Freckles Comes Home (Monogram) (1942)

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There’s No Place Like Home (?) ... especially when gangsters put you on the spot, the sheriff accuses you of murder, and the girl friend falls in love with a confidence man. Everything happens to Freckles when he comes home from college! DOWNS FRECKLES COMES HOME’ GALE STORM MANTAN MORELAND IRVING BACON BRADLEY PAGE A MONOGRAM PICTURE Produced by LINDSLEY PARSONS : Screenplay by EDMOND KELSO Suggested by rect Directed by JEAN YARBROUGH |, by JEANNETTE STRATTONPORTER Two Column Cut or Mat No. 17 One Col. Cut or Mat No. 7 WAKE UP AND GRIN! * Forget your jitters, say goodbye to the blues and enjoy a hearty laugh and a romantic thrill with the lovable people of Jeannette Stratton -Porter’s famous novel/ DOWNS ‘FRECKLES COMES HOME” + og” GALE STORM MANTAN MORELAND MWecwee IRVING BACON BRADLEY PAGE One Col. Cut or Mat No. 8 Is The Word For Them! . the delightful youngsters, the lovable characters of this grand story of small town life! ME GALE STORM ~ MANTAN MORELAND IRVING BACON~BRADLEY PAGE A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Cut or Mat No. 6 “Woman, You Bother Me Strangely!” He’s fresh from college and she’s just plain fresh...two delightful puppy levers os hardly stop fighting long es . enough for a kiss! MONOGRAM PICTURES ‘FRECKLES (OMES HOME GALE STORM « MANTAN MORELAND IRVING BACON » BRADLEY PACE Two Column Cut or Mat No. 18