Convict's Code (Monogram) (1939)

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SAYBURY DEALERS JEWELRY TIE-UP COMPLETES EXPLOIT ROBE WORN | MERCHANDISING SET-UP! BY ANNE NAGEL! The manufacturers of the Saybury Hostess Robe are one of the most aggressive merchandising concerns in business today. They have exploited the fact that Anne Nagel wears one of their robes widely and the more than 600 stores featuring the Saybury line have been acquainted with the value of this promotion. Display material of several types offer stores a select choice of advertising accessories that do the job they were intended for — that of selling Saybury Robes and calling the attention of the public to Anne Nagel and the picture in which she is starred. You can obtain a complete list of dealers from: JOSEPH S. EDELMAN STERLING ADVERTISING AGENCY 70 WEST 40th STREET NEW YORK CITY How To Pack Them In! o-6 SET up a sign in your lobby during the run of ''Convict's Code" offering free passes for forthcoming attractions to ticket-holders. whose number matches that displayed on the board. Have your sign painter letter the numbers in a similar (977241 [aarel style to that used by police departments and penal institutions in identifying crim inals. In this simple way you can tie it in neatly with the subject of your show. e-@ PRINT up locally cards of the type illustrated here and on the back have credits and playdate imprint. Immediately you identify the theme of your picture and put across the fact that you have a walloping action-film on your screen. The cost is comparatively small and accordingly the results will be great. Hop to it now and start the ticketchopper working overtime. e-@ A SUGGESTION for a display board in your lobby would be one along the lines shown here. Your art shop can paint a gun, with smoke curling and copy imprinted over it. Take catchlines from ads if you wish, and cover the sensational angles fully. Long experience with melodramas of this type has proven to exhibitors that lurid lobby displays, well in advance of the showing, do much to encourage patronage. THE INFAMOUS PAROLE RACHET=O EXPOSED AT LAST! CL Every conceivable type of merchandise has been tied into the “Convict’s Code’ campaign, and chief among them is the two-way jewelry promotion. Anne Nagel has been _ photographed with the famous Coro strand of pearls and the newest in a crystal brooch. There are thousands of specialty shops, department stores and retail costume jewelry dealers featuring them, and they are being supplied with advertising and display material. Available are 8 x 10" easelbacked displays for counters and windows; merely specify the quantity you require. Address inquiries to: MRS. B. TAYLOR COHN & ROSENBERGER 47 WEST 34th STREET NEW YORK CITY TWO UNIQUE POSTAL TELLY SERVICES! For showmen willing to expend a limited sum in exploitation, the two Postal Telegraph showmanship services come highly recommended. Postal Telly photo-news sheets guarantee you window space in local Telegraph Flashes Postal Telegraph printed in two colors, Telephone Your Telegrams Photo-News Service offices. News are size 14” x 17’, and consist of pic torial and type display matter. $3.50 for 10 flashes; $7.50 for 25; $12 for 15; $20 for 100. Prices: You can have special heralds delivered by uniformed Postal messengers with distribution and pick-up of all mes$4 per M; $3.75 per M, from 3M to 5M; $3.50 per M, over 5M. sages. Prices: Exposing the Parole Racket! Anne Nagel and Robert Kent in "Convict's Code™ Order from: POSTAL TELEGRAPH GUIDE 225 WEST 39th STREET NEW YORK CITY FULL COLOR POSTERS for Rent! DeLuxe poster and bannerette displays are now available to you at simple rental rates. Created with an eye to catching the attention of the masses, they are made by a handsome oil-paint process and simplify your display problems. Make certain that your lobby advertises “Convict’s Code” well in advance of your premiere. These rental posters will do the job for you. Complete information from: NATIONAL SCREEN ACCESSORIES 525. WEST 43rd STREET NEW YORK CITY