The Prize (MGM) (1963)

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PRE-SELL ‘THE PRIZE" GOURMET FOODS FROM SWEDEN! WITH THESE den 10 december 1963 a GRAND HOTEL STOCKHOLM FAMOUS RECIPES SUPREME DE POULET FARCI A LA ROYAL for 8 persons Take 4 chickens and remove the bones from breast and legs. Stuff it. The Stuffing: The breast of half a hen is cut finely and sifted. Cool the mixture. Add approx. 100 grams finely sifted goose liver paste to the mixture together with approx. half an egg white. Stir in approx. 4 dl cream in the mixture until it is smooth and thick. Season with mixed spices. Cognac and Madeira, When breast and legs are stuffed, bread in Mie de pain. Fry in butter (clear butter without butter-milk) . The big bone of the leg should be left in. Served with cream-stewed mushrooms and truffle sauce. Asparagus, peas and Sherry sauce. * CHARLOTTE A LA ROYAL Consisting of: Pineapple Sorbet, Curacao Parfait/Ice Cream/ Almond tube-formed pastries filled with Grand Marnier liquor cream Small puff-paste cakes Thin almond meringue bottom The pineapple sorbet and the Curacao parfait are frozen together in a Charlotte mould. When ready the ice is placed on a meringue bottom. The filled almond pastries are placed as pillars around the ice cream and on top of it the candied grapes. Decorated with small rosettes of cream round the bottom and in these the pastries are placed. Decorate the top with thin cream grating and candied violets. A thin lay of spinned sugar over the whole dish. Candied grapes As a result of the exceptional coverage on the women’s editor kits for “THE V.I.P.s,” and “THE WHEELER DEALERS,” MGM has decided to concentrate on food for “THE PRIZE” as a change of pace, particularly since the Swedish are known for their delicacies. We have been most fortunate in having the cooperation of the Swedish Information Service, who are responsible for all the material you see here. We asked for special recipes from the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, plus a picture of the chef. We requested the menu of the dinner served the Nobel Laureates at City Hall in Stockholm, which is attended by the King and Queen of Sweden. Everything included here has been sent direct to us from Stockholm, and is authentic, from the comments of the gentleman responsible for catering the dinner, to the specialties of the chef. Also to be included in the women’s editor kits, will be some outstanding recipes from the Gripsholm in New York City, the “authentic” Swedish Restaurant. CA) THE NOBEL BANQUET GO Comments by the caterer, Mr. Verner Nyberg, operator of the Stadshuskallaren restaurant in the Stockholm City Hall: “We begin to prepare for the Nobel banquet about one week in advance. There is a great deal to be done but we have the routine—my restaurant handles all the big dinners and banquets in the City Hall. The Nobel banquet is certainly one of the most exclusive of the annual affairs in the City Hall, but it isn’t the biggest. There have been other events where we have had to serve more than 2,800 guests. “During the Nobel banquet some 800 guests—Nobel laureates, the King and the Royal family, distinguished statesmen, writers and scientists from Sweden and abroad —eat in the ‘Golden Hall’ on the second floor of the City Hall. Some 600 members of the student choirs are served downstairs in the huge ‘Blue Hall.’ “The service staff numbers some 280 persons, including 20 cooks and 140 waiters. We figured out one year that the table settings included about 45,000 items—plates, glasses, cups, and table ware. 2,000 flowers, carnations and mimosa, and 600 live candles in table and floor candelabras add festivity to the banquet. “The dinner, which starts at 7 p.m. sharp, is usually over in about one hour and a half. A buffet supper is served later in the evening.” a IMPORTANT! CONTACT your local Epicure or Fancy Grocery shops to tie-in with the many Swedish specialties that are imported and carried throughout the country. If there is a Swedish restaurant in your locale, it would be a “natural,” if not, any fine restaurant would be interested in featuring some of these recipes.