Platinum High School (MGM) (1960)

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Starts THURSDAY at 2 T TH EATR E Terror School! —for rich delinquents, after they had been thrown out of every other school. Explosive story of the private academy where money could buy a kid anything—even murder! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents MICKEY TERRY DAN ROONEY MOORE : DURYEA in An Albert Zugsmith Production PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL co-starring introducing YVETTE MIMIEUX CONWAY TWITTY M-G-M Records’ Singing Star Screen Play by ROBERT SMITH pm Bi a igs by HOWARD BRESLIN Produced by CHARLES HAAS RED DOFF Ad No. L-205—2 Cols. x 7!/."" (210 Lines) THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS Starts HURS Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents MICKEY ROONEY TERRY MOORE DAN DURYEA in AN ALBERT ZUGSMITH Production “PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL sc YVETTE MIMIEUX introducing CONWAY TWITTY Ad No. L-103 | Col. x 5" (70 Lines) She Mae gar Xe ROONEY... A VISITOR, LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH. Mickey ROONEY : Terr or : Schoo!; / 2 —last stop for the hoodlum brats pr ; of the wealthy, where $15,000 a year will ‘educate’ a car thief, 4 dope addict—or a murderer! THIS IS THE “PRINCIPAL”. . Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents in An Albert Zugsmith Production “PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL” co-starring ntroducin Yvette MIMIEUX Conway TWITTY teens NONELY B alve BOY Based On a Story by HOWARD BRESLIN Directed by CHARLES HAAS RED DOFF THEATRE ue AND THESE ARE THE STUDENTS} TERRY...THE DIPSO TEACHER, PRETTY, TIRED, AND MAD FOR MONEY. Terry Dan MOORE. DURYEA Screen Play by ROBERT SMITH Produced by Ad No. L-302—3 Cols. x 8"' (336 Lines) THEATRE Starts THURSDAY Car thieves, hit-and4 run, dopies...this 4 school accepts them ...for $15,000 a year! Mayet ores E a y Meh rhe 3 Beasty in MURDER majoring coe _starring TE ie _ Ad No. L-202—2 Cols. x 334,"' (106 Lines) THEATRE Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents MICKEY ROONEY TERRY MOORE DAN DURYEA in AN ALBERT ZUGSMITH Production “PLATINUM HIGH SC li ears YVETTE MIMIEUX introducing CONWAY TWITTY NEXT ATTRACTION Ad No. L-104 | Col. x 5" (70 Lines)