The Prize (MGM) (1963)

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OLDWYN-MAYER present PAUL NEWMAN IN DANGER! IN LOVE! IN THE BOLD NEW LOOK IN SUSPENSE! Co-starri ng ELE SOMMER: Glamorous New Star Discovery) as Dr Stratman PANAVISION® and METROCOLOR hore Ey, A a REE Ad No. | |O—100 Lines as ade hal TERRIFYING SUSPENSE Mr. Craig... _ history's _ most coveted your personal choice of NEWMAN Oh Dip | “PRIZE Co-starring ELKE SOMMER Glamorous New Star Discovery) = a sizzling DIANE BAKER MICH F-GERERD QURY: SERGIO FANTONT kh cm = EDWARD i ROBINSON. an FRI Ft ‘eiMAN RN WALLACE MRK ROBSON A PANDRO §, BERMAN — in Panavision’ ard METROGOLOR ‘ Ad No. 213—200 Lines (2 Cols. x 100 Lines) METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER resets PAUL NEWMAN He ordered a martini... kissed a girl... and was plunged into a nightmare the bold new book in love and suspense! Co-starring ELKE SOMMER DME BIA ACKEUNE PELE ERERD OURY SERIO FANT inc EDWARD H ROBINSON as Dr Stratman as HMA RING A MARK ROBSON a 5 BERMAN PRODUCTION in PANAVISION" and METROCOLOR ‘GE Shis Es Ay Te oR EE Ad No. 308—375 Lines (3 Cols. x 125 Lines) PEOPLE GO TO NUDIST MEETINGS FOR VARIOUS REASONS .his was MURDER! in love, in danger in an adventure of terrifying suspense ! becomes a bold / IE-GERARD OURY-SERGIO FANIONI-iitucciaiy «=«“‘SCreen izzleert / “=i i ah O. ROBINSON. as Dr. Stratman ST (EIMAN RNG WALACE MARK ROBSON APANOROS BERMAN PRODUCION in PANAVISION® and METROGOLOR ia PA Roads AE Ad No. 312—200 Lines (3 Cols. x 66 Lines)