Some Came Running (MGM) (1958)

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r touch me again—I'm_ MGM presents PREMADE SEURLEY SINATRA: MARTIN. . Ma LAINE m SOL C. SIEGEL'S PRODUCTION a+ “SOME CAME RUNNING’ wtQARTHA ARTHUR RANGY AYER KENBRIEDY GATES -tcora oan Screen Play by JOHN PATRICK and ARTHUR SHEEKMAN tesed on the Novel by JAMES JONES in CinemaScope ond METROCOLOR © Directed by VINCENTE MINNELLI Photographic lenses by Ponavision AD NO. 2001—140 Lines (2 Cols. x 70 Lines) MGM presents PREG OHIRLEY SINATRA -MARTIN: Mic LAINE in » SOL C. SIEGEL'S ato ides 5 Be u | ap E e U N Pe i N G vn MARTHA ARTHUR NANCY HYER KENNEDY GATES LEORA DANA SciceniPiay by JOHN PATRICK ong ARTHUR SHEEKMAN sosed on the Nove! by JAMES JONES in CinemaScope and METROCOLOR * Direcied by VINCENTE MINNELLI Photogrophic lenses by P AD NO. 2003—140 Lines (2 Cols. x 7O Lines) "| got nothin’ > against Ginny but even she knows she: sapig!" RAN BEAN SHIRLEY SINATRA‘MARTIN: Mc LAINE “SOME CAME RUNNING’ wn MARTHA ARTHUR NANCY _HYER KENNEDY GATES. vom om Sere y JOHN PATRICK ond ARTHUR SHEEKMAN tosed on the Novel by JAMES JONES in CinemaScope ond METROCOLOR * Directed by VINCENTE MINNELLI | AD NO. 2002—140 Lines (2 Cols. x 70 Lines) ORDER FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE