Some Came Running (MGM) (1958)

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CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS’ HARD COVER BOOK EDITION Distribution reaches 7500 retail accounts including book sections of 600 top dept. stores Promotion minded Charles Seribner’s Sons, publishers of a complete and unabridged hardcover edition of SOME CAME RUNNING which sells for only $3.75, is doing a special movie promotion in connection with the MGM release of the picture. Special wrap around band, containing star photos and movie credits, will be sent to all of Charles Seribner’s Sons thousands of retail accounts across the country. These include book sections of more than 600 leading department stores. Make tie-ups with local book stores. Get window displays as well as interior displays with stills, posters, credit signs, ete. Find Charles Scribner’s Sons fieldman nearest you by consulting your telephone directory. He will help you plan a local promotion. If you require special assistance, write to: MRS. PEGGY WINSTON Charles Scribner’s Sons 597 Fifth Avenue New York 17, New York NATIONAL MAGAZINES MGM is backing up the release of SOME CAME RUNNING with a NATIONAL ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN that will advise countless millions via the most important national magazines that SOME CAME RUNNING will soon be seen on the nation’s motion picture screens, Listed below are some of the big magazines that are carrying ads on the picture. LIFE — A full page two-color ad appears in the December 22nd issue. This one reaches a readership of over 32,000,000! FAN MAGAZINES — All of the important fan magazines with a readership of over twelve million will carry ads in their January issues. These ads will have a real impact on your box-office because the people who read fan magazines are all movie-goers! PICTURE OF THE MONTH — This well-known, well-read column highlights SOME CAME RUNNING to over 65,000,000 readers in the December issues. It appears in the following top magazines: COSMOPOLITAN SATURDAY EVENING POST LOOK SEVENTEEN REDBOOK TRUE STORY Exhibitors can follow through on our national advertising campaign by using blowups or tearsheets of these ads for lobby displays. Get in touch with your magazine distributors, news dealers and other magazine outlets for promotions and other cooperation. MUSIC AND RADIO TIEUPS CAPITOL RECORDS Frank Sinatra has recorded the theme song — “To Love And Be Loved” for Capitol Records. This record is now in the hands of the nation’s dise jockeys and should get plenty of air time prior to your playdate. Get in touch with your local Capitol Record distributor and plan a promotion on a local level with the music stores, radio stations, juke box in your lobby, ete. SALUTE TO FRANK SINATRA and DEAN MARTIN Many stations welcome an idea for a program so why not give them a natural! Suggest that they play a salute to either Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin or both (built around their biography) and play their respective records from the beginning of their career to the present — SOME CAME RUNNING. There are many dise jockeys who are looking for such programming suggestions and at least one of your stations has a dise jockey who will go overboard for you. Don’t forget any programs of Italian music or dise jockeys of Italian descent! CONTESTS FOR D.J.’s Here are a few suggestions for radio contests: 1. Why I Came Running to see SOME CAME RUNNING at... . Theatre. 2. Writing the picture title or names of the stars on a two-cent post card. Most number of times wins. 3. Why I want to Love And Be Loved (song title). PROMOTION IDEAS GIRLS! TELL WHY FRANK SINATRA IS YOUR FAVORITE AND WIN PRIZES Frank Sinatra fans in your town will enthusiastically respond to this exciting but simple contest. Here’s what you do: Run still of Frank Sinatra in local newspaper and tell his fans to write, in 100 words or less, on the following subject: “Frank Sinatra is my favorite movie star because... .” Tie-up with local merchants and offer prizes and free admission to SOME CAME RUNNING for the best letters. Arrange to have some of the winning letters published in the newspapers, and try to get winners on local radio or TV show. They could discuss Frank Sinatra’s strong appeal to women and his spectacular rise to a position of one of Hollywood’s top money-making stars. Also, get cooperation of local Frank Sinatra fan club to ballyhoo the eontest. SINATRA PICTURES From your own or newspaper files, and from National Screen Service, obtain stills of Frank Sinatra in key scenes from some of his most important pictures. Use them in a _ lobby montage, with stills from the picture as center art and the line: ‘“‘Now! Frank Sinatra at his greatest in SOME CAME RUNNING!” SINATRA CONTEST These same, or similar, stills might be used in a newspaper, TV, lobby contest in which the fans identify the star’s films and, to avoid ties, submit 25-word letters on why they want to see him in SOME CAME RUNNING. For a list of Sinatra’s movies, check the listings in the Motien Picture Almanac or Trade Papers. STAR STILLS Frank Sinatra star stills suitable for men’s shop windows include the following: Still #119, #137, #138. Remember, please, there can be no real or implied star endorsement. ys TITLE PERFECT FOR CO-OP ADS Talk to the merchants in town about running a page or two of co-op ads in which the film title is used. Stores having special bargain days (January White Sale) could use the following copy: “Some Came Running to shop and save during Bargain Week at the following stores (list stores). Run to see MGM’s SOME CAME RUNNING now at the.... STICK SIGNS IN SNOW BANKS There'll be lots of snow and ice during the cold weather. Turn it to advantage by placing stick signs in snow banks, sniping cards around town and making it known in other ways that while it is winter outside, there’s a “heat wave” in your theatre. Everybody’s running to see SOME CAME RUNNING! All accessories must be made locally. Theatre.” WHO WILL BE “MISS LUCKY NEW YEAR’’? Angles for theatres with New Year’s playdate: Promote a page of co-op store ads. Include a photo contest announcing that all the gifts will go to the girl selected as “Miss Lucky New Year.’? Judging can be done on basis of charm, personality, ete. Or, award the advertised gifts to the girl who writes the best letter on “What I Want Most in 1959.” Still another contest subject—award the merchandise to the girl submitting the “Best Set of New Year’s Resolutions.”? Or announce the first specified number of girls in line at opening New Year’s Day performance, will be admitted free. GET SOLIDLY BEHIND SHEET MUSIC The cover of this tie-in song (shown here in reduced size ) SONG FROM ‘SOME CAME RUNNING” (To Love And Be Loved) Music by JAMES VAN HEUSEN is in color and carries picture irk oy saweny cae FRANK SINATRA; tually, window and interior disDEAN MARTIN SHIRLEY M:c LAINE accompaniment on local radio W-6 M rues A S08 ©. SIEGEL PRODUCTION and TV shows. title and stars credit. Get in touch with your local music dealers at once and plan mu plays utilizing song sheets, tiein stills and posters, and your credits. Also, try to have local vocalist sing song with piano “SOME CAME RUNNING’ --MARTHA HYER ARTHUR KENNEDY Plan a dynamic, overall campaign which combines sheet music, record and other music promotion. BEN BARTON Barton Music Corp. 1619 Broadway New York City NANCY BATES ~ LE DANA ft JOHN PATRICK wg ant SHEER —_i pw