “The E 10-SECOND LIVE RADIO SPOT Student Prince,” ‘Love Me or Leave Me,” and many others. But it ee is not his philosophy to look back or rest on his laurels. “Made in a ANNOUNCER: The loveliest things in the world are “MADE IN PARIS'"—the motion picture that was made Paris” his new MGM offering is for today’s youthful, swinging rg with lovers in mind. See Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan, Richard Crenna, Edie Adams and Chad Everett in MGM's audience, with songs and personalities alive with the excitements Sr MADE IN PARIS''—the most exciting new look in fashions—and fun ... in Panavision and MetroColor. of 1966! me