Platinum High School (MGM) (1960)

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TWO-COLOR HERALD 0 «16% ines $5.25 <=. thousand (FRONT COVER) IMPRINTED HERALDS Complete with theatre sig. playdates and co-feature etc. on back page as per sample: 1000. $ 9.25 SOU. 2 ee $22.25 2000) 25s $15.75 AQOO. ee $28.75 Each additional M.............. $6.50 Your check or money order must accompany order Please advise how to ship—if shipped parcel post. charges will be billed separately. All prices F.O0.B.—Order Direct from : CATO SHOW PRINTING CO., INC. ——— ee Cato, N. Y. PHONE: TRemont 8-0861 e tells all! on This daring mov} £ the PRINTING INDUSTRY CORP. OF AMERICA See the inside story O 555 West Adams Street, Chicago 6, Ill. very “Exclusive: Private School where money buy everything | oS 2 PHONE: ANdover 3-4777 (INSIDE SPREAD) THE TRUTH ABOUT A VERY “EXCLUSIVE” PRIVATE SCHOOL! “It's just like any other high school...except it costs a fortune ...and the teachers carry guns!” The store-keepers daughter! the ath of the speeding killer-cruiser! The midnight fight! I saw them do tt” | NETRO-COLDWYN-MAYER neu MICKEY TERRY DAN ROONEY MOORE DURYEA » AN ALBERT ZUGSMITH PRODUCTION Co-Starting YVETTE MIMIEUX CONWAY TWIITY o mr aRODER| SMITH Shur » CHARLES HAAS: see » RED DOFF a