The Secret Partner (MGM) (1961)

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COMPLETE CAMPAIGN MAT All of These Ad and Scene Cuts On One Mat TH EATRE ae “ MeG-M presents FEAR M-G-M presents vi Ma eta HARARE atts. | STEWART GRANGER HAVA HARARE SUSPENSE? M-G-M presents STEWART GRANGER HAYA HARAREET SecreT PARINER EN AS THe Secret Part eR PAST! tN gr Gea i HARE e | te Secrel PART eR if ESE me a Ad No. 210—28 Lines (2 Cols. x 14 ca | THEATRE eee Ne STEWART GRANGER HAYA HARAREET STAR OF ‘‘BEN-HUR"” “tut SEGREE PARTNER: BERNARD LEE Ad No. L-101 | Col. x 2" (28 Lines) STE FART a HAYA HARAREET ou. M ov HAYA ine RR Fine EE SECRET Ad No. 114 "Ad No. 113 14 Lines (I Col. x 14 Lines) 28 Lines (I Col. x 28 Lines) FS ia ne THEATRE soz The NEW SUSPENSE ® SENSATION! M-G-M presents STEWART GRANGER HAYA HARAREET ~the SeOnet PARINER BERNARD LEE Ad No. L-201—2 Cols. x 2!/2"' (70 Lines) Stewart Granger and Haya Harareet, as husband and wife in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s dramatic thriller, ‘*The Secret Partner.’ Bernard Lee also stars in the spine-tingling romantic mystery film. Ad No. L-102 Mat |-B | Col. x 3" (42 Lines) '*-. You must findithe secret before it finds YOU! Stewart Granger, finding his wife, Haya Harareet, in the Oparte ese oS a a ene ‘seein proses mend of loka Lec: cals the tcl lieu card te prevent any interBernard Lee s<t*" David Pursall and Jack Seddon ***"s: Basil Dearden ° Michael Relph ference with what he plans to do about the situation. The scene is from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s dramatic thriller, T Woe ‘ TRE “The Secret Partner.’ Bernard Lee also stars in the spine tingling romantic mystery film. _ Mat 2-D : ‘Ad No. 10. 206200 coe (2 Cols. x “100 oe COMPOSITE AD AND C A M NO Individual Mats Pictured Above May be Ordered Singly (By Numbers SPE : L AT e 1 Indicated) At Regular Prices from NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE PUBLICITY MAT