The Prize (MGM) (1963)

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MEIROfil DWYNMAYER presents PAUL NEWMAN in cove, Iv DANGER...IN THE BOLD NEW LOOK IN THRILLERS! Co-starring screenplay b e novel by direct ERNEST HAN RANG LAE ulRK ROBSON A PANDRO SBERMAN PRODUCTION =: pasion’ snsMETROCOLOR i EB PARR Se ELKE oD M M ER (Glamorous New Star Discovery) DIANE DARER Mit F-GERARD OURY-SERGIO FANTONT ven cc EDWARD f ROBINSON... The big best seller becomes a sizzling screen thriller! Ad No. 41 |—540 Lines (4 Cols. x 135 Lines) METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents PAUL NEWMAN in love, in danger,. in the flesh! "PRIZ E SOMMER UNMRDEROBSON AMOEBog near ne Ad No. 228—100 Lines (2 Cols. x 50 Lines) LD NEW LOOK IN LOVE AND PAUL NEWMAN The big best-seller becomes RA ae a sizzling i) ee screen thriller! Lote A rT Re Ad No. 214—110 Lines (2 Cols. x 55 Lines)