The Prize (MGM) (1963)

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METRO-GOLDWHN AER mn PAUL NEWM AN IN DANGER, IN LOVE, IN THE BOLD NEW LOOK IN THILLERS! E c IRVING "Wl WALLACE | A 4 ‘Th Co-starring = the sensational |i best-seller becomes me M M i a headline-hot picture! a ca | (Glamorous New Star Discovery) ee DIANE BAKER; MICHE E-GERARD OURYSERGIO FANTON uh uccu FOWARD f ROBINSON... FRE | based on the novel by —directe THMAN RING WALLACE MRK ROBSON. APINORO BERMAN PRODUCTION is rawrsov snaETROCOLOR 7 ee ey alas ee er = Ad No. 358—355 Lines (3 Cols. x 118 Lines) PEOPLE GO TO NUDIST MEETINGS FOR VARIOUS REASONS ..his was MURDER! VETRO-GOLDWNAVE yan : as cies PAUL NEWMAN Be Ear “EBRIZE (0: starring FLKE SOMMER yc ouer woene rsp us se Un EDWARD GLROBINSON.... _. NEIL CMAN RANGA ar ROBSON. A PANDRO S BERMAN PRODUCTION and METROCOLOR Ad No. 306—210 Lines (3 Cols. x 70 Lines) Also Available Ad No. 407—372 Lines (4 Cols. x 93 Lines) RADIO ANNO 1 MINUTE LIVE ANNOUNCER: It’s Paul Newman in love... in danger... in Stockholm. Paul Newman in the new MGM movie, ‘‘The Prize.” Now the bold best-seller becomes the big bold movie in Panavision and Metrocolor. See Paul Newman, as a hard-bitten woman chaser on the prowl in Stockholm. New star Elke Sommer, as the cool Swedish beauty who teaches him the facts of life. And Edward G. Robinson as the mystery-man who plunges them both into a nightmare of international intrigue. If you like to laugh, you'll love ‘‘The Prize.’’ If you go for action, go see ‘‘The Prize.” And ... if you've ever wondered what goes on at a Swedish nudist meeting, wait till you see Paul Newman in ‘‘The Prize.” Yes, it’s Paul Newman with the world at his feet, a girl in his arms and a knife at his back. Paul Newman, finding Stockholm a nice place to love in . . . a tough place to stay alive in! Don’t miss “The Prize’’—the movie with the bold new look in love and suspense. 30-SECOND LIVE ANNOUNCER: Do Swedish girls really know more about the facts of life than we do? You'll find out when you see Paul Newman in ‘‘The Prize.’’ Now the bold best-seller becomes the big bold movie—in Panavision and Metrocolor,. ‘‘The Prize’’ brings you Paul Newman, up to his neck in wine, women and danger. Paul Newman, down to essentials at a Swedish nudist meeting. If you go for action, go see ‘‘The Prize’’—co-starring Elke Sommer and Edward G. Robinson. ‘‘The Prize’? MGM’s bold new look in love and suspense. 20-SECOND LIVE ANNOUNCER: See Paul Newman in love... .in danger .. . (BEAT) inside a Swedish nudist meeting. See Paul Newman in ‘‘The Prize’’—the big bold movie from MGM. Co-starring Elke Sommer and Edward G. Robinson . . . in Panavision and Metrocolor. 10-SECOND LIVE ANNOUNCER: Do Swedish girls know more about the facts of life than we do? You'll find out when you see Paul Newman in ‘The Prize.’ In Panavision and Metrocolor from MGM.