Behind the Mask (Monogram) (1946)

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PUBLICITY stat *ay * < + ET? * Ricr un Sg say THE SHADOW KNOWS ALL, BUT CAN'T LOCATE HIS CLOTHES “Ha-ha, the Shadow knows” is the cackling trade talk of the mystery sleuth of fiction, radio and screen when he has a puzzling crime to solve. But on the set of Monogram’s “Behind the Mask,’ Kane Richmond as the Shadow didn’t even know where to find his own cg mask and cape. Richmond went up to his dressing* Behind The Mask” room to don his somber outfit for a 1] scene in the film, but when he | looked in his closet he didn’t find | a trace of his outfit. Puzzled, he checked with the head of the wardrobe department, the make-up man and wardrobe attendant on the set, | but none recalled seeing his outfit | around. shooting for a while,” to director Phil Karlson, after a frantic search disclosed nary a clue. “What kind of a Shadow have I| got, who doesn’t even know where} er Joe Kaufman when news reached | him of the missing garments. cameraman, grips, sound engineer | and everyone else on the set joined | in the hunt, but all they gathered | was dust. Dejected, Kane Richmond was | about to give up the fruitless quest | when he heard a thud outside his | just about to marry Barbara Reed | dressing room, followed by a soprano shriek. Quickly he ran to the door and peered out. A dark heap lay on the floor. ‘““‘Why, that’s my outfit this guy is wearing,’ said Kane, aS he bent over the fallen figure. “At last I’ve prit.” He tore the mask off, and gave an astonished jump. It was Barbara Reed, his co-starring leading lady, rigged up in his black gown, | trousers and hat. “Darn it,” she laughed, “if your pants weren’t so long I wouldn’t have tripped, and I could have had a little more fun.” In spite of lost time the whole} company got a good laugh, and Richmond’s outfit looked so humor| ously oversized on Miss Reed that it was made part of the script. “Behind the Mask,” second of the new Shadow series, comes to the on ROAR OF PRESS) The murder of a newspaper col umnist is solved by the Shadow, as} played by Kane Richmond, in Monogram’s suspense hit, Mask,” now at the atre. Barbara Reed is co-starred in the Joe Kaufman production, based | on the copyrighted stories published | in the Shadow Magazine. HOW ABOUT A KISS? Inspector Joseph Crehan appears flustered by Barbara Reed’s romantic gleam in Monogram’s hilarious mystery, “Behind the Mask,’ now at the theatre. Kane Richmond co-stars with Miss Reed in the latest Shadotv. thriller. One Col. Scene Mat No. S-1l “You'll have to hold up the | reported Kane | The | got the cul-| “Behind the | the| Brings Shadow (Advance) | | | The murder of a newspaper columnist by someone disguised as the | Shadow brings the real Shadow back into action in Monogram’s “Behind | the Mask,” second of the new ser| les based on the copyrighted stories | published in the Shadow Magazine. |The film, co-starring Kane Rich | mond and Barbara Reed, comes to | his own clothes are?” asked produc| theatre on | of the season. Kane Richmond is the happy-golucky playboy nephew of the police | commissioner, with an adventurous streak for solving crime in his afterdark sleuthing as the Shadow. He’s | when he learns that a newspaper | writer has been killed by a person wearing the Shadow’s costume. This halts the marriage until Richmond can investigate and bring the culprit to justice. One of the hilarious mo/ments of the drama comes when /Barbara Reed puts on her own Shadow outfit and runs into many | hair-raising situations. | George Chandler is seen as the Shadow’s chauffeur, and _ Pierre | Watkin as the police commissioner. | Joyce Compton are among those in | the supporting cast. Phil Karlson directed the screenplay of George Callahan from an | original story by Arthur Hoerl, and | William Sickner was the photog-| 'rapher. The film was produced by Joe Kaufman. Shadow Director Scares Daughter | Jill, the five-year-old daughter of Phil Karlson, Monogram director of the latest Shadow mystery drama, “Behind the Mask,’ doesn’t care how scarey her father makes his | pictures as long as he keeps his eerie | characters in the script, and doesn’t | | bring them home with him. Recently, at three o’clock in the |; morning, Jill slipped into her mother’s bedroom and whispered, ‘‘There was a man in my bedroom a few /moments ago.’ Mrs. Karlson as been her imagination. However, when muddy footprints were discovered on the floor, the po|lice were called in to investigate. But the minions of the law never caught the prowler because the foot| prints turned out to belong to Karl|/son, who had dropped in to his was sleeping soundly. “You shouldn’t read those Shadow scripts,’ Jill cautioned her father. “They're giving you too many ideas.” “Behind the Mask,” co-starring Kane Richmond and Barbara Reed, | opens at theses, theatre. SHADOW'S SHADOW A killer masquerading in the costume-of “the Shadow” gets the real | Shadow, as played by Kane Richmond, huge racket in Monogram’s “Behind the Mask,” now at the ........ theatre. The Joe Kaufman production co-stars Barbara Reed with Rich| mond. with a story which makes it one of | | the most humorous mystery dramas | | Dorothea Kent, Joseph Crehan, Rob;ert Shayne, June Clyde, James| Cardwell, Marjorie Hoshelle and sured her daugher that it must have | daughter’s bedroom to see that she | involved in murder and a) YOU LITTLE SNOOPER! | Kane } | | swer. Richmond mocks co-star Barbara Reed and Dorothea Kent for eavesdropping on his revealing talk ‘vith June Clyde in Monogram’s hilarious mystery, “Behind The Mask,” newest Shadow drama due at the theatre. Two Column Scene Mat No. S-21 4 SERVICE RANK PROBLEM SOLVED BY OFFICERS' WIFE Military rank has no significance to pretty, blonde June Clyde. Officers and enlisted personnel don’t usually mix at private parties, but that didn’t disturb the actress, who is currently seen in Monogram’s mystery thriller, Mask,” now at the It was at Christmas time during “Behind the theatre. World War II that Miss Clyde found | screenplay was adapted from Arthur herself at bomb-battered Aachen) Hoerl’s original story based on the with an entertainment troupe. and the other members of the theatrical group decided to Christmas party. They cornered all) the tobacco and drinks they could, and even found a. tiny tree, which | | they decorated with their hair orna| | ments. | By lucky coincidence, June’s hus| band, Lieutenant Colonel Thornton | Freeland, was in the area, and he | thought he could get away to join | the party. His enterprising wife | told him that a couple of three-star | generals and other high officials | {had been invited, as well as some | enlisted men. “But you can’t do that,” | | June’s of| ficer hubby insisted. | “Just leave it to me,’ was the an| And it worked! When the mil| itary guests of all ranks arrived, |they found June and Mary Brian, also a member of the troupe, standing at the doors with MP bands on their arms. Beside them was a huge | sign which read, in big black letters, “Leave All Rank Here.” Stars, eagles and various insignia came off and were tossed into a bas| ket. The music started, wine flowed, | everyone forgot about rank, and all went without embarrassment into a real ‘Merry Christmas.” Kane Richmond and Barbara Reed are co-starred in the latest Shadow mystery thriller, which Phil Karlson directed. Joe Kaufman _ produced “Behind the Mask,’ and the NAME CHANGE Barbara Reed, who co-stars with Kane Richmond in Monogram’s latest Shadow mystery comedy drama, “Behind the Mask,” was forced to change her name because it was so constantly misspelled. Though she first attracted rave notices as Barbara R-E-A-D in “Three Smart Girls,’ she discovered that everyone spelled her last name R-E-E-D. At first, the actress attempted to correct this error, but she got so tired of doing it that she decided to spell her name that way, too. Miss Reed will be seen in the Joe Kaufman production next at the theatre. Phil Karlson directed. She | copyrighted stories published in the | Shadow Magazine. George Callahan give a!wrote the screenplay. Business Suit Is Bathing Trunks In Sunny California one can carry on his business attired in a swimming suit—at least that’s what actor Kane Richmond wears. Though he dons black mask and cape as the “Shadow” in the Monogram mystery series, Richmond puts on an abbreviated beach costume for his betweenpictures business. He operates a series of beach concessions which permit the informal] attire. “Behind the Mask,” now at the , co-stars Richmond and Barbara Reed. | STAY PUT! | |currently at the Bar '‘Kane Richmond tells co-star |/bara Reed to stay where she is _ while he investigates a clue in |Monogram’s hilarious Shadow de| tective drama, “Behind the Mask,” theatre. One Col. Scene Mat No. S-2